1073 Words

Amelia's POV: My head was aching. My throat felt dry and scratchy. My cheeks were wet with tears. Tears that wouldn't stop flowing down my eyes. Those men were killed, right in front of me. And for what? Because the wanted me? The fact that I've only been here for a day is making me feel even sadder. "Amelia," I heard a knock on the door followed by Richard's voice. "Amelia are you in there?" I curled up on the big bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. I stared at the door, hoping that if I didn't reply he would go away. I was rocking myself back and forth, tears clouding my vision. Richard knocked again. "Amelia, I know you're in there." I didn't want to see him. The speed I bolted out of the throne room with, I had never ran so fast in my life before. The images played out in my

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