Chapter 7

921 Words
Jackson POV  "I didn't know you were into bondage," I smugly tell the guard as he drags me down the hall and into the opulent dinning room. "That's pretty kinky, man. If you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask. I'm pretty open to butt play, if you know what I mean." Smiling flippantly, I have the distinct pleasure of watching his face turn a hideous shade of red. Flashing the asshole another unrepentant smirk, I allow him to shove me to my knees . Rage immediately bombards me at the nerve of the b***h who sits before us, acting as if her s**t doesn't stink. Who does she think she is, playing queen? There are no queens in this world, only those who have and those who don't. I keep my head down, clumps of my shaggy blond hair falling in front of my face, as I mentally plan everything I want to do to the queen b***h. I was paid to kill her and killing her I will do. Even if I Have to burn this whole place to the ground to get to her. I will.  Hmm I wonder Will she scream when my flames eat away at her flesh? Will she beg for mercy? The thought has my c**k twitching in my pants as a giddy smile erupts on my face. Slowly, I lift my head to meet the eyes of victim I tried to explode back at the parking garage—because she will pay in blood for daring to arrest me. Time seems to freeze as I stare into her face. Her perfect, heartbreakingly beautiful face. I've seen a lot of beautiful women before, but all of them pale in comparison to this women before me. She seems to be wreathed in her own, personal light, as if she's an angel that descended straight from heaven. Her dark hair cascades loosely around her shoulders, and her skin is the color of burnt porcelain. Tight fitting leggings cinches around her narrow waist before spilling inwards around her thighs. From this distance, I can see her full breasts, toned stomach, and delectable dimples. I wonder how my fire will look marring her perfect, unblemished skin. How the wax from my flames would taste on her perfect t**s. I am brought out of my thoughts when the alpha growled at me. Oops seem like I was admiring his mate a little to long oh well he will get over it. But I can't help the pang of jealousy that spears me at the thought of him worshipping her flesh. Of him kissing her perfect lips. Of him pounding into her tight p***y. I want Her to be mine more than I've ever wanted anything else in my life. And for the first time... I don't want to hurt her. I mean, I do, but I want pleasure to be intermixed with the pain. f**k. Her eyes ensnare my own, and I'm helpless to look away. I'm not even sure I want to. Her soul calls to mine, cajoling me to give in. To go to her. If only my hands weren't tied... "No." Her voice is whimsical. As beautiful as she is. She tilts her head to the side, regarding me with something I would almost describe as curiosity. I can't help but snort. Good luck trying to figure me out. It's been a few centuries, and I still don't understand what goes through my head half the time. "Are you going to kill me, my love?" I ask in a mocking voice. Wouldn't that be ironic? I find a girl worthy of my affection...and she no doubt plans to kill me. Though, I can't say I don't deserve it. I have done a lot of awful deeds in my time, but none so bad as coveting her. "No," she states simply, jutting her chin out. The alpha seems uncomfortable with her declaration. And the guy on her right that was with her at the garage maintains that perpetual smirk, like he knows something we don't. "No?" I quirk a brow, allowing my gaze to travel over her luscious curves. As soon as I'm free of these restraints, I'm going to grab her and never let go. I'm going to make her mine, no matter the cost. "No," she reiterates, rising from her chair.  "I'm not killing you today, Demon. Your more than welcome to leave." Without another word, she strides past me, the rest of the men following in her wake. I gape after her in disbelief before a string of deranged laughter escapes my parched lips. She's leaving me? How dare she! Anger burns a hole in my stomach as my fire rushes to the surface, easily able to burn away the flimsy rope holding me. The guards scream, lunging for me, but I shoot a fireball in their general direction, and like the cowards I know they are, they shrink away. She remains in the doorway, her back to me. When she pivots on her heel, there's a large smile blossoming on her gorgeous face.  "You don't get to leave me," I hiss, my voice a harsh growl. Her smile only grows, practically splitting her face in two. "Come, Demon. We have much to discuss." Without another word, I join the two men surrounding my queen. Who would've thought that I would fall so desperately and helplessly in love with her, that even my fire only burned in her name.
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