Chapter 2

589 Words
As we get closer to the school yard all you can hear are people talking, but as Aurora and I enter the yard it goes dead silent other than some whispers about us. Even though the sounds are farther away, I can hear them perfectly. "Hey, look it’s the slut of the school and her stupid friend!" "Look at what she's wearing too! Is she going to a funeral or something like honestly?" There’s slight laughter amongst the crowds of people but as we drew near it begins to fade away. "It’s the Goth girl and her b***h!" Then more laughter, as we get closer to the doors someone trips me and I fall hard. "Ha-ha look the slut fell!" "Ha-ha she's on her knees, everyone get in line!" "Ewe from her? Who knows where that’s been?" "She’s such a f*****g klutz!" I quickly stand up and grab my phone which I dropped. I continue walking with my head hanging down. All eyes are on me, I try to drown out everything, but I can still feel their gazes. Suddenly, I feel a hand push me back slightly, stopping me from entering the school. I don't look up, but I do take a step back and wait for the name calling to begin. "Well, well, well, where do you think you’re going you f*****g slut?" I know that voice, but I can't place it. I just stand there. "Well you going to answer me you little b***h?" And just like that it hits me. "Well Griffin, I was going to go to class but you’re in my way." I say. "I'm in your way?" he gasps. "You hear that everyone? I'm in the w***e’s way!" everyone laughs. "Griffin please step aside, I don't need you and your gang of asshole's making me late for class." I say. For a second, I think I see a hint of guilt in his eyes. "Oh, look here the b***h wants me to move, and she called me and asshole!" I must have been mistaken. "Griffin honestly what do you want from me?!?" "You want to know what I want. No better yet what we all want?" He asks. "Yes!" "Well we all want you to die! I can’t have a clumsy misfit running around MY school. It would be putting all my fellow students in harm’s way!" "I have had it up to 'here' with your bullshit!" I say as I take a few steps towards him so that I am almost pressed against him. He looks shocked but there is something else he’s feeling I can see it in his eyes, but I couldn’t tell you what it could be. "You know what Griffin step aside or else!" "Or else what Tranquillity?" He asks. “What are you going to do?” I take another step towards him so that no space is left between us. I move my head towards his ear, and he tenses up. I can feel everyone staring at me. For a second, I think I hear him say "I’m sorry." in a hushed voice so that only I could hear but I can’t let him get to me. I must stand my ground. I whisper softly in his ear. "It’s ok, I know it’s a game we have to play… just know I still love you; I always have and probably always will. But if you don’t step aside, you’re dead." He’s shocked. He stares at me with big eyes as his mouth drops open. I tap him on the shoulder and ask him to move, without any hesitation he steps out of my way allowing me to pass through.    
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