The plan

1040 Words
Revenge on the billionaire chapter 3. "What do you mean Tracy was confused . " Let me explain to you, Your parents..... " stop I don't want to hear it Tracy said. " And why, Tracy was your problem I have one question for you " Am listening " Do you have a job Xander was trying so hard to prove his point. " No but I will get one. "Tracy you studied business management in and you are here sitting without a job an heir to a business empire unbelievable Xander knew what would make Tracy listen and he was on it. " Xander all I have is an abandoned building and the tag an heir Tracy was talking about her parents company that was shut down. " What about your shares and properties? Xander asked. " What shares Now she was confused. Xander brought out his pad and pad pen. " Listen Lucas was a business partner with your father he had 39 percent of your father's shares. Tracy was looking at the iPad but still was confused. " I don't understand why am I hearing this now Tracy couldn't piece it together. " Just let me finish,So they signed the contract and partnered with each other but when your father died he held a meeting with other shareholders and cornered more than 200 billion of your father's company money which is 100 billion worth of goods. Tracy was dumbfounded she couldn't understand what Xander was saying. " Alexander Krinkle please don't joke around and how did you know all these. " Look Mr McCain another share holder that refused to take part in the fraud, He withdrew and left for mexico but he visited mom and I knew he was familiar I have seen him before,He came with your dad once to mom's bakery and because of some documents I saw I decided to ask him and he gave me his card just last month one he called me and said he couldn't do such to his best friend and explained more than enough for me Xander had proof in his laptop and showed her the documents. " Why didn't I know about this documents Tracy said. " You knew but didn't realize Xander was confusing Tracy more and more. " Xander I know I don't have a job but that doesn't mean you should joke about stuff like that Tracy was already annoyed. " That necklace will clear your doubt he pointed at the necklace Tracy's mom instructed and begged her to always wear. " What about it Tracy looked at her neck . " Don't just look it Xander said Tracy took it off and gave it Xander. " There you go,Look at it Tracy handled it over to him. Xander took the necklace and gave her a key. "Have you seen this before He smiled. " Wait did you just pull that key out of my locket Tracy was terrified she had this necklace for ten years now and still haven't found that before. " See for yourself Xander gave her the incomplete locket. Her locket was missing a part it was the one with the key. " What's it for Tracy asked. " You have a box that contains all your necessary documents and your proof of ownership to your father's mansion not the Lucas. He deceived everyone but not McCain and now it's your turn to play the cards. " First I don't get why I am hearing this now and Where is this box Tracy asked. " Because I was piecing together proof and it's with mom but she doesn't know what it is and was instructed to give you when you come of age but mom wants you to be safe so she asked me about the box and I told her and she said it was dangerous but look at all your properties held my one man. " Xander mom didn't want to give me the box why " She wanted to be sure you could handle it and now she thinks so. " What if am not ready and who am I going to build up a locked down company. " First we get the list of all your father's business partners second his shareholders third recruit workers which won't be hard get your goods and be the heir you are "It's not that easy Tracy said. " I know that's why we have a plan " We Tracy asked "Me,You and Mr McCain He smiled. " I woke up job hunting and now it's property hunting Tracy said. " More than property hunting it's revenge Xander " Wait how are we going to do all of these. " I was getting to that, When I discovered this I decided to apply at the Lucas company and now I work there and you know what a vacancy for a personal assistant to the CEO is available. " Wait Xander you are like the computer guy at the company Tracy knew Xander was a smart guy and never settled for less. " No his secretary Xander said. Tracy was dumbfounded. " A what Tracy was surprised. " Back to the plan, You get employed and we work together and get that list Xander explained. " How are we sure this will work Tracy asked. " Leave that for me so are you clear on the plan Xander asked. " You went through all of this for me and even work as a secretary of course I am and if it works you are my secretary Tracy laughed. " After all this is over I am quitting that job It's a rabbit hole Xander sipped his coffee finally after a long time. " And you want me as a PA can't I be something else. " Keep your aim closer remember our college goal Xander said. " So let's drop that topic for now,How are you and hope you are finally dating someone Tracy asked. " Are you dating someone he returned the question. " Well not yet Tracy said. " Same here . " Mom really is worried about us Tracy said. " Mom is always worried Xander smiled.
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