Chapter 3: you know nothing

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Henry- hunter “ so you like him” said pepper as we where seated in my car just parked up chatting.  “ as my boss yes he’s nice” I said she couldn’t seem to stop thinking me and him are flirting.  “ nice a mafia boss hen” she said showing me her phone which had another article of him on it a more recent one, she is always searching him up and showing me like I am going to believe the news.  “ he’s not mafia Iv been working with him for a month now and he hasn’t shown me any signs of him being a bad guy pepper” I said sighing and rubbing my temple as I am explaining myself for the umpteenth time.  “ he’s probably only nice to you because your a child plus his driver” she said like the mafia would care about a child if there supposed to be ruthless.  “ maybe maybe not but he’s nice okay so lay of him pep” I said turning and starting my car.  “ when do you go back” she asked as we buckled our belts.  “ tomorrow so let’s go shopping” I said even tho I hate shopping.  We spent hours at the mall buying a load of new clothes because since I am going to be around Gabriel a lot I will have to dress more girls and smart but with my style added to it obviously. Usually I’d wear the same clothes multiple times but now I can’t.  “ nope” said pepper as I showed her a clear tongue bar.  “ what” I said.  “ no just no” she said taking it off me and putting it on the shelf.  “ it’s nice you want me to get a vibrating one” I said trying to grab it back because it will help lessen the arguments with my dad as every time I walk thro the door he has something to say.  “ but it’s like a brown colour clear” she said pretending to vomit.  “ and I love browny nudes” I said crossing my arms because he’s was like some huge silver diamond.  “ I’m choosing” she said going to grab the vibrating one.  “ I swear pepper I will...” before I could give her a lashing with my mouth my phone started ringing “ your dad” asked pepper as I reached into my back pocket and grabbed my phone to see who it was  “ now Gabriel, hello boss”  I said as I answered my phone surprised to hear from him since it’s supposed to be my day off.  “ Henry pick me up from my office now” he said not even asking if I’m busy.  “ w...what I thought...”  “No” he cut me off not letting me finish what I was about to say and ended the call.  “ what did he want” said pepper as she was paying for our items.  “ to be rude I have to go work and look what I am wearing” I moaned to pepper.  “ so it was supposed to be your day off he won’t say anything unless you have a dress code which you haven’t mentioned” she said.  “ nope do you wanna come with” I asked seen as I bring her here.  “ no thank you I have things to do love you” she said kissing me and walked away like she has a whole ass ride home.  I pulled up to Gabriel office and he was weirdly waiting outside for me something he never does.  “ you look well you look girly” he said as he got into the front seat yes FRONT.  “ thank you I think it was supposed to be my day off so I dressed up” I said.  “ yeah that was until I needed you now I have an important meeting to get too” he said as he pulled out his phone.  “ okay I’ll get you there fast” I said starting the car.  “ oh and tonight there is an event I need you to take me to it will be at 9 so I need you at my house by 8:45” he said looking at me I weirdly love it when he looks at me.  “ okay boss” I said smiling and started driving.  This is the part I hate about this job waiting I mean sometimes he takes hour in these meeting and he makes me wait and even tho I know this will happen I always forget to bring snacks or drinks atleaste.  I was looking out of the window as I spotted a car pulling up that looked very familiar so I waited to see who got out and guess who it was my father yes my dad and I think he’s having a meeting with gab this is weird. What is my dad doing with Gabriel he never mentioned knowing him and Gabriel never mentioned knowing my dad I mean I have talked about him before. I quickly got my phone out and called pepper,  “ what’s up girl you at home” said pepper as soon as she answered the phone.  “ no you will never guess where I am and what just happened” I said watching from my window as my dad walked into the building with some men.  “ oooo what your at Gabriel’s meeting site again” she said already knowing I always ring her when I’m here.  “ yes and my dad just pulled up I think he has a meeting with Gabriel” I said as she gasped she’s bare dramatic I mean this is weird.   “ wait what why is your dad meeting with him Gabriel’s a whole ass mob boss” she said going right back to the whole mafia shite.  “ hush pepper I don’t know I think maybe it might be about there empires I mean they are in the same business right” I said forgetting what both there businesses are about.  “ I don’t know wait maybe this is why Gabriel always asks you questions about your dad what if they are rivals” said pepper again gasping.  “ no I don’t think so plus I never really give him straight answers as my dad always told me not too” I said now finding all this shite weird.  “ this is weird Henry” she said.  “ my minds running wild I really wanna know what’s going on in there” I said looking with squint eyes like I am going to miraculously see thro the big metal doors.   “ sneak in” said pepper.  “ are you mad that’s dangerous what if I die” I said being dramatic myself.  “Really Henry Gabriel likes you now and well your dads not going to kill you is he” pepper said laughing.  “ shall I” I said considering it I mean I really do wanna know what they are talking about.  “ what if it’s about you” said pepper finally saying something that makes abit of sense.  “ oh god don’t pepper” I said.  “ just go look your more safer in there as your dads there” she said again making more sense.  “ okay okay but stay on the call please” I said as I wanted someone to at-least be with me if I die.  “ I will I’ll put you on mute so I don’t make any noises cause I might get excited” she said.  “ okay” I replied laughing this girl.  God I can’t believe I’m doing this, why do I let her persuade me into stupid shite I mean what if I die.  Wow you are so think you ain’t going to die with you daddy around, well I could I mean what if it’s an important meeting with other people.  I snook round the back of the building oh and before I forget it’s an abandoned building too as per usual I mean he never holds meetings at normal places. But anyways I snook round the back and found a little door that lead right to where my dad and Gabriel was so me being me opened it a little so I could hear what’s going on.  Gabriel  I am currently having a meeting with Henry’s father as there is a new gang in our area and I wanted to find out if it’s anything to do with him. I mean we have an arrangement but he is scum he is the bottom of the bottom you can’t trust him with you own two eyes. Plus Henry was basically no use she was giving me nothing about her father but I’m keeping her around cause she’s sexy.  “ Gabriel” hector said as he stood infront of me.  “ hector nice to see you let’s get straight to it THERES a new gang that has recently started to make some bold moves” I said as I needed to know what he knows or if he’s willing to play.  “ snake eyes” he said already knowing about them suspicious.  “ yes them” I said.  “ guessing it’s not you” he said not as impressive as I thought if he thought I’d be making these shitty short power moves and that makes me think it may not be him.  “ I wouldn’t be here if it was me” I said smirking.  “ true well all I know it that snake eye was a gang about 4-5 years ago run by wo-han” he said.  “ until I killed him but whos moving into there old territory now” I said.  “ I haven’t heard anything” he said.  “ you know this is an issue for both of it” I said.  “ yes I do that’s why I’m going to back you on this and I am willing to help you find out who it is” he said.  “ no need it’s a Chinese runner gang and now that I know it’s not you I will have the yakuza take over” as I said this I heard a little gasp which just about hit my ear  “ do you have another guest with you” I asked hector as he is known for his sly ambushes.  “ no my men are all here” he said as he looked around.  “ come out come out” o shouted to whoever was listening in on our chat and whoever it is are going to die I thought as I pulled out my hun and took the safety off.   Throwing two fingers to my men as a sign to go find the person that is being sly.  Henry-hunter  Shit s**t s**t what do I do, if I move the door will make a noice and they will come running.  I hear pepper over the phone saying run but I cut her off I can’t risk her making noise I need a plan and a quick one but before I could even think I felt someone grab ahold of me and lift me up pulling me threw the doors.  “ LET GO” I screamed and kicked as I was lifted up by a man the token thro the doors.  “ let her down now” I heard Gabriel say as the man that was carrying me put me down.  “ Henry-Hunter what the f**k are you doing here” my dad said as he was in shook of seeing me here.  “ I...I was well I was working” I said as I couldn’t really lie.  “ you know her” said Gabriel as he acted oblivious as I am sure he knew who my dad was I mean he asked me questions about him.  “ she’s my daughter you know her” my dad said looking angry.  “ hmm really she’s my driver” Gabriel said calmly wow he really knows how to push peoples buttons.  “ SHES YOUR WHAT HENRY” my dad Yelled looking at me pissed now.  “ dad I...I well he’s I he’s my boss dad” I said not wanting to make him more angry at me.  “ I has no clue she was your daughter” Gabriel said lying again.  “ what is going on here” I said as I wanted to know why they are meeting.  “ well I’m guessing you already know” Gabriel said looking annoyed too.  “ what” I said confused.  “ this meeting is over we need to go” Gabriel said to me.  “ what she isn’t leaving with you” my dad said grabbing my hand.  “ oh yes she is she’s my driver” Gabriel said like he didn’t have any men with him that could drive him.  “ no hell no Gabriel you ain’t taking my daughter” my dad said like he’s going to kill me.  “ she will be home after her work is finished” Gabriel said.  “ I do not care Caleb grab her” my dad said as a tall man came towards me and picked me up, I didn’t even protest as he was on of my dads men.  “ fine but she will be at work tomorrow you know your times Henry” with that he left.  At home all my dad did was shout at me ask me questions about gab and didn’t answer any of mine and then go to his office. If you are like why didn’t he ask more well my dad turns a blind eye to most of the things I do so he won’t say anything he will most likely ask frank to and who is frank well frank is my guard that I have had since I was well since before I can remember.  Wondering how I got my self caught well it was because of that gasp because I know who the yakuza are I mean who doesn’t it’s the Japanese mafia and if Gabriel was talking about them that means he is indeed mafia and my dad well I don’t know.  My dad wait what if he no wait he always has guards with guns and shite what if he’s involved with that business OH GOD.  I am currently laying in by bed wondering about WHAT THE f**k just happened. My mind is going crazy like yakuza, guns, mafia, mob, cartel, drugs, dad and center GABRIEL.    why where they meeting, well I kinda k...  there was a knock on my door interrupting my mind meltdown,  “ come in” i said as I pushed my head up from my pillow just in time to see frank my uncle pop his head thro the door.  “ hey there kiddo” he said with a huge smile on his face as always.  “ frannnyy” I squealed jumping of my bed and running over to give him a big hug.  “ how you feeling” he laughed as he pulled me in tight.  “ feeling like I’m going to go crazy” I replied as we both pulled away from each other and walked to take a seat on my bed.  “ guess you have loads of questions” he said.  “ too many for my dad and Gabriel” I said as I knew he couldn’t answer them fully.  “ well your dads well he’s pissed and Gabriel he’s out of the question” frank said with a serious expression.  “ what do you mean he’s out of the question” I said confused.  “ your dad said you can’t see nor work for him and I agree with him” he said.  “ what no that’s not fair he can’t do that this only work I love my job” I said.  “ sorry kiddo” he said hugging me again.  Gabriel  Weirdly I was worried for Henry, I mean her dad is one mean old man and he’s probably not exactly a nice nice father. What I’m mostly worried for is the fact that he may not let her come back and work for me, I mean she’s like the best 17 year old driver I have ever had and plus she’s like insanely hot.  Shut up you sound like a f*****g horny teen. (My brain) My mind is in like 3 places at once right now which isn’t a good thing considering I have s**t to be dealing with.  “ boss you good” Lopez said as he snapped his fingers -ones imma break- in my face.  “ yep just need to let some steam off” I said as my head isn’t in the right place right now.  “ want me to call your driver” he said as he pulled his phone out.  “ no you can take me to the loft slicing some scums might help release some of my tension” I said smirking.  “ whatever you need boss” Lopez said laughing.  Let’s just hope killing people will help me get that innocent little 17 year old girl off my head because it’s really starting to piss me off.  Henry-hunter  After my chitty chat with franny I was determined to talk to my dad, but now after 4 attempts I give up.  He’s so unfair I mean I get a job for my self and now he wants to ruin it. But I am not going to let him I need this I really do and well gab hasn’t hurt me so idc.  That night I went to bed upset, hungry and angry.  The next morning I woke up super early to get ready for work only to receive a text from Gabriel saying:  : Take a few days and that’s an order.  Boss.  That is exactly what it said, I mean rude or what... wait what if he is letting me go? What if he doesn’t want me to work for him anymore?  Fuck!  I actually loved working for him I mean who wouldn’t, he’s funny and we get along really really well.  Should I text him back asking why I mean I have the right it’s to to with my wage, actually that’s too sus he knows I’m only doing it for the thrill of driving. So I decide to call over the one person that can help me with anything or to take my mind off things atleast.  ” hand me the phone” pepper said as she gave me her sternest look which wasn’t that good.  “ pepper” I said giving her the same look beck. Well trying.  “  nope you are going to message Gabriel asking for 3 days off okay” she said like that’s was helping anything.  “ why 3” I said confused.  “ because you need space, it will help your dad, I need a pamper and so do you” she said giving me all these reasons why not to go back basically.  “ we get pampered like 3x a week” I said as we do.  “ nope I mean you need rid of that shitty blond hair and I know damn well you haven’t had a Brazilian wax in time is it a jungle down there” she said laughing.  “ rude but no I like my natural hair” I said I mean it’s hard to take care off but I love it.  “ sometimes I think your secretly a boy then I look at your room and remember” she said as she looked away annoyed. (Ps my rooms all pink)  “ shut up” I said.  “ I have already told frank your staying with me for a few days and he probably already told your dad so come let’s go” she said getting up of my bed and grabbed my arm dragging me up with her.  “ you know franks going to come too” I said.  “ okay so we ain’t doing anything bad” she said smirking cause I know she knows she has something bad planned but I gave in anyways giving her the okay.  And that okay was one of the best but also the worse decision I have ever made.  I mean good thing is I am now a brunette and let me tell you I look hot, I should have been born one.  But the bad I was out getting all done up for 6 hours 6 yes, she forced me to get a wax, my nails, my toes and my lips done everything. I mean my lips look nice nice but they are very very natural so you can’t tell lucky.  We was currently in the car with frank about 12 am going home to peppers and I know it’s late don’t judge actually please do it was all peps doing the slag.  We are actually still arguing about my hair as I am very indecisive about it as I feel like I look hot but them angles but then I don’t do bad angles but.... “ Henry you look beautiful doesn’t she frank” pepper said as she looked back at me, she always baggies the front seat. We both shoot out heads to look at frank waiting for him to agree but he was too focused on the mirror. Guess he doesn’t like it.  “ frank I needed you to agree there” I said huffing as I just needed more compliments.  “ miss I don’t want to alarm you but we are being followed” frank said as he speeded up a little making me panic even tho he didn’t want me to. Idc I’m a p***y ass b***h I will happily admit that.  “ w...what what frank who” I said scared and confused sliding down my seat so I could sneakily turn around and take a quick look see.  “ no don’t turn, I’m going to try and lose them it’s just the one car we don’t know why they are following yet so stay down” frank said panicked as he saw me turning.  “ maybe my dad sent them” I said trying to east my own mind.  “ no I know your fathers plates these ones are different” he said speeding up.  “ what are they I might know sometimes dad has a different one on his car” I said.  “ ermmm they end in GKG but your father only has 1 plate Henry” frank said abit confused.  “ what” I said as I recognised those letters.  “ kiddo just stay down okay” franks said as he looked at me thro the mirror.  “ no no that’s Gabriel’s plates everyone that works for him has that cause it’s his initials Gabriel Knox greyson” I said to him sitting up right and looking back instantly recognising the car.  “ what why would h....” frank was about to say something but I interrupted him before he could  “ pull over” I said.  “ are you joking” frank said looking back giving me a crazy look before looking forward.  “ no they won’t hurt me pull over” I said.  “ I can’t no Henry” he said.  “ PULL OVER NOW frank please” I shouted at first but toned down forgetting who I’m talking to.  “ fine but I’m going to speak to them” he said pulling over slowly.  “ okay fine” I said knowing full well imma jump out after him.  Once he had fully pulled over the car behind us came to a stop too, frank got out and walked over to the car. I couldn’t hear what they where talking about but I wasn’t going to just sit here and wait I wanted answeres too.  I got out of the car ignoring peppers protests and walked over to the car where drank was.  “ what’s r you doing” frank hissed as he saw me coming next to him, but I ignored him and looked towards the men in the car. I was disappointed that Gabriel wasn’t in the car but there was 4 of his men one that I noticed was mark one of his main guards.  “ why are you following me” I said as we all just staired at eachother.  “ ma’am we have been told to keep you protected” one of the men say who was driving.  “ Gabriel sent yo right” I said.  “ yes ma’am” he said.  “ okay frank let’s go” I said grabbing franks hand and going back to our car. Now that I know it’s Gabriel I am less scared as I know he wouldn’t hurt me.  “ do you have any idea how dangerous that was” frank yelled at me as we got back into the car.  “ frank please Gabriel wouldn’t hurt me okay” I said as I have known Gabriel for abit now and I liked him.   “ you may think you know him but you know nothing Henry your just a little girl that drives him around that evil man killed people your age and younger for years for no reason who are you to him” frank said anger pouring out of him.  “ I....I.I I know what people say but you can’t always believe all the stuff he’s not bad frank” I said trying to stick up for him.  “ don’t kid your self Henry he killed his own family members do you really think he’s a good guy” frank said laughing at me.  “ what” I said shocked as I never read about that.  Frank just ignored me and as for pepper well she was sat silent.  He has to be lying, why would he kill his own family I mean who would, even tho me and my dad are not super close close I’d still die for him he’s my dad. This has to be a lie because no child or adult would kill there own family.  Frank hates Gabriel so I bet he’s just lying to try and get me to hate him but I won’t. I know he didn’t do that I get that he’s the mafia but he isnt all cold hearted like people say and I’m not just saying that cause he was nice to me, I’m saying that because I have seen him laugh. I can see the loneliness in his eyes and I can see they way he gets extra happy when he’s happy, he’s not cold hearted he just needs someone to love and someone who will love him.  He has his issues and he probably needs therapy but he’s good deep down  I feel it. I know I have only worked for him for about a months now but I’m that month he has actually opened up yes it may not be personally but he talks to me and he tells me about his day. Yes he may also be very aggressive sometimes but that’s just how he is, he clearly has some anger issues and that’s something you can sort out.  “ your lying frank I know Gabriel yes I have only been near him for a month but he’s not ruthless” I said as I crossed my arms and looked out of the window pouting  I am aware I probably look like a little girl   “ this isn’t t something I could lie about because I was there when it happened and it wasn’t something you would want to see, a boy killing his mother and father for absurd reasons” he said as we drove away. “ his reasons must have been good them right frank he doesn’t seem evil I know that people think he is I have read loads of the articles about him but he can’t be.” I said as a lone year fell down my eyes. “ I shouldn’t be the one to tell that story your father should be but all I am going to say is his mother what’s the most beautiful and enchanting woman you would have ever met, she would have probably loved you as she was exactly like you all sweet and innocent that was until Gabriel’s father came into her life he sniffed her out and forced her to be his mafia wife something she didn’t want to do but she was too naive to know” franks said as he looked very sad. “ how did you know her” I said as frank wasn’t that old he was around 40 so he would have been a child of Gabriel was a kid back then as gabs only 5 years younger. “ me and Gabriel where actually friends once upon a time we where like brother but I was more like his older protective brother cause Gabriel didn’t have it easy growing up. His father was a dickhead and his mother was amazing but she’d do anything his father would say” frank was telling me the story but again I had to interrupted him “ can you tell me there names” I said as he’d only refer to them as gabs mother or father.  “ it’s really not my place Henry I will only tell you my side of this story you’d really need to ask your father the ready but anyways his mother was amazing to him she’s so everything with him that a mother should have done that was until his father decided that he would take over the mafia at the age of 5 I was only 10 then as we went to the same private school so that’s how I knew him, his father took him out of the school and made him start doing adult things he was only a child and his father forced him how to use a gun and work out.” Franks paused as he looked down I guess this story is hard for him to tell. “ it’s okay you don’t have to tell me it all now but I’d really like to know one day frank” I said feeling bad I am forcing it out of him.  “ I will tell you but I can’t tell you the whole story Henry again you will need to ask your father is you really want to know” he said as he sped the car up cause we was nearly home. I looked it the mirror and saw pepper looking back at me she looked very awkward and sad, I sometimes forget that she’s there. 
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