Finding her father's Killer

1528 Words
"Mom, I prepared jollof rice, wake up let's eat," Fiona says. "You did, but am not hungry," her mother reply.. "No excuse mom, stand up let's eat first," Fiona says again. "Am not hungry Fiona, I cannot believe your father is really gone" her mother starts crying again. "He's indeed a nice man. Who did he offend?" her mother starts again with her tears. "Mom!" Fiona face twists in irritation. "Fine since you don't want to eat, Am going out to eat my food alone, before it gets cold," she walks out from her mother's room and walks back to the parlour to eat her own food. She remembers she hears her father mentioned, "Silas!, what're you here?!" before her mother returns from the market and found him dead. She would have stepped out, but she's in the kitchen preparing their dinner and later retires to her room to wait for her mother to return before they had dinner only to find her father murdered in cold blood. She wipes the corner of her eyes and decides to find her father's killer herself. She knows whoever the killer is, is someone that works in the council with her father and she must fish him out and kill him too for killing her father. Fiona finishes her food and stares to their wall clock in her chamber, it's already ,after 11pm and her mother has still refused to eat. She stands up from the couch and walks into the kitchen to warm up her mother's meal again. She cannot sleep knowing that her mother hasn't eaten anything throughout the day. She warm the food and serve it as she takes it to her mother's room to feed her herself. "Mom!" she knocks as she step in carrying the tray of food and walking closer to the bed. "Fiona, Why're you still here?" Mrs Gloria question as she stirs up on the bed. "I cannot sleep knowing you have not eaten anything too" Fiona respond as she walks closer to the bed and place the tray of food on top of her parent bed. They're poor but try still try to live up to average standard living. "Fiona, I told you am not hungry, but you won't listen!" her mother complain but Fiona remains quiet. "Am not sleeping if you don't eat mother. you too cannot die and live only me in this world.," "Am not dying!." "Then eat your food" Fiona respond and her mother sighs. The Aroma of the food wakes up her grumbling stomach and she sighs and drags the tray closer to eat. "Is just that..." "Mom is okay" Fiona cuts her of. "Hmm," her mother starts eating. "Weren't you home with your father. Didn't you see anyone step into the house to see him or visit him after I left?" Mrs Gloria question. "No mother, I was in the kitchen and after that I retire to my room." Fiona cannot bring herself to tell her mother the truth that she actually heard her father mentioned "Silas." She isn't even sure if she heard the name correctly and she doubt her mother's knows anyone in the council by such name. "Hmm" Mrs Gloria sighs and continue eating her food, slowly until she's filled eating half of the meal. She pushes the tray of food back to Fiona, "take it out am not hungry again." Fiona sighs and stands up and she carries the tray of food and step down from her parent's bed. "Goodnight mom" she says. "Goodnight my child," Mrs Gloria watch her leave and stands up and walks to use the restroom before retiring to sleep. She wasn't able to sleep either but she's determined to sleep as her eyes are already swollen as a result of her much sobs. The following morning, as Fiona is outside in her father's open compound sweeping, she sees a car pulls to a stop and the driver steps down while she pause her sweep and stares to the car driver. "Good morning your majesty," she greets King Donald who arrive to pay them a visit. He cannot keep calm as he's so eager to visit the beautiful white woman and her daughter. His eyes scans the young lady greeting him and he remembers she's the same person that was without her bra the previous day and she has big boobs too. "Where's your mother?" he ask her, as he approach with two guards standing behind him. "She's inside your majesty" Fiona respond, not liking how the elderly man scans her. "Okay" he respond and stares to their old looking house not wanting to step in. "Tell her that his majesty is here to see her and I bring food stuffs for you both to bear as my condolence visit." Fiona's brows furrows as a deep frown settled on her face. "Go in quick and call your mother out," The guard thunders at her and the king respond, "Is okay Silas, here she comes." "Silas.." The name ring in her brain remembering he's the same person her father screamed his name when he arrived their home. So was he the one who killed her father, but why?, she wonders as she stares to the guard and the rest of the two guards standing beside him as one car is parked closer inside her late father's compound, and the other car is parked on the street. "Good morning, your majesty" her mother greets the king as she steps out, startling her own gaze away and she sees the way the king smiles sweetly to her mother. "How was your night?" King Donald ask the beautiful white woman in front of him. Despite seeing that she gave birth to only one child she still looks beautiful and extremely curvy, just that her face shows that she's very much older. "My night was fine your majesty. Thank you for yesterday and for releasing us*" her mother thanks the king and he smiles. "That's the least I Here I actually brought, I hope you will like them," King Donald says. "Oh thank you, I'll appreciate it" her mother reply and the king says, "Silas!." Fiona stares to the guard name Silas, her eyes deepen in anger, but she keeps her cool and watch as the guard Instruct two other guards to drive in the second carry into their open compound. Some of their neighbors already gathered in their compound, peeking their heads out from their passage and open compound staring at them. The two guards offload all the food stuff from the second car and they carries it straight into her late father's house, while she and her mother stands staring at the guards offloading the car's trunk. "Done your majesty!" The guards says as they step aside and walk back to the second car. "Thank you your majesty, May the lord bless," Her mother praises him while her brows furrows. "Is nothing. If you're in need of anything you let me know, I will he sending my trusted guard here Silas to come and be checking you time to time. I hope no one troubles you again?." "No, not at all," her mother respond. "Good, do take care. Chief Douglass meant a lot to me and this is the least of all I can do. Bye." Fiona and her mother are speechless as they watch the king return back into his car and the trusted guard starts the car and drives out of their open compound. So the neighbors start gathering. "I said it oo. Mrs Gloria actually killed her husband so she can marry the king, Wonder shall never end." Her mother quickly walks back into their house while Fiona stares to.the elderly and young women ranting. "Just which day did her husband died?, The King is already sending her gifts," Another neighbor rants. "Shut up Mommy Mary, Didn't you see that the king normal send gifts even when Chief was alive?" Another of their neighbors question. "When?!" Mommy Mary questions as she stares to Fiona in anger. Fiona quickly walks back into her late father's house living them ranting and gossiping. She also need to confirm from her mother if the king usually sends gift before as she doesn't like the way the king was staring lustfully at her mother. "Mom!," Fiona screams as she step into their parlour, shutting the door behind her.. "What's it Fiona?" Mrs Gloria ask standing by the entrance between the parlour and the corridor leading to all the rooms. "Why's the king sending us gifts?" Fiona ask staring at their parlour that's already filled with gifts. "I don't know Fiona, That's how the king normal send us gifts even when your father was alive." "What?. Then he's the one who killed father, so he can marry you, or didn't you see the way he was staring at you?." "Stop it Fiona!. And wipe your mouth, Don't you dare to mention that to anyone's hearing. The King will kill you right away for murder accusations" Mrs Gloria burst out crying and she rush back to the room she shares with her husband.
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