6- too much too soon

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A lot had been happening the last few weeks. Axel and Liam had been working hard to train Anna and Lanie. They had come so far in just a few short weeks. Anna was already more trustworthy. Lanie was feeling much more assertive with the training and the poison out of their system. Maddox was returning today, so Ellen was ecstatic but terrified because they'd be going back to her pack very soon. Aunt Bonnie was preparing Ellen for what would happen once Maddox Marked her. She wouldn't be able to shift until the next full moon, but her wolf would come alive in her mind. Her wolf was currently dormant. Aunt Bonnie was also explaining to Ellen that she is now the White Witch, which will make her a target for dark witches. She is all good things. She gets her magic from the earth, life and love. Dark witches get their magic from death, fear, anger and human sacrifice. Ellen will need to keep her true heritage a secret until she shifts for the first time. That's when the full effects of her magic will start to transform. The trip to Death moon pack is only a.few hours away. Once Maddox arrives, they will leave to meet the new pack. The drive to Death moon pack was shorter than expected. The first thing Ellen would have to do is swear her alligents to Alpha Killian. He will be the only other person to know the truth about Ellen, Lanie and Lucy. While Ellen met with Alpha Killian, Lanie, Lucy and Axel explored the beautiful territory that would be Ellen's new home. Lucy could not believe how beautiful it was. Mountains surrounded their main town. There was an enchanting waterfall not far from the packhouse and fields of wildflowers covering the area. It was the first time in all her life Lucy felt entirely at peace. She wished to stay in this spot forever as she lay in the wildflowers giving Lanie and Axel some much-needed make-out time. Astrid started buzzing, "what's that smell? It smells like wood fire and cypress leaves." "I don't smell anything but Wildflowers, now shhh, I'm relaxing," Lucy hushed her. "What are you doing out here alone?" Came a gruff sexy voice. Lucy shot up from lying in the field. She locked eyes with the sexiest man she had ever seen. He was 6"3 strong muscular arms, rippling biceps you can see through his tight white T-shirt. He had Eyes that matched the forest trees. She was momentarily frozen in place by this picture-perfect man. Even his scowl was sexy. "MINE! MINE! MATE!" Astrid screamed in Lucy's mind, but Lucy was in complete control. In tranced by this man standing before her. He closed the gap between them. Standing just within her reach, Lucy reached up and ran her finger over the small scar above his brow. Still speechless, she just stared into his forest green eyes. He tucked a strand of her heart behind her ear and Whispered so softly in her ear it made her instantly clench her legs closed from the immediate arousal he caused. "mine," he whispered in her ear. Finally, Lucy's voice began to work again. "Yours," she whispered back. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek ever so sweetly. "I'm Lucy." "Killian," Lucy's mouth dropped open, "like Alpha Killian? The most deadly, feared Werewolf alive?" Killian chuckled. "I guess you could say that, or you could say the most cunning and fierce warrior ever to live," he says, still laughing at the shock and awe in Lucy's voice. "Lucy! You ok?" Came an all too familiar, protective voice." "yes, Ax, I'm fine, but I'm ready to have our training session, Alpha is there somewhere we can train in wolf form. I need to let my wolf out." "Yes, you may use the tanked members training gym. It's to the south of the packhouse through the meadow. Lucy thanked Alpha Killan with a slight bow and turned and walked towards the packhouse. Lanie and Axel had to jog to catch up to her. "Woah! Lucy, what was that about? He looked like he wanted to eat you! And I don't mean for dinner!" Lanie winked at Lucy, who was lost in thought and practically running to the training field. " not now, Lanie. I need to train! Not everything is fun and games, alright!" Lucy snapped at Lanie, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth, but she was desperately trying to remain calm and not let Astrid outs she would run and mark that Evil Alpha without even a second thought. "Axel!" Lucy shouted, "let's get on with it." Axel and Lucy trained. They fought punch after punch, roll, jumps and dodges. They trained until Lucy had nothing left. "ok, Ax, you ready to let Liam and Astrid have a quick spar? "Luc, are you sure? You seem done?" "I need to keep going." Without another word, Axel was undressed and shifted into Liam. Lucy did the same. Again they ran, jumped, leaped and rolled. Astrid was getting good at fighting and defending. She felt pretty cocky and didn't see Liam lung at her and knocked her right over, pinning her to the ground with his weight on her. In an instant, Liam was grabbed and thrown back. A deep red and blackish wolf, just a bit bigger than Liam but angrier, stood in front of Astrid, looking Liam in the eyes, ready for a fight, prepared to kill. Alpha Killian POV I watched as my mate walked, basically ran from me when she figured out who I was. I never thought I'd find my mate, I thought she had died, and that was my karma for being so ruthless. I had to be cruel to protect my pack. My parents had been murdered when I was only 15. I had to be fierce, evil, ruthless to ensure my pack's survival. I only targeted bad Alphas to absorb their packs, Alphas who were greedy or slept with Omegas and hurt their mates, or Alphas who challenged me not knowing what a warrior I was. I followed her to the training ground because I wanted to see what kind of Luna she would be. If she accepted me, I know she wants to, but she is afraid. She was incredible. I'd never seen a female warrior so tenacious in human form. She never gave up. Her sparring partner was easily twice her weight and a foot taller. But she was fast and smart and knew her strengths and weaknesses. It was magical watching her spar. Then I watched her undress the most beautiful tanned skin and hair, the Color of ice. My wolf Diesel was anxious to touch our Mate again. We watched her effortlessly shift into her stunning wolf. Diesel was ready to go to her. It took everything I had to hold him back. I wanted to give her space, let her come to us when she was ready. When her sparing partners wolf had her pinned a little too long, I couldn't hold Diesel back any longer; we shifted and threw him off of our mate. Diesel was pissed no other male should touch our mate sparing, or otherwise, she was ours. We would kill him if necessary. I tried pulling Diesel back, telling him our mate would never accept us if we killed her friend. Diesel didn't care. Then all of a sudden, Diesel was gone. I was me again, and very naked, so was Axel, I believe his name was. My Betas mates Twin brother, how did life get this complicated. I definitely couldn't kill him now. "what the hell is going on" I roared a little to show off for my mate and a little out of complete confusion. Lucy was killing herself laughing. My Betas mate stood there, covering my laughing mate with a blanket. I look over at my stunning mate, and she says. "have you met Ellen?" As she continues to laugh. I try to keep my tough exterior; I am a badass Alpha, after all. When my mate speaks again "when Ellen is scared, she puts the wolves to sleep. They'll be awake and bothering you again before you know it." She shakes her head and puts her arm around Ellen, and thanks to her for intervening. "Alpha Killian, while I respect and appreciate your help, I can handle Liam and Axel. I've been sparring with them since I was 13. I would appreciate it if you had a little more faith in my abilities." She spoke confidently and ended with a short bow and walked off the field. I was utterly stunned. This girl was mine, and I was going to prove it to her. But how? I was terrible with people. I mind-linked Treena. " come to my office. It's urgent." When I got to my office in the packhouse, Treena was waiting, spinning in my chair, drinking something green. No doubt it was some health greens she was always trying to sneak into my food. "big brother! What's so urgent you had to pull me from my Sunday juicing??" She stared at me with her hip jutted out and her hand in the air. "I found my mate" "OMG! Yesssss finally! Oh, please tell me it's the Bennet wolf! She's so badass! I watched her put Murphy in his place so hard for whistling at her." " it is but....." "oh no! Why is there always a but with you??" "Would you let me finish! I think she is afraid of me. She called me ruthless and evil. "Oh, Kil, I'm so sorry. You can win her over. Just open up your walls a bit let people in sometimes." "I'm not a lover. I'm a fighter!" Gosh, why did I feel so stupid saying that? "hahaha, hahaha, oh gosh! That was the best! Can you repeat it for me? I'm not a lover; I am a fighter" Treena mocked me repeated what I said in what she claims is my voice. I fell back into my chair, defeated. She'd never accept me. I'm damaged. I'm hard and unforgiving! "Leave it to me, brother! I'll handle this for you. Show up at the waterfall at sunset. Try and wear something clean." "fine"
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