Chapter 23: A Stronger Dose

2120 Words

Chapter 23: A Stronger Dose Stella That stench was driving me crazy! Cat fur! I was allergic to cats and dogs! “There’s a cat in this room!” I shrieked as I scrunched up my nose. I began to sneeze. “Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Ugh!” I groaned. “It’s triggering my allergies!” “Mine too!” Whined Ruby though she wasn’t sneezing like me.  I wouldn’t put it past her to pretend to be allergic to cats just to have something else in common with me. She was honestly obsessed with me but I didn’t mind. Ruby took her shoes off and kicked them under my bed. I frowned. I kept my room clean unlike some people. I decided not to say anything. The cat stench was the more pressing problem right now.  I pinched my nose with my thumb and index finger. “How can there be a cat in here?” Wondered Ruby. “Maybe

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