Chapter 2: The Game Begins

897 Words
Eva was never one to be easily distracted, but something about Alex Grayson lingered in her mind long after their brief conversation at the gala. As she entered the sea of guests, exchanging pleasantries with various executives and potential partners, her thoughts drifted back to him. Something was unsettling about how he looked at her, like he saw more than just the harsh, business-savvy exterior she projected. It annoyed her. She had brushed him off like any other overly confident man who thought his charm could break down her walls. Men like Alex Grayson were a dime a dozen in her world, and she had no time for them. But as much as she tried to focus on the business deals and networking opportunities in front of her, her gaze occasionally darted around the room, half-expecting to see him watching her from the corner with that same playful smirk. “Eva, darling!” A familiar voice broke through her thoughts. Eva turned to see Samantha, one of her colleagues and a regular at these high-society events. Samantha, always dressed to impress, pulled her into a quick hug. “You’re looking fabulous tonight, as always,” Samantha gushed before pulling back to give Eva a conspiratorial smile. “I saw you talking to Alex Grayson earlier. Quite the catch, isn’t he?” Eva rolled her eyes. “Not my type.” Samantha raised an eyebrow. “Since when do you have a type? You’re the only person I know who has never let anyone close enough to figure that out.” Eva waved her hand dismissively. “I have better things to focus on than a playboy billionaire with too much time on his hands.” “You mean too much money in his pockets,” Samantha corrected with a laugh. “But seriously, be careful with that one. He’s got a reputation for chasing women just as ambitious as you—and making them lose sight of their goals.” Eva smirked. “Thanks for the warning, but I’m not worried. I know how to handle men like him.” Before Samantha could respond, a waiter approached with a tray of champagne. Eva took a glass, more out of politeness than actual desire, and sipped it thoughtfully. The bubbles fizzed on her tongue, but the subtle tension building inside her wouldn’t let her relax. Just as she was about to excuse herself from the conversation, a voice from behind sent a shiver down her spine. “Well, if it isn’t Eva Morris, the woman of the hour.” She turned slowly, her heart beating as her eyes met Alex’s. He stood casually, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a glass of champagne, his gaze locked on her with unwavering interest. He was dangerous, she could tell. Not in the usual predatory way some men pursued women, but in the way, he seemed to see past her defenses, as though he knew exactly which buttons to push to get under her skin. “Mr. Grayson,” she said evenly. “I’m surprised you’re still here. I thought men like you had better things to do than linger at business events.” Alex chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “And miss out on the chance to speak with you again? That would be a mistake.” Eva gave him a tight smile, not wanting to engage. “I’m sure plenty of women here are more suited to your... style.” “I’m not interested in ‘plenty of women,’” he said, his voice low and direct. “I’m interested in you.” Her pulse quickened, but she refused to let it show. “I don’t have time for games, Mr. Grayson.” “Good thing I’m not playing any,” he replied smoothly. “But I do have a proposition for you.” Eva raised an eyebrow. “A business proposition?” Alex grinned. “Something like that.” She crossed her arms, intrigued despite herself. “I’m listening.” Alex stepped closer, lowering his voice so only she could hear. “I know you’re all about building your career, and I respect that. But I also know that the best deals aren’t always made in the boardroom. Sometimes, they’re made over dinner. So how about this—join me for a private dinner tomorrow night, and I’ll ensure you meet a few key players who could take your business to the next level.” Eva narrowed her eyes, trying to gauge his intentions. Was this just one of his ploys to get her alone, or was there some truth to his offer? Either way, she wasn’t about to be manipulated by a man who thought he could charm his way into her life. “I don’t mix business with pleasure,” she said coldly. Alex’s smile widened, undeterred. “Who said anything about pleasure? This is strictly professional.” Eva considered walking away for a moment, but something about how he spoke made her pause. She had built her career on seizing opportunities, and this felt like one she couldn’t ignore, even if it came wrapped in a package she didn’t trust. “All right,” she said finally. “But this better be worth my time.” “Oh, it will be,” Alex said, his eyes gleaming triumphantly. “I promise.”
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