10-Search and rescue

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Killian had been searching for two days. Her scent was all over the forest. He couldn't tell if she was just roaming around in wolf form or if she was running from him. He was ready to let Ellen do the locator spell. He just couldn't figure out how she was able to hide from him or why he'd want to. He thought they had an amazing night together. Ellen was still trying to figure out how she and Axel became linked all of a sudden. She spoke to Aunt Bonnie over the phone a few times, both coming up dry. It was unheard of for a wolf and witch to be linked, although none were twins. Ellen had tried every unlinking spell she could think of. She was out of ideas. She didn't cast the spell, so she didn't know how to undo it. Some white witch I am, she thought to herself. She decided to look into her father's side of her bloodline. Maybe there was something to it. She would have to wait until they found Lucy first because there was no way Killian would help her get into contact with Alpha Theo before he knew she was safe. All their efforts had come up short. Her scent just disappeared near the border of the Mountain Moon Pack. She wondered if Alpha Killian was too proud to ask for her help or too stubborn. She was going to do the spell anyways, all she needed was Lanie's blood and a piece of Lucy's clothing, and she could have her location in minutes. After getting what she needed from Lucy's room, she began the spell. Something or someone was definitely hiding her scent. Locating her was proving to be really difficult. She decided to call Axel. She might be able to channel his energy since they are twins. He must have some part Witch in him. Axel picked up on the second ring- "hello?" "Hey Axel, I need a favour." "no, you can't have any more of my hair...." "haha, I wish it was that simple. Are you busy? Can you come to my room?" "Ya for sure, Lanie isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I'll be over shortly." "You want to do what?????" Axel yelled "It's really not that big a deal Axel, you just hold my hands and repeat after me. I used to do it with Aunt Bonnie all the time. Do you want to find Lucy or not?" "You are seriously playing the Lucy card?" "I happen to know you'd give your own life for that girl, soya. It's what I have to work with." "Alright, fine, but so that you know, I failed Latin in high school." "Haha, I know, but you did so well in Drama club, basically all I need." "OK, let's get this over with so we can find Lucy.... by the way, When were you planning on telling me Lucy and Killian are mates?" "Oh, that! OMG, I totally forgot. Can you believe it? How magical that we all found our mates in the same month." "I wondered if they were by how he reacted when we were sparing, but she wouldn't even look at him. So I thought maybe it's not true." "OMG, Lucy is not 18.....how did I not realize that? Don't you have to be 18 to feel the mate bond? Axel's head whipped around, so fast Ellen almost lost her balance. "NO, she isn't. With everything going on, I didn't even realize." " I bet Alpha Killian has no idea and thinks she doesn't want him. We need to tell Alpha Killian!" "Tell Alpha Killian what?" Maddox questioned, standing in the doorway of their room. "Oh, Babe! Lucy is not 18! That's why she left, that's why she didn't accept him. She can't feel the mate bond. She knows he's her mate, but she holds no love to loyalty to him." "Well f**k me!" Maddox breathes out as he sits on the bed. "Hurry Axel, let's do the spell, so we can find Lucy and explain everything to her and alpha Killian." They began the spell, and Axel wasn't kidding when he said he was terrible at Latin. After they started the spell a dozen times, they finally got it right, The room began to shake, and the shelves fell from the walls with a loud crash. Axel's nose began to bleed, and Ellens's eyes were glowing like fireflies in the dark night. Maddox grabbed Axel to break their link. As soon as he did, Ellen started levitating. Maddox tried shaking her out of the trance she was in, and she threw him into the bookshelf, breaking it into pieces. Axel finally regained his composure. He tried speaking softly to her. "Ellen, Ellen, can you hear me? Where is Lucy?" "She is where she began, the answers she seeks, where they are found. Now she knows she won't be bound." With that final word, Ellen fell to the floor. Maddox rushed over and scooped her into his arms. "Ellen, Ellen, Ellen" He shook her with fear he'd never known. "I'm right here. Geez, calm down, Mad, you are giving me whiplash." "f**k, me, don't do that again. You scared the s**t out of me." "Sorry, babe, this is my life until I get more practise and get stronger." "You'll be stronger what Maddox marks you. Your wolf will heal you faster than your human side, and you won't lose consciousness. The second Maddox broke our link. I felt myself start rapid healing." "Ya sorry about that, bro. There is someone stronger than me, blocking where Lucy is—hiding her scent from Killian and anyone who is looking. I don't think she was taken against her will. Because it looks like wherever she is, she is happy, she was reading in a library with a woman who looks a lot like her." "haha, Lucy happy surrounded by books, Nah that can't be her." Axel laughed sarcastically. "The problem is that library could be anywhere." Ellen sighed "Do you remember what you said in your trance?" "In my what? Now?" "You said...She is where she began, the answers she seeks, where they are found. Now she knows she won't be bound. Then you went all exorcist on us." Axel laughed Ellen started repeating it over and over again, trying to decipher the riddle. "Axel? Where was Lucy born?" "Montana somewhere. I think that is what the social worker said. The town was at the base of the mountain range. That is all I know, she was going to confront her Grandfather for never claiming her, but then everything went crazy with you showing up and Lanie." "Her Grandfather isn't Benjamin Bennet, is he?" Ellen asked, looking terrified. "I don't know. She never said a name. But if Lucys last name is Bennet, I would assume it is." "That's not good. Benjamin Bennet took over the pack after his daughter, the rightful Luna and her husband were killed. He drove the pack away with his rage and grief. The land hasn't been defended in years, and rogues come and go as they please, and he lets them. It's rumoured that the house is spelled to look abandoned and only Benjamin and his dead Lunas sister live there. It's not a place Lanie should take over as Luna. She isn't strong enough to rebuild a broken pack like the Mountain Moon Pack." "Wait, what? We have protected the Mountain Moon Pack for the last 17 years," Maddox speaks up. "I don't know a Benjamin, but Luna Liza has been very good to us. She has visions and healing abilities. Her pack lives deep in the forest. We have always protected its borders for them. That's where I was the night Lanie lost her mind about Lucy being out all night with Killian." "WOAH information overload. Ellen sat down to process everything. "Wait, did you just say Lucy was out all night with Alpha Killian?" Ellen looked pissed. "What? I told you they were mates." Maddox raised both his hands, trying to defend himself. "Axel, why don't you look surprised???" "Well, Alpha Killian asked me some stuff about Lucy. He told me he was trying to win her over and knew we were close. He also threatened to castrate me in front of the whole pack if she rejected him" Axel shrugged. "It seemed like a no-win situation. I would have told you if s**t didn't hit the fan that morning." "Right....so much drama, speaking of drama, we need to find Alpha Killian and tell him where Lucy is and that she isn't 18 yet." Alpha Killian was being briefed on the search efforts, Regarding Lucy. If he was honest, he didn't totally trust Maddoxs' Mate the Witch. Witches were selfish and always being secrets. Only helping when it suited the. What would she want in return? Killian was at war with himself on what to do when. Maddox Entered his office, followed by Axel and the With. "What is it?"Killian asked without even looking up from his paperwork. KILLIAN STOP DISRESPECTING MY MATE! Alpha for not respect her for me. She is kind, and smart and deserves with regardless of what you feel for Witches. Maddox mind linked Killain. He would never disrespect his position of Alpha best friends or not. "Lucy isn't 18 yet!" Ellen blurted out, partically out of nervousness and partially out of urgency. "Why should that stop me from claiming my Mate WI... Beta female." "It shouldn't, no of course not. I mean Lucy cant fully feel the mate bond until she turns 18. She may be attracted to you, you are very... um... you know. Anyways. I was just worried you would think she didnt want you, because she ran away." "I dont think she ran away, I think she was taken....." "HAHA, not a chance!" It was Axels turn to laugh. "Pardon me? You think its funny?" "No, I think its funny that with Astrid in control you think she was taken. Astrid is no ordinary wolf. Ive been training with her since we shifted and she is wild, strong, fast and smart. She has the fierceness of a rogue with the strength if an alpha and speed like I've never experienced. Lucy is what keeps Astrid kind and merciful. Lucys mind is very strong. Look at Lanie, her wolf is in charge. Lanie is strong but she...she can't keep Anna in the way Lucy can keep Astrid in, and Anna is not as wild and unruly as Astrid." "Alpha Killian, Trust them, They know her. Ive seen some of what Axel says. She is not ordinary. Obviously so. How could the moon goddess give Killain Jones a normal mate. Maddox was sincere in his words. He love Killian like a brother and Killian felt the same about Maddox. "Also we know where Lucy..well Astrid is. We don't know if Astrid has givin Lucy back control." Ellen bowed her head again. "Lets go get our girl!" Alpha Killian shouted.
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