Chapter 1

951 Words
Sitting on my bed I wait for the sound of my alarm to go off because yet again I woke up before it. I stare into the darkness for what feels like an hour and decide to finally get up and find something to wear for school. I walk towards my closet waiting for something bad to happen, but nothing does. I open the closet doors and grab a nice black sun dress and head into the hall to go have a shower. I reach the bathroom within seconds and open the door. I turn on the light forgetting how it will semi blind me. I quickly close my eyes and re-open them. I start walking towards the mirror taking off my pajama’s starring at the girl in front of me. She has sleek long black hair, beautiful bright blue eyes, a pale skin tone and cute red lips. I stare at her watching as she fallows my every move. She seems so elegant and perfect, she’s so beautiful everyone must love her. She’s probably respected and cared about. I bet no one puts her down or makes her feel worthless, she probably has so many friends that would stand up for her if she needed them. I bet she even has a hot boyfriend that spoils her senseless. All too soon reality hits me, that girl staring back at me is me. I'm not some beautiful girl that everyone adores, I am an ugly nobody that no one would miss. I'm just a waste of space, a girl who keeps to herself because she is so afraid of getting hurt again. I stand here getting mad at myself. I look down and feel the tears run down my face. Honestly, what did I do to deserve all this pain? I've never done anything wrong; I’ve never hurt anyone. I am just a girl. I’m the kind of girl who keeps to herself, the girl who tries to make everyone else happy no matter what! I’m the girl who will put others before her, but none of that counts, at least not here, not with me. Everyone hates me, everyone would prefer it if I were dead. I look back to the girl in the mirror and punch her. I hear a scream escape from my mouth as my fist connects with the glass. I hit her but only hurt myself. I look down at my hand, which is still clenched into a fist. I see the cut, covered in my scarlet blood. I pick out the shards of the mirror and clamp my mouth shut so no one hears my cries. I place the blood covered glass in the garbage and turn on the water. I just stand there starring at the broken mirror then to the girl. The water’s finally ready. I step into the shower feeling the water burn my skin and I start washing my hair. I get used to the waters temperature and feel stinging in my hand, I look down and see the cut on my hand, I forgot it was even there. I wash out the cut and quickly finished my shower. I step out of the shower and dry off. I slowly put on my dress and do my hair. Which of course takes me forever. I put on a little bit of make-up and investigate the shattered mirror. I’m pleased with how the make-up turned out. I go back to my room and get my purse and phone. I want to see if anyone has texted me and to check the time. As I reached for my phone it begins to vibrate. I grab my phone and open my messages, of course it was from one of the only friends I have left.  Almost all my friends left me when I needed them most because of a rumor they heard about me, but that’s not much of a shock. The text read: Heyy Gurll Hurry up I’m w8ting 4 u 2 come outside. I’m almost here <3 Aurora I laugh at the message and run down the stairs to grab a quick snack, my keys, and my money that’s left on the counter. I stand there staring at my cut when I hear giggling and footsteps from upstairs, my younger brother and sister must be up. My older brother has probably left already. I run through the door to tackle Aurora. As I’m running, I lose my footing and fall flat on my ass. Aurora is standing at the end of the driveway laughing at me as I sit there rubbing my ass. "Wow so nice of you to laugh at me when I fall." I say sarcastically. "Hey, you know I love you!" Aurora says in full defense. "I know, I just like getting you worked up." "Oh, I know you do." "I forgot to tell you something..." I say as we start walking towards the school. "What?" "I had another incident..." "Again? What happened this time? Are you ok? " "Yes, it happened again and this time I punched a mirror but I'm fine ok?" "O. M. G. let me see it!" "Do you have to?" "Yes!" "Fine." I take my hand out from behind my back. Luckily, it stopped bleeding, but the cut is deep, but the wounded area feels numb, so I don’t really mind. "Oh god that's really bad! You should go see a doctor!" "No, I'm fine." "But it’s so deep!" "I'm fine okay? I am not going to see a doctor over a stupid incident." "You know your overly stubborn and a pain in the ass, right?" "Well no s**t Sherlock" I say sticking out my tongue at her. "Your so immature." she sighs. We both start laughing till we arrive at the most dreadful place ever. High school.    
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