Chapter 3: The Persistent Suitor

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Eva Morris didn’t believe in coincidences. The dinner he arranged had gone surprisingly well, especially when Alex Grayson seemed to materialize in her life far too frequently for her liking. The contacts he introduced her to were influential, and they had valuable insights that could help her push her business ventures even further. But it also left her unsettled. Alex wasn’t just a fleeting annoyance at the gala anymore; he was becoming a persistent presence, lingering at the edges of her life in ways she couldn’t ignore. She was back in her office now, surrounded by files, contracts, and the comforting hum of productivity. Yet, no matter how much she focused, her mind wandered back to him. His charming smile, his casual arrogance, and how he seemed completely unbothered by her constant rejections. Men usually lose interest when they realize that Eva is not an easy conquest. But Alex was different. He seemed to thrive on her resistance. Eva leaned back in her leather chair, letting out a frustrated sigh. She had too much on her plate to be distracted by him. She wasn’t the type to entertain romantic pursuits, especially not with someone like Alex Grayson. Yet, for all her resolve, she couldn’t deny that something about him tugged at her in ways she wasn’t comfortable with. His persistence should have been irritating—and it was—but also oddly… flattering. A soft knock on her office door interrupted her thoughts. “Come in,” she called, sitting up straighter. Her assistant, Lily, stepped in with a cautious smile. “You have a visitor, Ms. Morris.” Eva frowned. “Who is it?” Before Lily could respond, the door swung open, and Alex strolled in like he owned the place, his usual confident grin plastered on his face. Lily shot Eva an apologetic look before quickly excusing herself. “I hope I’m not interrupting,” Alex said, clearly unbothered by the fact that he most certainly was. Eva crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair as she regarded him coolly. “You are. But that’s never stopped you before, has it?” Alex chuckled, unphased by her cold reception. “I thought I’d see how you’re doing after our dinner. I trust the contacts I introduced you to were helpful?” “They were,” Eva admitted, keeping her tone neutral. “But that doesn’t mean I owe you anything.” “Oh, I’m not here to collect,” Alex said, his eyes glinting with amusement. “I just enjoy your company.” Eva rolled her eyes. “You hardly know me.” “Not yet,” Alex agreed, stepping closer to her desk, “but I’d like to change that.” Eva could feel the heat of his presence as he stood just a little too close, his gaze locked on hers with an intensity that made her skin prickle. She didn’t like how easily he could unsettle her. She had worked too hard to build her career, to craft the impenetrable walls that kept distractions like him at bay. But Alex wasn’t just any distraction—he was determined, which made him dangerous. “I don’t have time for whatever game you’re playing, Alex,” she said firmly. “I’m busy.” Alex tilted his head, studying her with a curiosity that made her uncomfortable. “You know, I’m starting to think you’re not as cold and distant as you want people to believe.” Eva arched an eyebrow. “And what makes you think that?” “Because if you weren’t interested,” he said, a playful smirk tugging at his lips, “you wouldn’t be so bothered by me.” Eva’s jaw clenched. He wasn’t wrong, and that infuriated her. She prided herself on being in control—of her career, emotions, and every aspect of her life. And yet here he was, effortlessly chipping away at that control, making her question her reactions. She hated it. “I’m not bothered,” she said coolly, though even she could hear the edge in her voice. Alex leaned forward, placing his hands on her desk, bringing his face closer to hers. His eyes darkened with something that wasn’t playful anymore—it was genuine, intense, and made her heart race. “You’re fascinating, Eva,” he said softly. “I’ve never met a woman so determined to push me away. And I must admit, it’s only making me want to get closer.” Eva’s breath caught in her throat, and for a brief moment, she didn’t know what to say. There was something in his gaze, something raw and honest that she hadn’t expected. It wasn’t just a game to him anymore. This was something that scared her more than she cared to admit. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to break the spell. “I don’t have time for this, Alex. I have work to do.” But as she said the words, they felt hollow. She could feel the pull between them, the undeniable attraction slowly creeping into her carefully guarded life. Alex straightened up, his smile softening. “I’ll let you get back to it, then. But know, I’m not giving up that easily.” With that, he turned and walked out of her office, leaving Eva staring after him, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
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