1498 Words

Richard's POV: "Did you know she was pregnant?" I asked Jasper. I tried as much as I could to keep the anger out of my voice. But I failed. I could tolerate a lot of things, but this wasn't one of them. I turned to Jasper, and thank Goddess he had the good graces left to look ashamed. "I didn't." He replied, not meeting my eyes. "If I had known them I would have taken it easier on her. My Lord I promise you, I didn't know." I raised a brow. "Really?" He nodded. "Yes, I didn't know." Isabella. That damned vixen. Did she know? Is that why she asked me to kill Amelia? She asked me to kill a pregnant woman. For a moment I felt a spark of righteous anger at her. Yes we may be far gone, but some things were simply unthinkable . "She doesn't look pregnant." Jasper spoke up. "She's ski

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