Chapter 7

4547 Words

My fingers bled as I held the single, small blade in my hand; the plastic shaving razor in pieces in the sink. My body was a bloody canvas, and if the man were to walk in he might’ve thought I had attempted something that I wasn’t actually attempting to do. The blade I held in between my fingers was not going to be used to inflict harm onto myself, but onto the beast of the man who had me here. I didn’t think that I would be able to use this puny little blade on him when he was awake and alert, but I knew I could do some damage when he was asleep and vulnerable. I was no quitter when it came to achieving my freedom—I may have tried for it in brainless ways, but it was better than trying in no ways at all. I placed the blade in between my teeth as I began to roam through the cabinet moun

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