Chapter 6

1041 Words
Anthony POV  I can't believe I've finally found my mate. Looking at her sleeping form next to just feels like a dream. I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ring. I hurried up to reach it so I don't wake up my queen.  "What." I snap at who ever is on the other line.  "Demons have been spotted around the building you are at boss." My beta informed me. I had mind linked him when we left the club last night to send some troops to patrol the building while I was there.  "They haven't made a move yet boss but just to be on the safe side." "Send more troops I want to capture as many demons as possible and get information out of them now."   "Already on it." He said hanging up the phone. Right when I turn to look at my mate she gasp sitting up holding the blanket around her.  "Their here." Is all she said before she rushed to the bathroom. I knew what she met so I hurried to put on my clothes. Right After I was done Jason was in the room.  "She called. What do they want." He asked folding his arms over his chest.  "I'm not sure I have my wolves on it. They are capturing as many as possible for questioning. He looks at me then nods.  Alex walks out of the bathroom in work out leggings and a sports bra. I growled at her to cover up. And she had a nerve to roll her eyes at me. Oh my little queen how I'm going to have fun punishing you once this is over.  "Congratulation Alex." Jason said looking at her with a smirk.  "What could you possibly mean my dear old friend."  She says looking anywhere but at him.  "I was wondering why I felt a pain on my  shoulder where it connects to my neck. But it soon went away with a wave of pleasure." He looked at her with a wink.  Fuck how deep is their bond for him to feel things like that. Did he feel the other two last night as well. As if he was reading my mind he looks at me and says.  "Don't worry your highness I only felt it that once because of the pain." He says still with that same smirk I want to slap off. Wait did he just call me his highness? f**k let just add that to the list of things we need to discuss.  "I think we should head over to my pack. It would be safer surrounded by my warriors than out here in the open." I told them.  They both looked at each other before nodding.  "Ok we can go in my baby. I don't think your ready for smoking. The first time is always harder and I don't feel like getting thrown up on." She said with a smile daring me to say other wise.  "My dear mate don't you underestimate me. I'm tougher than I look."  "Ok I'll smoke us to the garage lot for a test run." Before I say anything she grabbed me and everything turned black. 10 seconds later I'm standing by my self with my mate and Jason on the other side and I couldn't help my self. I bent over and threw up everything from last night. When I was done I looked up and see them both laughing. But not just the normal haha no they both bent at the knee tears running down their face laughing. I shot them a glare and then they stop. Clearing her throat she said sorry and started walking towards the lot.  "Which one is yours?" I asked  We stopped in front of a black 2019 Lamborghini Aventador SVJ. My jaw dropped. They had only made 3 in the world all valued a little over half a million dollars.  "No way."  I couldn't help but admire it. I started running my hands on the car until Alex slapped my hands away. I looked at her with a growl.  "No touchy. Don't want my baby getting fingers prints on her."  Eh I guess she has a point I can respect that. She had unlocked it and told us to get in. I made sure Jason was sitting in the back because there was no way he was sitting in the front with her. But then we all froze when we seen a car parked in front of her explode. Immediately I was pulling her behind me with Jason at her back. Where the f**k did that come from.  Alex POV   Being sandwich between two hot guys would be any girls dream but that isn't what I was focus on. I was focus on the guy in the corner surrounded by the shadows. He had a s**t eating grin like he won the lottery. But that was soon replace with a frown when I used a spell to hold him in place. He glared at me when I'm the one with a s**t eating grin.  Jason Followed my eye of site and smoked himself to him. I got the information of the pack from Anthony's thought and projected them to Jason so he can take him there.  "Jason will meet us at the pack dungeon with that demon." I told Anthony. He looked at me confused but I told him about the projecting and he just nodded.  "Do you want to drive." I asked. I normally don't let no one drive my baby. Not even Jason but seeing my mate happy right at this moment made me happy. He grabbed my keys from me and opened my door for me then closed it. Once he I was in the drivers seat all buckled up. He put his hands on the steering wheel and whistle.  "I think I'm in love with a car." Men I tell you.  "Just drive. But be gentle with my baby." "You got it boss." He says with a wink.  While he was driving I couldn't keep my mind off that demon. Who was he. Why was he there. Why was trying to kill me and most importantly why was I drawn to him
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