Chapter 4: elevator

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Gabriel  It’s been 3 days now since I sent that text to Henry and she hasn’t replied, I wasn’t expecting one but I mean she should have replied.  My men told me she confronted them which pissed me the f**k off I mean that is so dangerous why would her guard let her do that, do they not care if she dies or are they just plain old stupid.  I sent my men to watch over her since I couldn’t be there myself and after what happened I guess I did right not trusting her fathers men money doesn’t work with people like them, also that child is a wild one a ginger wild one a sexy ginger at that.  “ boss your phone” said lopez pointing down at my pants making me confused.  “ what” I said looking down only to notice my phone is ringing and it was my little wild finger henry, I made Lopez leave the room before I answered her call.  “ Hunter” I said trying do sound a little soft for her didn’t work at all.  “ hu... never mind hi” she said giggling a little making my insides turn weirdly.  “ hi girl how are you” I said trying to hold the pet names I was thinking of corny.  “ I’m amazing you sir” she said I love it when she calls me sir.  “Me fine just but surprised that you are ringing me” I said as she never rings me and after the text I assumed she may be angry a little maybe.  “ well you are my boss and you said some days I think 3 days is some” she said making me grin knowing she wants to come back to work.  “ actually I said a few days but anyways is your father letting you come work for me” I said as I am willing to cut him.  “ I’m old enough to look after myself speaking of old enough your men I do not need them” she said sounding abit annoyed.  “ your a child henry and do you not” I said abit annoyed that she doesn’t see her guards are useless.  “ nope I have enough of my dads guards I do not wish to have any more” she said sounding bored, after spending so much time with her I can practically read her.  “ guards you can hardly call them pesky people guards they clearly can’t do there f*****g jobs right” I said letting my anger out.  “ Gabriel it was frank who was with me and he’s practically my second dad he’s kept me safe this long so I don’t need your guards” she said praising another man who I as of now wanted to kill.  “ Henry I don’t care who you was with today my men are staying end of discussion” I said firmly.  “ fine but if they even try and interrupt my fun...” she was about to say she will kill them but I cut her off.  “ if your fun is safe I’m sure they won’t do anything that will cause you discomfort okay henry” I said  “ and if it’s not” she said almost playfully but I wasn’t exactly in the mood to play with her safety.  “ don’t you worry about that now why are you calling me I’m sure it’s not to badger me about my men” I said assuming she had more to say.  “ well I also wanted to let you know I’m coming back to work” she said making me almost grin as I k ew she was a hard head but this surprised even me.  “ okay then pick me up at my house I need to go to my office in an hour” I said seen as I needed to go out and she wanted to be my driver again.  “ oh today okay byeeeee” she said before ending the call not letting me even say bye.  It was nice hearing her voice I mean it’s so beautiful and she’s funny. A girl I actually like not find annoying or just wanna bang well I wanna bang her but I mean it’s more.  Henry-hunter  Omg omg he’s fine with me coming back omg omg.  I am legit on peppers bed dancing well twerking,  “ what” pepper said as she shoves me to the side.  “ he’s letting me come back to work today” I said still dancing happily.  “ what really when” pepper asked as excited as me a true best friend.  “ in an hour” I said looking at the time to see it’s early so it’s okay.  “ what come I need to dress you” pepper said because obviously she needs to dress me she thinks I dress like a granny before I could stop her she dragged me over to her closet.  Ah s**t HER closet.  45 minutes later I was all glammed up pepper style and I’m not going to hate on it as I actually liked how she dressed me for once in our life. It wasn’t too sexy but it also wasn’t too professional it was in between and I likeey.  She dressed me more me it’s weird cause this is exactly something I would wear she put a fitted alter neck dress on that had a belt attached to it to sinch my already small waist in to make it smaller. She added a cropped distressed denim jacket on top to make me feel less named and paired it with some classic black converse cute oh ps the dress was white.  I pulled up outside Gabriel’s house and waited for him to come out, I’m nervous I mean what if he’s like distant I mean we where like pretty close before but after what happened he’s well him a scary dude while I’m a child.  Gabriel  I was stood by my windows waiting for her to pull up hoping that her dickhead of a father hadn’t stopped her from coming, as I was watching the cars drive past my building I spotted her jet black car and to say I was anxious was an understatement.  I wanted to quickly go out to her, to smell her and to even talk to her but I didn’t want to look like I missed her so I waited a few minutes like she usually does.  After what felt like hours I quickly got myself together and made my way out of my building down to her car. When I got closer my heart started to rase more as I could see the side of her head and I could just feel how beautiful she looked already.  “ morning Hunter” I said all composed as I opened the back door getting into the car taking in the new smell which was also nice.  “ Gabriel” she said making me smirk a little as she also feels the tension not knowing if we should act normal of not f**k I feel like a teen f**k I’m the f*****g ghost what am I doing.  She turned to look at me a little making me finally look at her properly and damn she looked sexy I mean she always does but today she looks different she has changed.  “ wow you eemm where are you going and nice hair I like brunette” I said looking at her face as she was glowing it was nice she looked less of a tomboy today.   “ thank you and nowhere pepper decided to give me a make over she does that sometimes” she said blushing a little telling me she did this for me well I mean I’m saying it was for me.  “ well you look good but that dress is too short” I said as my eyes dropped to her beautiful now tanned legs which where not covered and I could see her full thighs beautiful flawless but I don’t like it.  “ yeah well I nearly leave the car so” she said throwing shade at me.  “ actually I wanted to give you a tour of my office since you haven’t seen it” I said feeling a little bad I keep her locked away in here.  “ really” she said her eyes lighting up like it was Christmas innocent little beauty she is. “ yeah think it’s about time since you will be spending a lot of time there as I will be having long meetings back to back different locations” I said kinda making it up but it wasn’t a total lie so, I just liked her company and I also wanna see where my feelings are going since they wanna make an appearance after what nearly 109 years.  “ ohhh okay” she said trying to sound cool but her eyes said it all she was excited.  “ anyways it’s fine I don’t think a lot of my employees are in anyways” I said talking about her short dress that I don’t like at all she shouldn’t be showing them beautiful legs off to people.  “ hmm oh okay” she said looking confused at first but figured it out looking down at her thighs blushing again. Cute.  Once we reached my office I got out of the car like normally but instead of going right in I waited for Hunter to come out to and when I tell you I got a shock I mean I got a shock. Her figure was amazing I mean normally you could see it abit but damn I didn’t know she was this fine like she is f*****g amazing god. It’s her legs that do it for me f**k I love her legs so amazing and flawless she’s so tempting.  “ so where you want to start” I said coming back to my senses after starring her down for a good hour.  “ let’s start with your office first I want to see it” she said smiling looking up at the big building. “ good choice” I said smirking as how she said it turned me on more than I already was.  Henry-hunter  As we walked into the building all I could see was white and people walking round in nice suits making me feel awkward as I was dressed well casual. This building was absolutely beautiful it was all white marble and I didn’t expect this at all, I mean I expected it to be dark but white or glass no never.  I was following Gabriel like a lost puppy as I was looking around while trying not to bump into him as I wanted to see everything  and I got some dirty looks from people a lot of women.  He led me towards an elevator I waited for him to press’s button but instead some big red light came out scanned him then said something in god know what language and opened the elevator doors making me stand there shocked.  We got in and it was quite relaxing and quite roomy which I was glad about as I didn’t want to be squished. As I was looking around being nosy I see a small music box atleast I think it’s one I was so intrigued by it that I didn’t realise I was leaning over towards Gabriel as it was near him and unfortunately for me I leaned abit too forward making me fall onto Gabriel.  Embarrassing  To my surprise and shock he didn’t even budge when I fell on him he actually grabbed ahold of my waist steadying me on my feet but once I was steady he was still holding onto me. AHH HIS WHOLE ASS HANDS FIR MY WAIST LIKE THEY MEET OMG SCREAMING IM TINY.  “ whoa watch yourself we don’t want you falling and hurting yourself do we now” he said trying to sound playful but his voice and face was anything but it was deep, husky and manly f**k why does this make me feel tingly.  The whole time I was looking at his chest got knows why but I finally looked up at him, our eyes meet and we both froze in our spots. We where so close to each-other I could feel his hot minty breath fanning my face well head once I come to my senses my breathing hitches as I realised I was holding my breath as-well making me try to catch my breath.   He is looking at me like he can see right into my sole like he can see every flaw and every perfection. It makes me tingle as I too analyse him, his eyes where sharp and cold as usual but there was also something different in them something I couldn’t quite put my hand on.  His eyes roamed all over my face lingering on my lips for a while making me bite down on the nervously I do that a lot when I’m nervous and in this situation it may look weird or forced.  Finally after god knows how long his eyes came back up to mine holding my gaze again but this time they where dark and full of lust as he swallowed He slowly moved his hand from my waist to my neck and pulled me closer tightening his grip on me.  He feels absolutely amazing this close I can feel everything his strong muscles and god it makes me tingle in places I shouldn’t be.  He pulls my face closer to his so that our lips are slightly touching making be take a sharp breath in but before he could do what he wanted to do the elevator made a king and the door opened, I quickly turned my head around making our lips touch. I see people and I quickly pull away mortified quickly looking up at having to see him pissed.  I watched how he clenched his jaw and his eyes had anger in them, but before I could say anything he compared himself and stepped out of the elevator waking away not waiting for me. 
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