Chapter 6

4196 Words

The twigs I thought I had heard snapping in the forest panned out to not be twigs at all. I watched, with great horror, as man transitioned into wolf. I was both disgusted and intrigued, unsure of which feeling I felt more. On one hand I wanted to look away; to run and run and run until I couldn’t run anymore. But on the other hand I couldn’t look away; I had to keep watching to make sure this was real. I hoped that I wasn’t hallucinating from whatever drugs the man had put into me. I doubted I was, however, because it wouldn’t have taken me hours to start on what appeared to be a wild acid trip. Unfortunately, the scene before me was too tangible. His clothes tore and fell to the ground in tatters as his limbs snapped and formed jagged peaks, swelling as though air had been pumped into

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