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NOLAN POV “Everyone kindly get seated so we can proceed.” Julian shouted so that everyone could hear him. “We are all gathered here to introduce some new members who moved into our pack recently. We call to the stage, Ocean Hayes and her pups, Jayden Hayes and Jade Hayes. Please come forward.” I watched as my beautiful mate walked to the stage holding the little ones. I smiled when I saw Jade waving the people. She was acting like a princess. Such a funny, cute girl. They stood in front of the crowd, who were all watching in silence. I could feel Ocean was so tense and nervous. I didn't know when I stood up from where I was sitting, and I walked over to her. “Calm down. You shouldn't show them you are tensed that way you will be accepted by everyone.” I whispered close to her ears, making her jump a little because she didn't know I was behind. I gave her a smile when she turned to look at me, and then I put on a straight face again as I walked to where Julian was standing. The moment he saw me, he moved aside. “Good day, everyone. I your alpha am here to introduce to you our new members. They are rogues who have nowhere to go. And we can't let them keep roaming about because it is really dangerous out there. So we have decided to make them our members. It is the right thing to do.” I said to everyone. Someone raised a hand in the crowd. “Yes let's hear what you have to say.” I said. It was a man who stood up. “I am not so comfortable with the idea of you bringing a stranger into our pack alpha, and i am sure that I am not the only one who thinks that.” he said, and I noticed some heads nodding in agreement with what he said. “And why is that if I may ask?” I asked. “She is a rogue, and you all know what a rogue can do. I mean, they lived in the wild and are definitely not stable. Who knows what this lady and her pups can do. They might even harm one of us. We need to think about these things. We shouldn't just look at their outward appearance and think they are weak.” he said. “Well thank you for your concern, but remember who I am, your alpha. I can never do something that will cause any harm to my pack members. I can't bring in a stranger without studying and knowing that person. Trust me, I have stayed with them for weeks, and I can stand proudly to tell you that they aren't dangerous.” I informed them. “But I am sure you can take them to another pack to stay there. Why here?” another member asked. “Where is the father of her kids? Are you sure she is not a spy because a she wolf can't leave the father of her kids.” another said. “What if she's dangerous?” “She looks creepy and scary?” “We can't allow a foreigner into our pack. We are okay with the way we are right now.” “Alpha please do something.” The noise kept increasing and increasing, and it was pissing me off. I didn't want to tell everyone who Ocean was, actually, but I am left with no choice. “EVERYONE SHUT UP RIGHT NOW. AND IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE A LUNA RAISE YOUR HANDS UP BECAUSE YOU ARE DISGRACING YOURSELF RIGHT INFRONT OF HER.”
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