973 Words

Damian's POV: "I can't believe you right now." Bishop gasped. "You think I'm a traitor? That what, I told Richard about our plans?" "I'm asking. Are you?" He narrowed his eyes. "I have been by your side for what now, seven years? Or more? I don't know. And you think it's now that I would....." "Bishop, this is a serious matter." "I'm not a traitor, Damian. I never have been and never will be. And the fact that you would say this to me, really hurts me." I don't know if I believed him or not. Bishop was my most trusted. There was no way he would betray me. Right? I didn't even know what to think right now. "If it's a traitor, fine. I'll help you find whoever it is." Bishop said after a while. I could still hear the hurt in his voice. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. "Fine."

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