Chapter 16: Toffe's Women

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(s****l Content) Issy Toffe was asleep next to me and the alarm went off, he had come home late so I decided to let him sleep a little longer, I got up and went to the bathroom again, my baby was on my bladder and had me so uncomfortable as I was pregnant again. My kids were still asleep as it was early so I decided to shower and go down and get them ready for school, I rubbed my baby bump and luckily this time it wasn't triplets or twins. The shower felt amazing and it relaxed me a little, I looked in the mirror and smiled before brushing my teeth and heading over to the closet. I heard a moan before I walked over to Toffe and I leaned over him saying, "Hey, you up, baby," and he pulled me on top of him and kissed me. I moaned in his mouth before he flipped me over and said, "I missed you," my robe expose my n*****s and naked clean shaved p***y. Toffe hands were all over my leg feeling the tingles of our bond and I moaned again at the feeling, he pinched my n****e and said, "Beautiful," his eyes were red so I knew he was hungry and I said, "Davien, take it easy on me," and he said, "Semper, mea," (Always, my love). He kissed my belly and then my leg when I felt a bite, he was drinking from me but stopped because he didn't want to hurt our baby and he said, "I will get the kids out to school so you can relax," and got up. I went down after I heard them badass kids making noise and saw Toffe had made them breakfast and they were all ready for school, he had Nadine packing the kids' lunches, she was our omega. I walked over and he handed me a juice before I kissed him, he hugged the kids, teleported outside, got in his car, and drove off. I had dropped my kids off at school and decided to meet up with Denise, one of my best friends to go shopping, she was already waiting at the cafe where we went for our lattes and started to catch up. Denise was Lane's girlfriend, and he was my assigned guard, we became best friends over the years and I trusted Lane with my life. Denise loves shopping as I do and we were going to have fun today because I wanted to get a few things before the baby comes. We were in this baby store and I got a few things and headed over to get some clothes for my kids. I saw Tricia shopping for kids' stuff and I froze, my mind started to wander and I knew I was being paranoid, Toffe wouldn't and never tell me, right? I mind-linked him, "Baby, can you talk?" He said, "Yes love, what is it?" I told him, "Tricia is shopping for kids' clothes, Do you have a kid with her?" He started laughing before teleporting to where I was and kissing me, he rested his hand on my belly and said, "No, I did not get her pregnant, I assure you she is not pregnant and I am very careful." I hugged him because I wanted him to hold me, I love him so much and I am beginning to regret giving him Tricia, I was jealous of her. Maybe, it was my hormones but I see how the others are and I want that but I am afraid to tell him how I feel, Tricia has been around for a few years and I am afraid he might actually fall for her. He kissed me and went back to work and I saw Tricia coming out of the store with designer bags and she had her hair and nails done, "She was one expensive mistress," Denise said and we laughed but she was right. Toffe spares no expense when it comes to her, I saw her mistress mark with Toffe initials and the Royal Crest behind it, she was off limits until he released her, and I knew I was the one who started all of this. ****** Tricia I saw Princess Isabella in the mall but I kept out of her way, I know she doesn't particularly like me too much but Toffe told me to just do my thing. Prince Toffe is such a great guy and I respect him and his family, after getting the contract to be his lady-in-waiting, he has treated me with respect and he pays for everything, including my family's expenses. Honestly, I need the money to find my daughter, her father took her from me and disappeared when she was barely three weeks old and I never found her or located him. I was poor and didn't have the money to hire PIs. My daughter's father wasn't my mate and we were in a toxic relationship, he was abusive and I left him. He lost custody of my daughter and then one night while I was asleep, he broke in and took her out of the nursery, no one ever found her and the last PI I hired, couldn't find any leads on her. I usually buy a souvenir every year on her birthday remembering her and hoping one day, we will be reunited. Only Toffe knows my secrets, he saw it in my blood and he even tried to locate her for me, but nothing, I know she is not dead or I would have felt it. I saw when Toffe appeared but I turned and went into the store where I was buying a dress for the dinner he was taking me on. I was in the store and found the perfect dress when he linked me and said, "See you tonight," and I paid for the dress and walked out, I saw Princess Isabella looking at me with her friend and I didn't look back. Later that evening, he sent a car for me and I was on my way to the restaurant, I had my hair let down and I was wearing an off-shoulder knee-length dress. It was wine red, his favorite color, and black stilettos, I arrived at the restaurant, walked in, and was led to the VIP lounge where he was waiting for me. He was the perfect gentleman and he smiled before we were handed the menu, he said, "Sorry about today," and I said, "No worries, she is your wife and I respect that." We talked about his progress in trying to locate my daughter and my ex who took her but he reached a dead end. He admits he was busy trying to locate Max and the boy who he thinks is his son. Toffe confides in me about private matters as long as it does not affect others or security, I never betray his trust and sometimes when he spends time with me, no s*x is involved, just feeding. However, I hope we do have s*x tonight because I was horny and he is the only one I am intimate with at the moment, no one else is allowed to touch me with his mark on my neck. After dinner, he took me for a drive around the city, and then we ended up at this spot overlooking the city, the lights were amazing and it was quiet. We were on a blanket that he had spread on the ground with a bottle of wine but I knew he wanted to feed I gave him my hand and he smiled before he bit down on my wrist. I moaned and my n*****s got hard, my panties dampened and he could smell my arousal as his eyes darkened. I laid back and Toffe was sucking on my clit as I moan grabbing his hair, although it was cold, my body was heated up, he was sucking and fingering me to my first orgasm and when I c*m, I felt lightheaded. He looked at me and bit into my leg drinking again and I moaned before he healed my bite and then I felt him thrust into me to the hilt. He leaned over kissing me while playing with my n*****s, pinching them, and started slowly thrusting in and out of me, building his riddim. We were still partially dressed, the top of my dress was at my waist exposing my breast, my panties were torn off and in his pocket, Toffe's shirt was unbuttoned and his pants down low enough for him to f**k me with his huge c**k and it felt amazing. Our bodies kept each other warm and our moans echoed throughout the trees that were around us. Toffe was burying his c**k so deep, I felt like he was moving my heart but he was on the verge of making me c*m again. We hugged each other tightly and I was still feeling the movement in his waist, I bit my lip feeling my core heating up and I felt his fangs in my neck again which pushed me over the edge cuming around his c**k, he sped up his thrusting as he moaned. He pulled back and I saw the blood in his mouth, around his fangs as he licked his lips clean and he said, "f**k, you're so tasty, damn, I love f*****g you," pulling out and cuming in his hand resting his head on my stomach, and coming down from his high. We cleaned up and got dressed before he said, "Let's go, it's getting late," and we drove back to the Palace, I felt like if things were different, I could actually love him. ****** Elena I have settled back in my husband's pack and everything was going well, T.J. met up with his cousins and he was going to a new school and was doing great. I have been thinking about Toffe now and then and it frustrates me because I need to get him out of my head. I always keep busy but I have to read up on them or try to watch a show or a documentary about the royals, Edward and I are still trying to get pregnant but it is so frustrating, my mother keeps being supportive but I need a break. I have looked into adoption or surrogacy but my mother says, "Give it time, it will happen." My mother helps me with T.J. and it has been going well these past few months. Edward had planned another romantic dinner and I was excited. Dad was outside with Edward hanging out and my brother was visiting from Aidan's pack and he has done a good job in keeping my secret. As the time drew near, I was getting ready to head out with Edward and I kissed my son before leaving my parents to babysit. We ended up at this fancy restaurant and the food was amazing but then I got this strange feeling before I turned around to see Toffe heading out with his mistress at his side and for some reason, I was angry and distracted. He was such a cheater and I hated him more than ever, he didn't even recognize me or Edward, he totally forgot me and I hated him so much. Edward sensed my uneasiness and we decided to leave and head to the hotel he booked for the night, I was determined more than ever to just forget him and focus on my marriage. When we got to the room, I didn't waste any time, I kissed my husband and he wrapped my legs around him carrying me over to the bed. We took each other's clothes off and I knelt and took Edward's c**k in my mouth, he was moaning as he f**k my mouth hitting the back of my throat, I pulled back making popping sounds sensing he was about to c*m but he smiled, and bend me over on the bed. I couldn't catch myself as he enter me hard from behind and I moan loudly saying, "f**k," he started thrusting in and out of me from behind, he slapped my ass as I grabbed the sheets, my face probably flushed red. The sensation I was getting from him hitting my G-Spot sent me over the edge as my body shook uncontrollably. He arches my back more for deeper penetration and I closed my eyes bawling, "Omg, right there, don't stop, keep going, f**k," he held my hips in place. He was pounding away and I saw Toffe in my head f*****g that b***h and I closed my eyes thinking about Edward but all I saw was Toffe's face. Why was this happening to me? I didn't even hear when Edward professes his love for me before biting down marking me again, emptying his seed deep within me, and Toffe's face was stuck in my head as he c*m too.
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