Chapter 3: Escaping from the Lycan King's hands

1966 Words
Ashley's Point of View I had wished that everything was a nightmare. I hoped that Alpha Brandon was still alive and that he would do everything to save me from the Lycan King’s hands. “Move!” The guard barked at me when I stopped walking. My eyes turned into a glare when he hit me with the wood. He arched his brow and growled to intimidate me. “What’s happening here?” I heard Bryan ask. I was stunned when I saw him walking towards us. His eyes landed on mine. There was curiosity in his cold and brutal eyes. “She keeps stopping from walking, your Majesty.” The guard answered and gave me a death glare once again. I gulped and stepped back when I saw how he raised the wood from his hand. I stumbled and fell on the muddy ground. “Stupid!” He yelled, and he was about to hit me once again. “Stop yelling at her. You aren’t here to scream at a foolish woman. You’re foolish. Did you even use your nutty brain? i***t!” I was astounded when I heard Bryan angrily shout at the guard. He gritted his teeth and took his sword. He slashed the guard’s throat without thinking twice, making the pitiful guard fall. “Ahh!” I tried to crawl back when the guard’s head fell from me. His eyes were opened, and I felt terrible for him. I was wrong because I stopped walking, but he died because of me. “If you don’t start walking, you will end up like him.” Bryan turned around after he spoke those words. He was heartless. How could he kill that man without even having remorse in his eyes? He was like my father, who didn’t care who he might hurt. Now, I already understand why my father chose him over me. “You’re cruel,” I whispered breathlessly. He stopped walking away from me, and his lips rose. He stared at me from head to toe before he shook his head. “I won’t be the Lycan King if I don’t know how to use my head. If you’re smart enough, you will not be standing before me like a slut.” “A slut?” “You will be a maid in my pack. Don’t you dare do something nasty, or I will ask someone to cut your f*****g head.” “What makes you think that I will obey you? I’m loyal to my Alpha.” “Where’s your Alpha that you’re talking about? He’s not even here.” His lips twitched as his gaze became even more icy. His eyes were trying to enter my soul like he always did whenever I saw him. “You’re Alpha is too weak to protect himself. He’s not worth it for your loyalty. Are you one of his sluts?” “I’m his mate,” I corrected him. He talked to me as if he wasn’t the reason I lost my mate. He killed him and his pack. I couldn’t consider myself fortunate because he would bring me back to my old pack. He chuckled before he muttered, “Not anymore. If I were you, I would obey the Lycan King. I’m not weak and kind as your Alpha. Weak werewolves always die because they are too stupid to always use their hearts.” My mouth parted in disbelief when he scoffed and left me. How dare he! Alpha Brandon was the most genuine werewolf I had ever known. He was the one who helped me trust someone again. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t ever have experienced how to be cherished. “Let’s start moving. Punish those who keep stopping. Slaves are too lazy!” I heard the Beta say. What made me more confused was that I didn’t see Julio with him. I was surprised when he was the one who got the throne, especially because it was Julio, the older son of Minerva. What did Bryan do to get the throne? I started walking when I heard someone shout at me again. My face crumpled in pain, but I did everything not to stop, especially when I heard a woman glaring at me. We thought that we would reach the Black Moon Pack like they planned, but it started raining. “Let’s go to the west part of the land. We can stop there and have some rest. Give them some food, a small amount of food.” Bryan announced, and went to his carriage. He was lucky that he didn’t need to walk for a long time! s**t! As we walked to the west part of the land, I saw some small wooden houses. I heard heavy footsteps coming towards us, and Bryan got out of his carriage. He seemed serious when he went to the group of guards. He was talking to the guards when I secretly glanced at the rope that they used to tie me. I moved my hands, and my eyes widened in surprise when I could easily remove the rope. If I tried to escape when they were sleeping, there was a possibility that I could easily run away from them. However, if they caught me, there was a possibility that I would lose my head. I swallowed. My heartbeat was so quick that I couldn’t hear my surroundings anymore. I was desperate because I would rather die than go back to the Black Moon Pack. There was a chance that they might see me and realize that I was the daughter of Brenda Fox. I looked like her a lot. Whenever I checked myself in the mirror, what I always saw was my mother. That was the reason I couldn’t find a reason to move forward, even though I tried. “We need to get a rest. They are the group that we captured.” I heard Bryan explain. He seemed agitated that someone was trying to stop him from passing through the west part of the land. “We have a room for you, Your Majesty. You can assign a guard to check the slaves that you will bring to the Moon Pack.” Bryan paused for a little moment. I couldn’t predict what he might decide, because he was still in his stoic state. His pinkish lips were in a thin line. As his eyes turned fierce. “Okay. I want to make sure that my men will get the rest that they need. I want to talk to the Alpha of this pack.” It was like a bombshell on my part when I heard that there were some Alphas who had a connection with Bryan. He might be the Lycan King, but he only ruled the Lycans, not the werewolves. Those werewolves who were trying to negotiate with the Lycans would be considered traitors of the werewolf community. “He loves to talk with you, Your Majesty. In fact, he’s waiting for you to get inside our pack. You can bring some of your guards if you are uncomfortable.” “I don’t need to bring them. I wouldn’t be the Lycan King for nothing, and your Alpha already knows that,” he arrogantly spoke. The guard didn’t say anything after that. Bryan turned his attention to us and directed the guards that he would assign to watch out for us. After five minutes, he had already left us. I swallowed hard, and I looked at every part of the land to plan where I would go once I started escaping. “Stop looking at every corner. Do you want me to pick out your eyes?” I bit my lip to suppress my anger. Damn them! I would run away from here. I would do anything to prevent Bryan from getting me. Even though it looked like he didn’t know me as Ashley Knight, I wouldn’t take a risk. “Distribute the food. They need strength because we will leave this pack early in the morning. The Lycan King didn’t like us to stay here longer.” My hands were shaking when I got the food from the guards. It was two small pieces of bread, and I don’t think that it would be enough to regain our energy again. I gasped when I saw the child, who was sitting beside me, trembling as he munched the food. There were tears in his eyes, as if we were having the last meal of our lives. I looked at the two breads in my hands, and I gulped as I started eating the first bread. It was the most disgusting bread I had ever tasted. Whoever baked that bread should stop baking. It was terrible, and I felt like I wanted to puke. “Sleep on the floor. Don’t you all dare try to escape from us. The Lycan King has already informed us that once we catch someone trying to escape, we have the right to kill them.” I followed those slaves and decided to lay on the end part. I acted like I was sleeping whenever I heard the guards strolling over to check if we were awake or not. Slowly, it was getting cold, and I trembled silently. I missed my mate because whenever I felt cold, he always gave me a hug to make sure that I would feel warm. I deeply closed my eyes and tried to sense those guards who were checking us. I knew that they were all tired because we had walked too far. I was thankful that I was a Lycan because my senses were more advanced than those of the usual werewolves. I opened my eyes when I heard the three guards snoring. I tried to crawl, and I couldn’t believe that the captives were sleeping soundly, either. I gazed at the bread that they had given us before I threw it. I continued crawling until I saw the window open. It was so peaceful, and I felt glad that I had successfully left the room when I jumped out of the window. I was shocked when it was too high, and I groaned when I felt my back bump onto the floor. I didn’t look back and ran away as fast as I could. “Get her!” I heard a man scream, but I didn’t dare to look back. I was gasping when I stopped running and saw that the end part was a cliff. My lips trembled as I heard the waves, and the traumatic past came into my mind once again. I stepped back and screamed when I saw Bryan running towards me. He seemed to be too ready to kill me. “Get back here! You’re too stupid to keep disobeying me, woman!” “No! I will choose to die rather than to serve someone like you!” I stepped back, making him stop. I saw several guards coming in my direction, and those slaves who were with me cried in agony. “I will punish you for disobeying me! Did you even think about them? It’s your fault that they are hurt.” “Shut up! You motherfucker!” “I want you all to get her! I want her alive so I can strangle her neck!” Bryan signaled his guards to do something. “Jump. You will die in my hands, so choose.” He grinned evilly at me before he ran in my direction. My eyes expanded in fear when he pushed me to the cliff, but what made me more bewildered was that he was with me. As our bodies fell from the deeper part of the sea, my memories went back again. No! Please!
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