Chapter 9

1815 Words
Peach's Pov She shouldn't have brought it up; my birthday is a memory I desperately want to banish from my thoughts, a day I wish would remain forever buried. My first love is also my last; the wounds from that experience run too deep for me to fathom loving again. A knock on my door disrupted my musings, prompting me to rise from the floor and greet my father. "Come in, Dad," I uttered with a faint smile as he entered, locking the door behind him. Seated on my bed, I maintained a forced smile. "You don't need to pretend with me. I know something's bothering you, and you can always talk to your dad about anything," he said, his smile warm. "It's really nothing, Dad. I just don't feel like talking, and Mom was starting to get on my nerves, as always," I replied with a faint smile. "Your mom has always been that way, and you know her well. You shouldn't be too surprised about this," he remarked with a light smile. "Is it about your sixteenth birthday?" he inquired with curiosity. "Dad, I don't want to talk about this. Besides, it's something I don't want to remember," I stated firmly. "Okay, but how about we talk about your eighteenth birthday then?" he suggested with excitement. "I don't want to talk about it, Dad. I haven't celebrated it, and I don't intend on ever celebrating it for the rest of my life," I asserted seriously. I was resolute in my decision not to commemorate my birthday, regardless of any persuasion. "Alright, we won't celebrate it. But I wanted to let you know that you'll get your wolf very soon, and you should prepare for it. Things are about to change in your life, and you shouldn't be scared of change," he said with a serious tone. When my dad spoke this way, I knew it signified that serious matters were looming. "Different? Will I finally get to lose weight?" I queried with a serious tone. "You will learn to love your body and stay true to your identity. This is who you are, and you don't need to change for anyone. You'll gain the confidence you deserve to face challenges," he asserted solemnly. The prospect of finally embracing self-confidence and shedding concerns about others' opinions made me hopeful for the future. My father’s words hung in the air, carrying the weight of impending change. As he spoke about the transformation that awaited me, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The idea of receiving my wolf, a symbol of my identity and strength, brought a surge of conflicting emotions. “Embrace who you are, Peach,” my dad continued, his gaze penetrating. “Don’t be afraid of the changes. Your wolf will be a companion, a source of strength that will guide you through challenges.” His words resonated with me, stirring a newfound determination. Maybe, just maybe, this transformation could offer me the strength to face the world on my terms. "Will I be able to join the pack and continue you and Mom's legacy?" I asked with a serious tone, but he remained silent. The prospect of joining the pack had always been a longing, a dream held back by the absence of my wolf. Now, as the assurance of my impending transformation took hold, I felt a sense of entitlement to be part of the pack. "What will be your answer then? Can I join?" I inquired again, eagerly awaiting a response. "You have to turn eighteen first and get your wolf, then you will be able to join," he finally replied, and the radiant smile on my face had the power to lighten the mood of any room. "This is what I love. I love to see my daughter happy this way," he added, his tone carrying a touch of emotion. "I will always remain happy, Dad, especially knowing that I have a father like you," I said with a genuine smile. "I am no longer sad," I added, the burden of my past seeming to lift. "This is better. You have to be early tomorrow because I am taking you, your sister, and Mom to go shop for new outfits for your soon-to-be-husband's birthday party," he announced with a smile. Despite my reservations about Amon, I chose to keep my thoughts to myself, not wanting to sadden my father. "I am excited about it, Dad. Things will work in my favor," I declared with newfound confidence. "This is the confidence I am talking about. You haven't gotten your wolf yet, and you are already this confident," he remarked proudly. "You should always be like this—a young, beautiful, and confident woman. You will be unstoppable," he added, his words igniting a sense of empowerment within me. "I will be, Dad. I will be a strong girl," I affirmed with a determined smile. "That's my girl. Now you have to get some rest. We have a big shopping day tomorrow, and trust that your sister will be mad if we don't leave early," he said with an amused tone, referencing Anna's love for shopping sprees. "I will be up early, Dad. I should sleep now," I conveyed, signaling that it was time for him to leave so I could rest. "I will leave now, and don't forget the daughter from whom you are always," he said with a warm smile before exiting my room. As the daughter of Mr. O'Riley, one of the strongest wolves known, and his first daughter, I reminded myself that I should be equally as strong as my wolf father. This thought fueled my determination to maintain my strength. As my father left the room, I lay there reflecting on the weight of my heritage. The daughter of Mr. O’Riley—such a title carried not only the strength of a powerful wolf but also the responsibility to embrace my lineage with unwavering resilience. Closing my eyes, I envisioned the future, imagining the confident woman my father believed I could become. The promise of joining the pack and the impending transformation fueled my determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The night passed in a blend of anticipation and restlessness, and with the first light of dawn, I found myself eager to embark on the day’s adventures. The air buzzed with excitement as my family set out for a day of shopping, the prospect of choosing outfits for Amon’s birthday celebration wasn’t that thrilling for me. "I'm glad to see you up early and on time; you're never this excited for a shopping spree," Anna remarked, giving me a peculiar smile. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked, a hint of annoyance lacing my tone. "You're up early because you're excited about getting an outfit for your fiancé," she continued with that same strange smile. "He isn't my fiancé, and we aren't married or ever gonna get married," I retorted, anger evident in my tone. "Calm down, tiger. You don't need to be this angry at me; I was only teasing," she said, a hint of annoyance in her tone, just as my dad arrived and interrupted. "Is everyone ready now?" my dad asked. "Mom is not here," Anna replied. "I am here now. I am sorry for taking too long to get ready," Mom apologized as soon as she arrived. "Peach, you're ready?" she asked with a shocked tone. "I got the same exact reaction," Anna added. "I just wanted to get excited about this, and besides, it's a bonding time for the family," I explained with a faint smile. "Now we are ready. Let's go," my dad announced, and we all left for shopping. *** "This wouldn't look good on me, no matter how I try to convince myself that it will be good on me," I mused, standing in front of the mirror with a dress in hand. The color of the dress was purple, my all-time favorite, but I hesitated. "I think you should try this on," my mom handed me a different dress, taking the one I held away. "This would suit you better than that one," she added, putting the dress I initially wanted to try back on the rack. I stared at the new dress, not thrilled about it, but unable to voice my discontent. I forced a smile and accepted the garment. Entering the changing room, the struggle to fit the dress to my body was real. Every contour of my body was visible, making me feel too insecure to wear it outside. The sound behind the door caught my attention, and I was sure it was my mom inspecting the dress. I let out a sigh, bracing myself for her remarks, hoping she disliked the dress as much as I did. The door swung open, and my eyes widened in immediate shock as the person on the other side became visible. "You!" he yelled, a shocked tone cutting through the air. I turned my back, hastily grabbing a cover to shield myself. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice tinged with anger. "I should ask you the same question, Asher. This is the women's changing room, so you shouldn't be here," I responded, a hint of terror threading my tone. "I was told to come here," he explained, his tone confused. "You should have checked the sign, dummy, to know that this is the women's room," I said, annoyance evident in my voice. "Don't you dare use that tone on me, and besides, there isn't anything to look at, so you don't have to worry about anything. I'm out of here," he declared, annoyance lacing his tone. I felt a surge of relief as he made his way out. "I can still hear you breathe," I remarked with annoyance. "Why aren't you leaving?" I added upon hearing him struggle with the door. "I can't get out. It seems to be jammed," he admitted, causing my eyes to widen in shock. "What?" I exclaimed, turning towards him to witness his struggle with the door. "No, I can't be stuck in here with you," I said, terror echoing in my tone. "Excuse me! I also don't want to be stuck in here with you either," he retorted with a sassy tone. "I feel suffocated already being here with you," he added, annoyance lacing his words. I reached out to the door, attempting to open it, but it refused to budge. Seemingly jammed from the outside. "What are we going to do now?" I asked, my tone filled with concern. "That's all on you," he said as he settled into a chair. Unease settled over me, especially considering our previous encounter at the pub. "You're a good kisser," he suddenly blurted out, causing my eyes to widen in shock.
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