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Lucy had been reading for days. Her brain was on overdrive. She could not believe what she had discovered. Lucky for Lucy's photographic memory. She had harnessed a few new powers, and she could feel herself getting stronger. Astrid made her stronger. She could feel Astrid's emotions better now. She had never been able to tap into them before, only when Astrid showed them to her. They were becoming one. A solid unit, Astrid showed her how to use her powers without wearing herself out too much. Liza was a fantastic help. She explained how vital it was to keep herself grounded—not just training her physical body but her mind too. Lucy focused on clearing out the noise the chatter her brain was constantly full of, listening to the rustling of the trees, the sound of the river, the birds, small animals in the meadow. She opened the door with her mind. Closed it with her mind. She picked up the earth, dirt and grass and dropped them into the water. It was a fantastic feeling. Power, energizing, addictive. Liza warned her not to get drunk on the strength of it all. Her place on this earth was to help, not hurt. To guide, not force. She also knew how to help Lanie. Axel had been afraid to mark Lanie in case Anna went crazy from the power and pleasure. He didn't want to cause any more pain to Lanie than she had already been through. On the next lunar Moon, Axel could finally mark Lanie once Astrid healed Anna's trauma. Lucy knew what to do! Lucy was in the kitchen making lunch for everyone, Liza was resting, and Ben was reading in the study. It felt like she had been here for weeks, but it had only been days how things had changed in that time. All hate she felt seem to flutter away. Replaced with understanding and acceptance. She still didn't know what to do about Killian. He appeared less Evil than the rumours painted him to be, but she couldn't be Luna. She had to be there for Lanie and help her become Luna of this pack. Killian was very sexy, and he made her world spin, but that's not enough. It was incredible enough that Astrid could feel him as their mate before Lucy was even 18 a few more weeks, and she'd be able to feel the mate bond. Everyone came in, and they ate together and enjoyed talking about information Lucy and Liza had found. Almost feeling like a real family. Something Lucy longed for her whole life. After lunch, Lucy went out to let Astrid run and to practice some of her new abilities. Lucy walked along the silver lake, watching the leaves change colours. She cleared her mind and focused on the wind. She could feel it blowing through the valley and Across the lake, lapping at her face. She focused on moving the water on the lake, making small swirls and bubbles and waves. She moved and bent the trees and floated the leaves all around her like a peaceful tornado. She didn't know how long she had been out by the lake, but Astrid was pushing forward. "somethings not right. Lucy, get back to the house." Astrid warned her without taking control. Astrid was trying to respect Lucy and let Lucy lead when in human form. Lucy began focusing on the tree line seeing if she could sense the danger Astrid was talking about. She could hear twigs snapping in the distance, leaves rustling and not from the wind. She could smell them..... Rogues, she shifted into Astrid and ran for the house. When she got inside, Ben and Liza were nowhere to be found. She ran outside to the garden to find them and was suddenly surrounded. Rogues at least 20 of them, Astrid took over and shifted. She assessed the major mess she was in. The first one lunged, she snapped his neck, the second one she dodged and rolled and bit his hind leg breaking it. She continued one by one. She was getting tired. There were five left. She could take them one or two at a time but not all 5. She stopped. She focused on the wind, the leaves, the heavy breathing of the other wolves. She lifted a tree and dropped it on four of the rogues pinning them to the ground. The last one stood back, watching her, almost study her moves and actions. He stalked forward close enough to feel the power rolling over of him. He shifted into human form. Astrid did the same but kept control. Lucy wouldn't be able to handle this situation. It needs a hard edge which, unfortunately, Lucy does not have. "Hello, Luna?" He said sadistically. "Who are you, and what do you want?" "why you Luna, I want you for my queen. I am the Rogue king, but you may call me Alexi. Darling." "haha, you are kidding. My mate would eat you for a midnight snack." "mate, you can't have a mate. You are not of age yet. As well, I see no mark on your perfect little neck." A loud roar was heard from the mountainside, Astrid being as smart as she was. She didn't take her eyes off the creepy man claiming to be some rogue king. She knew who had come for her, and he wouldn't let some mutt lay any claim on her. The man shook in disbelief but stood his ground. I'm a matter of minutes, Diesel, Liam and Dexter stood between this rogue king and Astrid. Killian shifted back to human form and glared at Alexi. "ALEXI!!!!!" He Roared. "Yes, cousin? You bellowed loud enough." Alexi snarled "What do you want with my mate?" Killian was not in a playful mood like Alexi. "I am offering her to be my queen, to rule over all rogues and have all the land her heart could want. With her by my side, we will be unstoppable." He stared at her naked body a little too long for Killian's liking. Killian wound up and knocked Alexi to the ground. Astrid walked around Liam and Astrid, placing her hand on Killian's shoulder. Love, look at me. He's not worth it. She looked down at Alexi, who was crouching to regain his composure. "Listen to Mr mutt king or whatever you call yourself. I will rule with my fated mate and no one else. You can give up your quest now or be destroyed." Astrid stared down at Alexi with all the power and elegance of a true queen with a hint of disgust in her eyes. She turned around and kissed Killan passionately. Alexi laughed a menacing laugh. "we will see about that! We will see about that!" He shifted and disappeared into the tree line. Killian, still holding Astrid in his arms, whispered down at her. "Does this mean you accept me as your mate?" "I accept Diesel as my mate. Lucy may be harder to convince. She isn't your typical girl. She expects a lot. Decently, loyalty, grace and honour. If you need an example of the kind of man who could win her over, he's behind you." Killian turned to see Axel throwing on a pair of shorts he had tied to his leg. "Astrid, how is Lucy? You haven't kept her locked up this whole time, have you? You know that's not fair to her." Axel was clearly worried about Lucy's mental state." Axel lectured her. Astrid gave Lucy control to comfort Axel. "Ax, it's me. She has been giving me control, it's on her terms, but we've really become one the last few days. It's been incredible. I also know how to save Lanie! I have healing abilities. My great Aunt Liza has been teaching me how to harness them. You are never going to believe what I can do!!! Watch this." Lucy closed her eyes. She focused on the wind in the grass, the rays of sun flickering through the trees, the water lapping at the river. She lifted a handful of dirt into her hands a grew a beautiful purple flower. Axel's mouth dropped open. "Luc!! That's incredible!" "let's go back to the house. I want to show you all something. Axel, you and Maddox go ahead. I want to speak with Alpha Killian for a moment." "Alpha, I do feel something for you. I just don't know how to show you. It's been me and Axel so long keeping everyone out. My heart broke when my family didn't want me. It took years for me, with Axel's help to regain control of my emotions and put my heartbreak behind me. I don't know how to let you in." Lucy could hardly get the last part out. Her voice when so quiet. Killian pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. "Sweetheart, I will wait as long as long as it takes. I will prove to you. I'll never break your heart ever." They walked into the house together. Lucy felt oddly safe and comfortable in his arms. Axel and Maddox were lost in ancient scrolls when they walked in. Liza was busy fixing some tea, and Benjamin was scowling in his armchair. "How long are your thugs going to be rummaging around in the library." "Oh Ben, calm yourself. They are only trying to help Lanie. Axel is Lanie's mate. He will be Alpha soon enough, and that will be his lounger." Liza giggled to herself. "He's just a pup. He doesn't know the first thing about leading a pack!" "haha, if I recall, Mark was his age when you handed over the pack to Lucy's mother, and when you abandoned your own grandchild. Axel is the one who stepped up and was there for her—training her, keeping her unruly wolf calm and sated. He is more of an Alpha at 18 than you are at 80.” "Well, I don't like it," Ben grumbled "haha, don't mind him, Axel. He's been sour as long as I've known him. "Holy f*****g s**t!" Maddox shouted as he read an old scroll. “Ya, pretty insane right?” Lucy agreed standing next to Maddax. “Care to fill us in, you two? Killian whined, like he was left out if an inside joke. “When Maddox marks Ellen she will not only become the most powerful white which than ever lived, it will be next to impossible to kill her, since she will be a wolf/witch hybrid. She will have incredible, speed and strength and well as rapid healing. Meaning her spells won't wear her out like a normal witch, she will be able to do, longer harder spells, spells that would normally take a whole coven." Lucy explained. "holy s**t is right! Does Ellen even know this?" Axel asked "I don't think she does. It seems like Aunt Bonnie has been doing a lot of lying to poor Ellen, from what I've read, there is a lot more to Ellen than anyone knows." "I hate that woman!" Grumbled Maddox. Killian was lost in his own world reading ancient scrolls about Lucy. How to keep her safe and how to help her control her abilities. He loved her already and hardly even knew her. He was going to make her love him back if it was the last thing he ever did. They spent hours in the library, reading, studying, learning all they could. The Bennet family was really good with record keeping, better than any other pack. Killian was extremely impressed. The more he learned the more he felt he had judged little Ellen too much.
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