Visit to The Doctors

2082 Words
Christian: Silver, black and white was my color. I stood in the mirror, checking out the suit attire I was planning to wear for the Meet N’ Greet that coming Saturday. My brothers, Kade and Jai, stood beside me, checking their suits out as well.  “You guys are still checking out the suits?” Our other brother, Calton, asked as he stepped into the fitting room.  “Christian needs to hurry up.” Mikal said, glancing down at his phone. “Don’t you have a doctor’s appointment in a couple hours?” “For what?” I asked. “Doctor’s appointment, little brother.” Laiken said from the other room. “We had to do it and now that you have reached puberty, you must go through it, too.” “f**k you.” I said and they all laughed. “Besides, didn’t you guys do the program already?” “We did, but we didn’t find suitable companions. Besides, we might as well do it. Our other brothers did theirs already.” “I hate that they never wait for us.” I said, shaking my head in disgust.  “They had other plans.” Calton said. “Link said they’ll meet us for dinner tonight at our parents’ house.” “Figures.” Jai said. “Where did they go, anyways?” “Link and Tevin went to work.” Kade explained. “Michael, Brandon and Fredrick had to work double shifts.” “The points of being CIA agents.” Laiken said as he walked in. “What about Zion and Erick?”  “They said they were on their way.” I told them. “I had messaged them thirty minutes ago.” I turned around and faced my brothers. “What do you think?” I asked them.  “I recommend you don’t tear this off.” Jai joked.  “I can handle myself, thank you.” “Sure.” Calton said, patting me on the shoulder. “This is your first time around a human female.” Kade said. ‘Try not to f**k her within thirty minutes of meeting.” “You’re acting like I would want to f**k her within thirty minutes. Trust me, I can control my lust.” “....Okay.” Mikal said. “We’re just warning you. Our species has a thing for… Mortal women…”  I scanned every one of them. “I’ll control myself.” I told them. “We’re just saying that we don’t want you to get a s****l harassment charge at the Meet N’ Greet.” Kade said. “I won’t sexually harass her.” I said. “Besides, I want her to make the first move.” My brothers got quiet. “Um, this is about us accepting them.” Jai said. “Not us being accepted by them.” “Okay and I get that, but what if I’m in the mood and I touch her, causing her to flip the f**k out? Then it will anger me because I’m trying to figure out why the f**k they are even there in the first place.” “Give them time.” Calton said. “Talk to her and get to know her, then if something sparks, then go for it.” I turned back around to the mirror.  “Fine, I’ll wait, then.” I said. “Sexually frustrated much?” Kade asked in a joking matter. “I’m not telling you that.”  “I hope you haven’t done anything. Mom and Dad could tell if you’ve been slipping in the cookie jar.” “Yeah, they could tell.” Mikal said. “So, I suggest you be wise and smart about it.” I rolled my eyes before I turned to the store clerk. “I’ll take it.” I told him. “So will I.”                       “Same here.” Kade said. “Jai, are you getting yours?” “Yeah.” “Okay, I’ll take the tags and I’ll ring them up.” The store clerk told them. He grabbed the tags from our suits and walked off. We all got undressed adn threw our casual clothes back on. Kade, Jai, Calton, Mikal, Laiken and I  headed over to the front of the store and we paid for out suits. While we were walking out, my cell phone began to rang. I took it out of my pocket and answered it as I walked to my car. “Hello?” I answered it. “Are you coming to your doctor’s appointment?” Mother asked me. I rolled my eyes and glanced at my brothhers who were headed to their own cars.  “Yeah, I’m on my way.” I told her. “Here, your father wants to talk to you.”  I sighed, waiting for him to get on the phone. A clearing of the throat was heard and soon, my father was on the phone. “Where are you?” He asked me. I got to my car and unlocked it, hopping inside.  “On my way to you.” I told him as I started the car up. “Give me ten minutes.” “You better be here. We have a lot to discuss since this is your first time.” “No, we don’t. I heard enough at the Seminar, thank you.” My father sniickered. “I’ll see you in a minute.” He said. He hung up the phone and I tossed it in the passenger seat before I pulled from the parking lot of the store. ** “Don’t move.” The Phlebotomist said before she stuck the needle through my arm. As she collected blood from me, I turned my attention to my parents. “So, what do we need to talk about?” I asked them. Father glanced up from his phone and turned his golden brown eyes up to mines. “We were going to wait until dinner, but since we are seeing you now, we thought we should let you know.” Father said. “You’ve been matched.” “Already?” I asked him. The woman removed the rubber band off my arm and pulled the needle out. Once the needle was removed, my arm healed on its own. I fixed my shirt and got up from the chair.  The door opened up and a nurse had walked in with a plastic, clear cup with a lid on top. She handed the cup to me and I glanced at it before I glanced at my father.  “I need your sperm to run some tests on it.” The nurse said. “And how am I to do that?” I asked her. “Well….” “Ejaculate into the cup, son.” Father said. “I have a movie in the other room set up for you to help out.” “Are you serious?” I asked them. “I’m not jacking off in this cup.” Father put the phone down and stared up at me. “Your brothers did it with no problem.” He told me. “It’s just a one time thing, Chris.” I snatched the cup from the nurse’s hand and followed her out the room. She guided me to the room and I walked inside with her. The movie was in and the sounds of a woman moaning filled the air.  “There’s the sink to wash your hands and just bring the filled cup out to me once you’re done. There’s the lotion as well, over there on the table.” She said before she turned and walkd out the room. She shut the door behind her and I sighed before I turned to the movie. I put the cup down on the table next to the lotion and I began to unbuckle the belt to my pants. Reaching inside, I grabbed my c**k and pulled it out from underneath the fabric. I opened the cup and put the lid on the table right beside it. Then, I grabbed my c**k and was ready to jack off before my eyes landed on a chair right next to the table. I walked over to it and pulled it over to the middle in front of the tv.  Now, I was set. I  poured a small amount of lotion into my hand and sat down on the chair. I grabbed my c**k and began to jack off, watching the movie. Just from the video alone, I was quickly getting turned on. Her voice was driving me insane. “Yes baby…” She moaned. “Oh my god, you feel so good.” I bit my lip. Why was I so turned on by a mortal female getting f****d? I leaned my head back, releasing a soft moan as I listened to the movie. Hell, I even began to think that I was in the movie. Closing my eyes, I imagined that beautiful female bent over in front of me, ready to take every inch of my c**k into her.  Being what I was, s*x was an addiction to us. If I was to have s*x with this girl, what if I couldn’t stop? Damn it, what if she drove me crazy like the girl in the movie? I put my hand on top of my hair and gripped a fistful of it as my mind moved to the woman I was matched with. It made me question if she was even my type? I was asked at the Seminar what I was interested in and I gave them my honest answer. I loved a beautiful woman, who was loyal and was going to love me for me. Communication is a MUST for me. What she looked like? Thinking about my ideal woman caused me to speed up the pace.  I know she’s beautiful, I thought to myself. Long hair, gorgeous complexion, big pupils. Oh my god, her eyes would be the death of me. I loved a woman with big, beautiful eyes. My breathing became heavy as I thought of the mysterious woman being the one satisfying me at that very moment.  “Make me c*m, baby…” I whispered to myself. “Please.. Make me f*****g cum..” I slammed my hand on the arm of the chair, gripping it. Due to my strength from both of the beasts within me, I was able to break the arm in half. The pleasure that I felt was too intense for me.  “f**k!” I shouted in ecstasy.  I was ready to release at that moment. I quickly reached over and grabbed the plastic cup, then I placed in front of my c**k. A couple more jerks and I released every drop of semen into it, filling it all the way to the top. I was feeling exhaused, so I hurried up and covered the plastic container, then placed it on the table. Right after that, I fixed my pants and leaned back in the chair for a quick minute, catching my breath. A knock came on the door. “Hey, Christian, are you alright?” The nurse from earlier, asked me.  “Yeah, I’m go-.” I stopped. I fell off the chair after feeling a sharp pain in my body. A loud grunting sound came from my lips. There was only one explanation for it: My wolf was about to surface. “Christian?” The nurse called my name. “Okay, I’m going to get your father.” My bones began to snap. I screamed  in agony. That was my second shift since I’ve been alive. Once during the age of five and the second… After I pleasure myself. The door forced open and my father came in with my mother and my brothers.  “Grab the container and leave.” Father told the nurse.  I rested my head down on the cold, tiled floor as the taste of blood filled up in my mouth.  “Kade and Jai….” Father called my two older brothers’ names. A deep growl escaped from me. My clothes began to tear from my body as I began to grow in legnth and width. I wasn’t sure what they had planned for  me, but I knew that my wolf was not about to go down. “Hold him down while your mother sedates him.” Father told my brothers. I stood up on my hide legs, glaring at my siblings and my parents. I combined sound of a hiss and wolf’s growl filled the air around us. My eyes scanned every person in that room, wondering what they were planning on doing to me. “Brooke, lock the door.” Father said to my mother. “He’s not allowed to leave this room.” I watched my mother lock the door and stand by it. Father stood in front of her, removing his shirt. “Sorry, son.” He said to me. “I’m always prepared for this.” Before I could even grasp the situation, Kade, Jai and our father charged at me with their goal to hold me down. ** Father and Kade slammed me down on the ground, hard. I did my best to break free, but the two together surpassed my strength, indefinitely.  “Brooke!” Father shouted my name. Mother came over to me with a long needle in her hand. Jai got down on his knees and forced my head to the side. “Go ahead.” Jai told her.   The needle made its way into my neck and I could feel a cold fluid streaming into my veins.  “UGHH!” I screamed. It was working how it was supposed to. My wolf slowly went back inside of me and I laid there, nude in front of my family. Kade and Jai released me and father stayed near me. “We’ll see you in a little bit.” Father said to me.  I felt weak as I laid there, high off a sedative. Mother came over to me and sat beside me. “I’ll be here until you wake up, my sweet boy.” Mother said. She began to massage my head, forcing me into a deep sleep. 
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