Chapter Three

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San Jose, Roxanne - Avid Second Chances Bundle: Time Travel [Avid Book, Mainstream MF, Sci-Fi, Young Adult/New Adult Romance] Chapter Three John transported and landed behind a tree in Central Park. He stepped out and saw people rallying for Earth Day with banners that stated, “Save Planet Earth. Pollution causes sickness,” and “Today is Earth Day. Show Your Appreciation.” He looked at his hand and noticed the time machine remote control was not with him. He ran back to the time machine and looked for any buttons but saw nothing that he might be able to get back. Panicking, he thought, It was morning and immediately he felt the overwhelming reality of having no place to go. He approached a woman with a bandana. “Where is a good place to stay?” She answered, “There are hotels with cheap prices. You can try that.” John walked around Central Park, unsettled when he saw a bench to sit down. As he looked out at the trees and the pond, he thought about how he could return home. Frowning at his predicament, he reached into his pocket and found his wallet. Among his money and IDs were photos of his family and his girlfriend, Angelie. “Oh, Angelie. I’m sorry for using the time machine without your permission. I should have waited for you.” Someone from the Earth Day rally approached him. “Why the sad face?” John looked up and he saw holding an Earth Day banner and a painted Earth on his face. He told the man he just missed his family. Before walking away, the man nodded and said, “Happy Earth Day.” John tried to remain positive and smiled in response. He walked away from the park, stopping at a newspaper stand and reading an advertisement about the Rox Homeless Center. Back in the present time, Patty felt anxious asked Angelie once again if the time machine remote control would work properly. Angelie smiled confidently. “It will.” Steven turned to his wife. “Maybe we should leave Angelie alone so she can concentrate.” Bob and Celine agreed, and they left Angelie alone in the attic. Steven asked Patty to offer the guest room to Bob and Celine. Patty tried to comfort the couple, as they were still reeling at the news of their son’s disappearance. She held Celine’s hand. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Please stay here as long as you want. My daughter will find a way to bring John home.” Celine rubbed her red eyes. “Thank you so much. We will never lose hope.” Bob just stared at the wall in disbelief. Patty walked out of the guest room and slowly closed the door, hiding the tears rolling down her face. Steven hugged Patty. “I feel sorry for them.” Angelie looked at her notes as she started to make a better time machine remote control. After a while, she took a break to clear her mind from the pressure and emotions. She left the house and walked around the village, remembering how she and John first met. She was walking to school. He wore a green T-shirt and black shorts, carrying a backpack over his shoulders walked towards the direction she was. “Hi,” he said to her. She answered, “Hello.” They walked together, and their conversation went on from their day to classes until they arrived at the high school. Before they went their separate ways, he asked her if they could eat together at lunch. The rest was history. Tears flowed down her eyes, and she fell to the ground in the village. “I will find you, John, no matter what.” Patty looked out the window and saw her daughter outside. She stormed out of the house, screaming, “Angelie!” She grabbed her and looked in her eyes. “Angelie, listen to me. You will find him.” Angelie stood motionless, so Patty guided her to the house until they reached her bedroom. “I have to finish the time machine remote control.” Angelie protested. Her mom stopped her with her arms, “Angelie, please rest.” Angelie refused. “I have wasted enough time. I have to get this done.” She wiped her tears and left her bedroom, running to the attic. Angelie worked all day and night. She typed in the necessary numbers, it all seemed to work. She needed to test it, so she pressed the year she first met John in the streets. She arrived in 2014 and saw the same John wearing a green T-shirt and black shorts walking toward her. “Oh, John!” She wanted to hug him, but knew she couldn’t so she ran to the trees so she would not be seen. “Mission Accomplished,” she whispered as she pressed the time machine remote control and traveled back to 2015. Angelie ran from the attic and knocked on Celine and Bob’s guest-room door. “Mr. and Mrs. Salvador, the time machine remote control is ready, it works.” Angelie’s voice woke up Celine. “What?” Angelie repeated her words, also getting Bob’s attention. Celine said to him, “Angelie got the time machine remote control to work.” He nodded and rose from the bed. Angelie rushed to her parents’ room. “Mom, Mom.” she yelled. Patty rubbed her eyes. “What is it, Angelie?” Angelie replied, “I got the time machine remote control to work.” Patty woke up Steven and told him the news. Everyone immediately went to the attic and checked the remote control with excitement. Composing herself, Angelie faced them. “Time to go to 1970 and bring back your son and the love of my life.” Celine stepped forward. “You should go tomorrow instead so I can prepare things for you to take with you.” Bob replied, “You do not have to.” “Please, Bob, let me do this for Angelie and my son,” Celine insisted. Patty agreed. She grabbed Angelie’s hand and pulled her back to her bedroom to rest from making a time machine remote control. “Well done, Angelie. We are so proud of you,” Patty said. “Good thing Celine and Bob aren’t still mad at me.” Patty replied, “It was an accident. They understand.” Angelie flopped down on her bed. “I feel sorry for them.” Patty placed her hands on Angelie’s knees, her red-rimmed eyes holding back tears. “I know. You should rest now. Big day tomorrow.” She kissed her cheek and closed the door. Angelie turned to the left side of her bed and cried, “I will find you, John. Know that. I will find you.” Celine and Bob drove back to their house to get 1970s’ clothes and money for Angelie. Celine grabbed the few old clothes she had from her closet and placed them in a bag while Bob searched for old bills. When they were ready, they drove back to Angelie’s house. They noticed everyone was asleep, so they brought Angelie’s 1970s’ materials to the guest room. The following morning, everyone was in the attic. Celine gave Angelie all the materials they’d found. “This will help you. There is money from Bob if you need anything. Please use it well.” Angelie thanked her and looked at Bob. “Do not worry, I will find him.” She hugged her parents. Steven’s voice was thick with emotion as he said, “Be careful.” “I will.” She smiled, remaining strong for everyone, and pressed 1970 on the time machine remote control. It transported her back in time.
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