Chapter 19

4503 Words

As soon as the words left James’ mouth I unlocked the door, threw it open and ushered him inside. Still paranoid—or just mistrusting—I stuck my head outside and did a thorough scope of the area to make sure he wasn’t being shadowed; that Zacharias wasn’t hiding in a nook or cranny, waiting to persecute me for allowing another man inside of his cabin. He wasn’t, thankfully. James had come here solo. I still felt wary and apprehensive, though. I tried to convince myself that with my enhanced senses it would be nearly impossible for me to miss any clues that could prove James wasn’t here alone, but it just wasn’t enough. Had I acted on impulse, I might’ve apologized before kicking him out. But I didn’t do that, because I knew that would’ve been foolish. I forced myself to swallow my suspici

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