1026 Words

Mark's POV: I winced as the whip tore into my body. I could feel the blood trickling out of my skin, dripping down my body and forming a puddle around me. It was only twenty strokes yet. The pain was maddening. The sound of the whip tearing through the air was deafening. I grit my teeth hard to prevent any noises from escaping my mouth. I would take this. I would take it all for her sake. The chains rattled as I unknowingly struggled against the restrains. I couldn't see or hear anything else, aside my blood at my feet, the pain in my back, the sound of the whip. Damned Richard. This is all his fault. I can't ever forget the day I stumbled on Amelia in the cell. That useless Jasper was whipping her, her cries of pain piercing my heart. I just knew I had to do something about her .

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