5- together Again

1462 Words
Lucy was a nervous wreck. What if Lanie didn't forgive her for not finding her sooner. What if she blamed her for their parent's death. Axel could feel Lucy’s anxiety radiating like hot wind hitting his skin. He leaned over in the back seat of the car and ran the back of his finger along the inside of Lucy's arm; this always calmed her when she was sliding into one of her Panic fits. Lucy was always grateful for Axel's ability to manage her insane emotions. It was like they were connected somehow. She just figured that's what happens when you spend your whole life together. The facility was excellent, the walls were painted mint with chocolate trim, and warm paintings hung on the halls. It was a calming atmosphere. Lucy took a deep breath before she walked into the room. The others stayed in the waiting area while the girls got Reacquainted. “Lannie? Ummmm... Hi, my name is....." "Lucy, I know I've been waiting for you, little sister." "I am so sorry I didn't know you survived." “ stop! you have nothing to be sorry for, I knew where you were, and I didn't come for you.” “Why didn't you come for me? I felt so alone for so many years.” There was a long silence before Lanie said anything. “I thought you were better off without me. My wolf and is...... Difficult.” “I know mine is too. Axel has helped me so much. Bonnie thinks he can help you too. She said he is a special type of calming wolf.” “ An ataractic????? They are extinct!!! You only get an ataractic wolf when a white Witch and a supreme Alpha have twins. It's next to impossible. The last white Witch died 20 years ago, and she was single and unmated.” Lanie wasn't talking to anyone anymore, just herself. She did look crazy. Lucy was worried she triggered her PTSD when what Lucy thought was a nurse came in and started questioning Lucy. “What happened? What did you say to trigger her?” “I don't know. We were talking about our wolves and my friend who is a special wolf, who helps me control my emotions." The nurse pulled out a syringe from her apron. She was going to inject Lanie with something. Before she could, Astrid came forward with a half shift and pinned her to the wall. "You are making my sister crazy! You aren't a nurse!" Seconds before Astrid was about to bite down, Axel and the others came running in. Axel tore Astrid away from the nurse, and Maddox restrained the nurse. Now that Axel was there, Astrid gave back control to Lucy. Lucy was trying to get the words out about what Astrid was telling her, but she was so overwhelmed. " breathe, Lucy. Clear your mind. Remove the access noise and focus on my voice. Like you are telling me this story over coffee and scones." " Astrid said, the nurse is making Lanie crazy, whatever is in that syringe. Is hurting Lanie's wolf, making her feral. She said that's why Lanie can't control her at all." Aunt Bonnie took the syringe and emptied some of the contents on her arm, Then smelled it. A look of horror crossed her face. “ This is bad, very bad!” Aunt Bonnie was right. It was bad. Lanie had been in that facility for years, being poisoned. She went there first for just a wolf relaxation retreat, thinking that would help her wolf calm down, and deal with the trauma of losing her parents watching them die. That's when her wolf starting losing control and had to be sedated until she found her mate, Lanie turned 18 two years ago, and her mate never came. This could mean a few things, they aren't born yet, very unusual, they aren't of age yet, or they are dead. Only time will tell where her mate is. The only way to heal the wolf is to wake her and chain in her silver so she can't hurt anyone. Lucy was against this. She thought maybe Axel could help Lanie as he helped her. Axel agreed to try. Aunt Bonnie began mixing the herbs to wake and heal Lanie's wolf. Lanie was anxious to talk with Anne again. Would she be mad, would she blame her for everything, would she lose control and kill a bunch of innocent people again? Maddox had to leave for a few weeks to help his Pack while Alpha Killian was away. He promised to be back soon. He also said he would return with some of their packs scrolls about the different unique wolves they had come into contact with. Maddox was the Beta to one of the most fierce and deadly packs around. He didn't say much, but he was an excellent mate to Ellen. Lanie was spelled into her room. Bonnie wasn't going to risk anything! Luckily they had a lunar moon which gave Aunt Bonnie some extra power, so Lanie was not chained in silver. She was bored, Anna hadn't woken up yet, and she had read all of the books Bonnie left for her. Ellen was supposed to bring her dinner soon. Aunt Bonnies cooking wasn't great, but Axel had been cooking lately, and he was terrific in the kitchen. Anna started to wake up! "Mmmm, what's that smell?” “Anna? Is that you? Are you awake? Are you mad? Do you hate me?” “Slow down, sugar. I'm still a little loopy. I could never hate you. It's my job to love and protect you.” “Oh, Anna, I am so relieved. I've missed you so much!!” “Shhhh, what's that smell? Fresh cut grass and coffee?” “Knock, knock, Lanie, are you awake?” “Axel! That food smells great!” Axel dropped the tray of food and pinned Lanie to the wall. MATE! Screamed Liam and Anna at the same time. Liam couldn't hold back. He lifted Lanie by her bottom and pushed himself between her legs, and continued his assault on her mouth and neck. Lanie kissed back with just as much passion and need. They only stopped when a very stunned Lucy started laughing in the doorway. "Do you mind, Lucy!! I've been waiting two years for my mate!" "Please tell me you aren't going to complete the mating process right now???" "Haha, I'm down," Liam laughed. "Axel, do you mind if I have some time with my sister?" "ya, of course, Luc, I need to grab Lanie some more dinner anyways. You want a plate?" "ya, that'd be great!" "no onions," both Axel and Lucy said at At the same time. Laughing at how well they know each other. While Axel got the girls some dinner, they talked about their parents and what they remembered and the things they'd missed over the years. It was a great time to catch up. " so Lanie Astrid has been bugging me to talk to Anna? would that be ok?" "haha, Lucy, why do you ask it like it's this big deal? Of course, our wolves want to talk to each other they are sisters too!" Lucy let Astrid come forward without shifting, and Lanie did the same. "Anna, you have to get it together! I need you. You can't keep losing control doing whatever you want!" "So you just wanted to talk to me so you could scold me like a child? You forget I'm older than you!" " then start acting like it, Lucy needs her big sister, and Lanie needs to be able to count on you. Rely on Liam. Liam and Axel are calm. They are good. They are strong. They can teach you to control your emotions. Your fear and your anger will be what sets you off the most. Remember to breathe, focus on something that can ground you." "You love Liam, don't you, Astrid?" " I do, Anna, but it's different than how you love him." "so you'll be ok if I mark him? "yes, of course! I want you to have your mate! He's good! He will take care of you!" Just then, the door opened, and Axel had pan-fried steak with garlic pepper sauce, mushrooms, onions and asparagus for Lanie with a baked potato and the same minus the onions for Lucy. How perfect it was that Axel and Lanie were mates, Lucy thought to herself the brother I always wanted is the best man I've ever known. Thank you, Moon Goddess, for this incredible blessing. The three of them sat and ate and talked for a while until they all fell asleep.
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