Chapter 6: Elena's Choice

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(s****l Content) Elena It's been weeks since I left and my mother was planning my wedding, I heard about the ambush, and Luna Michelle was killed but Alpha Ares brought her back to life and the people were shocked. Some were thinking that maybe they should look at him as a new King. My mother asked me about Alpha Aidan and although she knew the truth, I was sworn to secrecy, I could not reveal anything to anyone, however, she knew because I had told her about Toffe and Alpha Aidan's return. Technically, I was still part of their pack until the bond was severed with them. Rumour has it, that Erik was behind the attack and he was killed, Good riddance, I always hated that dude. If only people knew that it was King Aidan and the others who had returned for revenge and planned on taking the Kingdom back. Edward was my betrothed and I had been putting it off until after my time was up with the warriors, I never finished training because of the pregnancy and I just fled with a few months left to my contract. Honestly, I believed in love and wanted my mate, I was hoping he was in the pack but I fell for a guy I couldn't have and he didn't even care about me, I was so stupid. My mother was angry when she found out about my pregnancy and we had to talk to Edward who agreed to still marry me but I wasn't sure if I could do this. I was hoping Toffe read the letter and come and find me but nope, his wedding was announced. I was looking at wedding dresses with my mother and my future mother-in-law, and it was fun trying on the dresses until I had to go the bathroom real quick, the morning sickness was getting worse, and I needed to be good for the wedding in two days. It was last minute because I didn't want to marry Edward at first, holding out hope for Toffe but it never happened, Edward did seem like a good guy but we hardly knew each other and the last few dates seemed nice. It was the day of my wedding and I was getting my hair and makeup done, I was thinking about my pup and how I was going to keep this from Toffe and my wolf, Chelly said, "We will find a way from that no good i***t," and she was right. I needed to move on and I smiled when the makeup was on and I put my dress on, I was the blushing bride and I was going out to have fun. f**k Toffe, he made his choice and now, I am making mine, well, the Moon Goddess had a lot to do with it but it is what it is. I walked down the aisle with my father who was happy to see this day for his only daughter, my brother was in the pack unknown to them because we had different last names and he promised to keep my secret. I looked into Edward's handsome face and knew this was right for us, right for my pup and I was going to make the best of it. My parent's marriage and mating worked out well in the end and so will ours, I have high hopes for us. We said our vows and cut each other's hands mixing the blood and my link with the Royal Pack was gone as Edward belonged to another pack. I was free from Toffe finally and as my heart healed, I knew that I wouldn't have to worry about it breaking again. The reception went well and I wasn't sick, my mother made a special tea to settle my stomach and I was grateful. His pack was happy with the outcome, he was the brother of the Beta and it worked out in the end. ****** We ended up leaving early to go to our honeymoon as we had flights booked, I changed out of my dress and left the wedding party, we got on the plane and headed to an unknown destination. He held my hand during the flight and I looked at the ring on my hand, it was beautiful and as I looked out at the city lights below, my mind drifted back to Toffe, thinking he would be a good dad, I was so deep in thought, I didn't realize we were landing. Edward helped me out of the plane and we ended up at this exotic island isolated from everyone for two weeks, I went into the shower and came out seeing Edward on the bed naked waiting on me. I smiled and got into bed, I was nervous but this was my husband and it was better to get this over with, I kissed him first which he returned, I felt his d**k on my leg and his fingers rubbed my leg moving up to my core, I felt his finger rub my clit in a circular motion and I moaned. I was getting aroused and wet, he inhaled my scent and felt his finger enter me and he whispered, "You are so wet already," and suck on my n****e while he started pumping his fingers in me. I felt my orgasm rise and closed my eyes as it ripped through me, I felt my legs open and his d**k lined my entrance, I look into his face and nodded for him to go ahead, he slide his c**k in me slowly to the hilt, savoring the moment. I adjusted to his size and moaned, I wanted this, I needed this and he started building his riddim thrusting in and out of me, I moaned enjoying the moment, he played with my n*****s pinching and squeezing them, I was so turned on. The bed was hitting the wall and he didn't stop, he kept moving his waist in a circular motion moaning in my ear, he loved our lovemaking and it felt good. I felt another orgasm rise and this time he looked at me, his eyes flicked gold and I knew he wanted to mark me but I wasn't ready so I linked him, "Not yet," and he sped up his thrusting. Both of us let out loud moans cuming, he emptied his seed in me and I looked into his face, he was my husband now and once I have this pup, I will have his. The weeks went on and we had settled back in his pack, I got to know his family and friends, he didn't mark me permanently just temporarily so he could always feel me and stop any unwanted questions, he would have to re-mark me every six months before it fades, it was a magic spell he had a witched cooked up. I got bigger and everyone congratulated us, I watched Toffe's Wedding on TV and I was upset but hid my feelings from my husband, my wolf had gone silent but she was getting attached to Remy, Edward's wolf, and soon, she may ask for the permanent mark and honestly, I would be okay with that. After the wedding, I got up and went to bed, I believe that's when I started to hate him and wanted nothing to do with him or the Royal Family, so when my husband got promoted and had to move to another pack land, I agreed and left with him. I was done with Toffe and this whole drama, I went into labor a few days ago and I was in pain, lots of it, maybe more than I should have, to the point where the doctors thought that I wouldn't make it. Edward rushed to my side trying to calm me but our son was breached, and I swear, I wasn't having any more kids, but after the doctor's diagnosis, I made Edward promise me to always keep my son safe and keep him hidden from Toffe but he told me, "You are stronger than you think and you will get through this, love." And after a grueling twenty minutes, my son was born and it was the best thing to happen to me, I loved him from the first time that I laid eyes on him and promised to always protect him and his father's identity. I couldn't give him Toffe's name without giving it away so I settled for T.J., short for Toffe Junior but no one would know that. ***** At the Time of Birth Toffe I was burying my c**k in Issy sweet p***y, and we usually have a go at our random bouts of s*x often, I was loving every moment of our s****l bliss, she did not disappoint in pleasing me and I did not disappoint in pleasing her. I was grateful for her, she even signed off on a mistress to help with my cravings, I didn't need one but in reality, I guess it would help with the blood lust. I haven't chosen anyone yet and I didn't think I would unless she chose the girl herself, I laid on my back letting Issy ride my c**k like she always does, she was enjoying the moment throwing her head back and moaning very loudly, I loved how she moved her waist on my c**k in a circular motion, the way she would just swallow it with her tight p***y and I admit, it fit her so well, she was made for me for sure. Issy didn't want to get pregnant yet because of the issues that I had with her father, she knew I was going to kill him after her mother explained everything. She couldn't believe that her father was that ruthless and it unlocked memories of a time when her mother was being abused when they were younger. I flipped her and started thrusting in and out of her hard, the slapping of skin, the sweaty bodies, the loud moans, both of us in a s****l haze and I held her hips pounding hard as her body shook from the orgasm she was having. I started to feel a pain in my chest but ignored it, I went faster cuming bells deep in Issy's warm core and rolled off her breathing heavily, I rubbed my chest as there was an intense pain going down to my groin and I linked Knut but he didn't know what the pain was either, eventually, it stops and I felt like myself again, and I went to sleep cuddled up with my mate.
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