Chapter 4: Why are you not naked?

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Ashley's Point of View I gasped as the water entered my body, and the traumatic past that I tried so hard to forget came back to me. I could still remember the night that I was in the boat, despite the fact that there was a heavy storm coming. I thought that it was my end; what made me more confused was that I didn’t want to die yet. It felt like my heart was still craving the justice that I promised to my mother, while my body didn’t want me to live anymore. I felt instantly suffocated, as I couldn’t breathe properly anymore. As my sight slowly closed, I saw a human figure swimming in my direction. It was Bryan, the son of Minerva. He seemed trained professionally as his feet moved gently. He stopped in front of me and frowned. He cupped my cheeks and claimed my lips to give me air. I felt my body slowly moving because of him, and I couldn’t remember anything after that. I coughed so hard when I felt that there was salt water in my throat. I was panting, and my body was wet. I was lying on the muddy part of the land, and I saw a lot of stars in the dark sky. “Take her! I will look for her.” Bryan said, and I wasn’t aware that he was kneeling in front of me. He stared at me murderously before he resumed, “You’re stupid. You dared to threaten me that you would jump from the cliff, but you didn’t even know how to swim. Where’s your freaking head?” His words were like a thousand knives stabbed into my heart. He was right that I was too foolish to know how to swim, but I wouldn’t admit it! I would rather die than accept that I was wrong and not smart enough to decide. “Why did you save me? I want to die.” My tone was hoarse because of the salt water, and I felt exhausted even though I didn’t do anything to save myself. He paused for a moment, and he answered, “You want to die, but whenever I look in your eyes, it looks like you want to live. I’m not an i***t. You can be one of my sluts; that’s why I saved you. Be grateful that I spared your unworthy life!” “It’s better that I die than to be with someone like you! You’re the most evil man that I ever knew!” I yelled out in anger, making him chuckle instantly. s**t! How could he laugh at me as if I was trying to make him laugh? “I heard some more names for that. Being evil in your freaking eyes, did you think that I cared? I don’t care about your opinions about me. What I care about is your body, because I need an heir. That’s all.” “f**k you! I would rather die than have your child. I don’t need a pest in my womb!” “What did you say?” He shrieked in anger, and I whimpered as he started strangling me. He was expressionless as I held his hand to my neck. It looked like I had already pushed him to his limits. “Don’t you dare call my future child a pest? Did you hear that? Or else, I will do anything to prevent you from conceiving a child. Let’s see if you can still have a child if you don't have your uterus!” he added. My eyes expanded, and I smacked his hand on my neck. He tightened his grip, and I felt suffocated. Damn him. There was something on his mind. How dare he hurt a woman using his hands? It seemed that he was used to being violent towards anyone who kept disobeying him. I didn’t have the energy to fight for my life, so I closed my eyes and let him kill me. My tears kept flowing because I felt that I didn’t have a chance to live happily anymore. I was ready to die; I was ready to meet my mother in the next life, but Bryan stopped himself from choking me. He removed his hands from my neck; that's why I opened my eyes. “You’re too weak. I don’t like it. It is such a shame that you're unaware of how to defend yourself. Your Alpha is as weak as you.” He commented before he left me. I swallowed so hard because I knew that he told me those words to hurt me emotionally. Maybe I was fortunate that he didn’t know that I was Ashley Knight. I knew that he would cut my head too quickly once he knew that I was the daughter of Brenda Fox. “I want you to send her to my room. She will be one of my sluts.” I heard him commanding. I was astounded when he turned around before he continued walking away from me. Several guards came to me and dragged me inside the pack. “You should be ashamed of yourself. Those slaves are hurt because of you!” One of the guards muttered. I was speechless because I knew that those captives were secretly blaming me. The guards scoffed before he continued, “You must do something to stop the Lycan King. He’s mad at you, and those slaves didn’t do anything to him. Beg him so he will stop these punishments towards them.” We entered the pack house, and they pulled me to the wide red door. The guard who talked to me knocked before they opened the door. “Come inside. He’s waiting for you.” He ordered. My body froze, and my brain stopped processing because of what he said to me. What does he need me to do for him? Sleep with him? I wouldn’t do that! “No, I don’t want to.” I was stubborn,and I groaned when he held my hand tightly. “b***h! You only think about yourself. Those slaves are innocent, and they got punished because you’re too stupid to think that you can escape from us!” He gritted his teeth, and his nostrils widened in fury. I tried to pull my hand back, but he tightened his hold on me. He stopped when one of his companions tried to calm him down. I was about to say something to that damn guard when he pushed me inside. I was about to leave when they closed the door. I felt that I was the meat that was served in the lion’s den. “Fuck.” I cursed so loudly and tried to open the door once again. What I couldn’t understand was why I couldn’t open this damn door while that man could. “Argh! Open this damn door, motherfucker!” “You keep saying profanities. I don’t like it.” I heard Bryan talk coldly to me behind my back. I shivered and quickly turned around to face him. He was glaring at me while he held a wine glass in his hand. He tasted it, and he didn’t break our eye contact. “Nincompoop! You have a good body and an innocent face, but you aren’t smart enough. They locked the door from outside; that’s why you’re only wasting your strength trying to open that damn door. Did you finally understand now?” My cheeks burned when I already remembered that those doors were like the doors in the Black Moon Pack. How could I forget about it? I stared at my feet, and my feet were glued to the floor. I didn’t notice that Bryan only had a towel encircling his waist. His pale skin was like milk, and he had deep blue eyes. He sat on the golden camelback sofa and continued drinking his wine. “Why are you still standing there? Why don’t you start cleaning yourself right now? Did you think that I would feel aroused if you looked like a beggar?” He sarcastically stated, making me astounded. s**t! What makes him think that I would sleep with him? “Move, or else I will hang you from the window,” he added. My body quivered in nervousness, and I started walking. What should I do to prevent him from taking me? I need to do something to stop this! “Wait, I don’t even know your name,” he said, stopping me from waking. “Say your name. I don’t like to sleep with a woman that I don’t know.” I bit my tongue when fear enveloped my system. There was a possibility that he might know that I was his stepsister. I gulped and gazed at my feet once again. I was trembling in cold and anxiousness, and I wished that there was someone who would knock on the door so he would forget that he was asking for my name. “What’s your name?” he repeated his inquiry. “R-Rain Fox..” I stammered when I answered him. His expression changed all of a sudden, and within a minute he went back to his usual stoic expression. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. “Oh! You’re a Fox but you are not a Lycan. You didn’t have a world, right? Who named you Rain?” “I’m wolfless! I don’t know what you are saying. It’s my mother who gave me that name.” I lied that it was mother because she was only the reason why I created that name. I wished that my mother would forgive me for lying. “You don’t have a wolf; it means there’s nothing special about you. It looks like you will be such a burden to my plans.” He mocked and continued, “Why are you still standing there? Move! I want to sleep now!” I obeyed what he wanted me to do, but I was scared that he might force me to sleep with him. When I finished bathing myself, I took off the robe and covered my body. He didn’t give me clothes that I would wear. I tiptoed when I walked towards the bed, and I screamed in surprise when he was still sitting on the camelback sofa. Did he wait for me to finish? I stepped back when he stood up, and his eyes had strange emotions. “Why are you not naked? Did you even know how to please the Lycan King?” He breathlessly whispered, making me step backwards once again. “I need clothes.” “You don’t need to. I’m here to make you warm. Remove the robe, or else I will rip that robe off.” “I--I..” I couldn’t continue what I was going to say. Bryan pulled me to the bed and pushed me. I shouted, but he covered my mouth using his calloused hand. “I’m still not f*****g you yet, you start screaming. I already warned you, Rain.”
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