Chapter 10

1786 Words
Peach's Pov I couldn't have heard him right; the memory of our encounter at the pub is playing tricks on my mind. "What did you say?" I manage to ask, needing confirmation that my ears weren't deceiving me. "I said you're a good kisser," he repeats with a sly wink, causing my eyes to widen in shock. This can't be happening; he remembers what transpired at the pub, pretending otherwise. It suddenly becomes awkward, and I turn away in embarrassment. "Don't tell me you thought I'd forget," he adds, an amused tone in his voice. "I don't care if you remember; just never speak of it again," I respond nervously, anxiety flaring up, and I feel a faintness creeping in. "Why?" he exclaims, and I sense him standing up, likely approaching me. I take a step forward to maintain distance. "You don't want anyone to see the real you and not the innocent, naive Peach," he adds with amusement. "Don't come any closer to me," I say with irritation. "Don't come any closer," I repeat with annoyance as he advances, but he stops this time. "Relax, I have no plans to get closer to you, by the way," he says, a hint of annoyance in his tone. "Trust me; you aren't my type," he adds with a touch of spite. "If I wasn't your type, you shouldn't have kissed me," I retort, annoyed. "You aren't my type either." "You didn't think about that when your lips were locked with mine. Besides, you seemed to have enjoyed it. So why did you run away from me?" he asks with genuine concern. "I was drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing. Trust me; if I did, my first kiss wouldn't have been like that, and—" "That was your first kiss?" he interrupts. "Yes, it was, and not how I imagined it. I never wanted any of this. I don't want to marry a man who doesn't even like me, with a brother-in-law ready to make life difficult. I'm sorry you had to kiss someone like me. I feel like nobody deserves to be with me. I'm ugly and fat, a burden like a disease," I admit, on the verge of tears, but determined not to let them fall in front of him. I won't allow that for myself. His expression softens as he listens, and there’s a moment of silence between us. The weight of my insecurities hangs in the air, and I brace myself for whatever he might say next. "Did you think I was going to kill you?" He inquired, his tone curious. "You did mention I was going to get punished," I replied. "Yes, but that doesn't mean I want to kill you. I'm not a murderer," he chuckled, an amused tone accompanying his words. "You don't have to worry about me killing you," he added, flashing a reassuring smile. A wave of relief washed over me, realizing it was merely an assumption on my part. "I'm glad you don't want to kill me," I admitted with a faint smile. "You should be confident and outspoken like you just were. It'll toughen you up a bit," he suggested, his gaze meeting mine. In his eyes, I saw the Asher from the pub, the one who had made me feel comfortable enough to kiss him. Yet, the harsh words he spoke about me at school lingered in my mind, pulling me back to reality. "You don't have to be nice to me. I know you're not a good person, so there's no need to pretend," I said with a cold tone. "I never claimed to be a good person, and here's some advice: never interfere in my fights again," he stated firmly, leaving me curious about the reasons behind his intense dislike for his brother. "Why are you fighting with your elder brother?" I blurted out. "It's none of your business, so don't ask about things like this again," he snapped with annoyance, the Asher from school resurfacing. "Move aside," he added, walking towards the door, attempting to open it again. The tension in the room became palpable, as if I had inadvertently unlocked something I shouldn't have. "I should call my mom," I said, reaching for my phone. "Why didn't you do that a while ago?" he questioned, irritation evident in his tone. Truthfully, it hadn't crossed my mind. "No network," I sighed in frustration. "What about your phone?" I asked. "Left it in the car. No one ever calls, so no point in carrying it around," he replied with a serious tone. "You're right, but..." I was cut off as the door finally unlocked, a sense of relief washing over me. We could finally leave this place. "Mom!" I exclaimed with excitement, but my joy turned to dread as I saw Amon behind her. His expression hinted at displeasure, casting a shadow over the reunion. Amon’s presence sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn’t ignore the tension in the air. His stern expression indicated that something was amiss. Asher's Pov I relished the satisfaction of Amon's evident annoyance at finding me with his soon-to-be wife. The atmosphere was charged with tension, and I couldn't care less about his displeasure. "What's happening here?" Her mom inquired nervously. "Mom, the door got—" she began. "It's my mistake; I came here without realizing it's the women's section," I interjected, dismissing her explanation. "The door got jammed, and we couldn't get out," I added, aware that Amon wasn't buying the story, but it didn't bother me. "Yes, Mom, that's exactly what happened," she affirmed, a hint of fear in her tone. "I'm sorry, Amon. My daughter is a very decent girl. She must be telling the truth," her mom attempted to explain, a notion that seemed ludicrous to me. "We'll get going now. Come with me, Peach," she insisted as she pulled her daughter away. Amon questioned me with annoyance, stating, "Why are you doing this? She's going to be my wife." "I really don't want to have this conversation here," I replied, attempting to walk away. Amon grabbed my arm to stop me, demanding answers with rage in his tone. "If you don't want to cause chaos, you'll let me go immediately," I retorted with annoyance, and he released my arm swiftly, avoiding trouble. "That's what I thought," I added before walking away. Outside the store, my gaze met Peach's, and I couldn't resist smirking at her, anticipating more moments like this in the future. The house buzzed with extra workers, all preparing for Amon's birthday party, the favored child's extravagant celebration. The mere thought of it made me sick, so I bypassed the commotion and headed straight to my room. "f**k!" I exclaimed upon reaching my bed, relishing the comfort it offered. For some reason, thoughts of Peach lingered in my mind, a strange occurrence that brought a smile to my face. "She's in for a long ride when she gets married to this family," I mused with an amused tone. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and as it cracked open, revealing Amon, I rolled my eyes with annoyance at his presence. Amon entered my room without waiting for an invitation, a look of irritation etched across his face. I couldn’t help but wonder what had sparked his sudden intrusion. “What do you want?” I asked, feigning disinterest as I reclined on my bed. Amon’s eyes narrowed, his frustration evident. “Why are you causing trouble with Peach? She’s going to be my wife, and I won’t tolerate your interference.” I chuckled, unbothered by his threats. “I’m not causing trouble; I’m just living my life. If Peach can’t handle a minor inconvenience, that’s her problem.” Amon’s jaw tensed, and I could tell he was restraining his anger. “Stay away from her. You’re nothing but trouble.” I smirked, enjoying the rise I was getting out of him. “You should focus on your perfect birthday party instead of policing who Peach talks to. It’s not my fault she finds my company more interesting than yours.” "I don't think you understand the gravity of what you've done. People will talk," he stated, annoyance lacing his tone. "Tell me exactly what I've done?" I retorted, my own annoyance surfacing. "You shouldn't be seen anywhere around my soon-to-be wife. It doesn't sit well with me," he insisted, irritation evident in his words. "What do you care, really? You don't like her, and you're in a relationship, so why waste her time?" I replied with a touch of irritation. "Don't tell me that you're suddenly in love with her," he remarked with an amused tone, causing a half-laugh to escape me. "You know I'm doing this because it's what Father wants and expects from me," he added. "Of course, that's why you're his favorite child. He listens to you because you're just perfect," I said with annoyance. "There isn't anything going on between your soon-to-be wife and me. I don't know if you're blind to see that she isn't my type to begin with, so you should stay off my case," I added firmly. "Good then. You need to come get yourself measured by the family designer for my birthday party," he declared. "I'm good with what I got from the store, and I don't need any more suits," I protested. "It's Father's order, and you must listen," he warned before leaving my room. The reality was clear – I had to comply with Father's wishes or face the consequences. Despite my protests, the unwelcome obligation loomed over me as I reluctantly agreed to meet with the family designer. The idea of being tailored for Amon’s extravagant birthday party felt like another suffocating layer of expectation that I had to bear. As I entered the designer’s studio, the atmosphere was filled with fabrics, measurements, and the meticulous hands of the tailor at work. The family designer, known for catering to every whim of the prestigious family, greeted me with a courteous smile. “Mr. Asher, we’ve been expecting you,” he said, motioning for me to stand still. I endured the process of measurements, my mind wandering to the unsettling encounter with Amon. The looming celebration of Amon’s birthday overshadowed everything, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I was being ensnared in a life not of my choosing. Once the measurements were complete, I made a hasty exit, eager to escape the stifling ambiance of the designer’s studio. The intricate patterns of expectation and obligation continued to weave around me, leaving me yearning for a freedom that seemed increasingly elusive.
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