
Revenge on the billionaire

dare to love and hate
office/work place
colleagues to lovers

Tracy Lyon loses all she has to the Lucas family, When her best friend comes up with a plan to get back all she lost. She disguises as his personal assistant to get information. Tracy divert from the plan when she and her boss fall in love. She only cares about her love for him but she is called to order by Xander. Tracy succeeded with the plan and starts up her father company but she is forced to go back to Dwayne when she finds out she's pregnant. How did she gain revenge and will Dwayne take her back.

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Tracy lyon
Revenge on the billionaire Chapter 1. Tracy was sick of this. she remembered when her parents were still alive and she had a silver spoon, She would have been taken to school by her driver but now she was walking down to school. " Tracy please add more steps Xander complained. " Can't we rest for a minute, my legs hurt Tracy said. " We are late simply because you couldn't finish up your chores. " I am not used to doing chores don't blame me Tracy complained. " Well we can't.Xander pushed her forward. " Can't we just take a bus Tracy said. " I can see the building Xander said. Tracy's Parents died when she was just twelve and she lost all she had when she was thirteen and moved in with the krinkle family now she was seventeen and still couldn't cope with the middle lifestyle. " You guys are late again!!!Larry said " Well you know who is always at fault Xander said. " And who Tracy unlocked her locker " You of course, Xander opened his locker next to Tracy's locker. " Tracy still not adapting Tiana said. " So easy for you to say Tracy was still not comfortable with the average life she wants the luxury. " It's fine with me Barry said. " Well if I was in your shoes, I will probably not cope.Imagining being broke all of a sudden Tiana said. " All my dad's money was used for debt and then I am the heir to what property She slammed the locker. " Hmmmmm interesting Tiana wanted to know more an heir to a business empire leaving just like this to who she was it was an insult. " Why are we talking about this Xander spoke out " Well we choose to,Come on Tiana we have drama class. " Tracy we really have practice today Tiana complained. " We do,We have to rehearse some scenes before the show stop nagging and lets leave this two alone Tracy dragged her best friend. " See you guys at lunch Barry waved. " Sure the friends echoed. " Isn't Tiana too nosy Barry said. " Dude you should have said that to her not me Xander smiled. " Really what's amusing you, All of the sudden she's asking about Tracy's Parents and stuffs like that. " You know those don't hide stuffs from each other so for them that's not being nosy It's friendship so stop bothering yourself and go to class. " Well I still say she's nosy Barry said " I knew you never liked her Xander smiled Tracy was playing Juliet from William Shakespeare theatre work, During cast break she sat with Tiana and discussed about her life and stuffs. " Do you really think you have nothing, That's not how it works your father is a billionaire and then he dies and his properties are taking away, Tracy you have to think it through and see what I mean Tiana was the smart type, she knew something just something still belongs to Tracy. " Tiana I know I am not adapting but stop it already, my parents were betrayed by people they trusted, Xander and his family has been amazing to me so I am giving it a chance Tracy was sick of Tiana saying stuff about her parents and properties.

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