Chapter 5: The First Agreement

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The soft glow of the evening sun filtered through Ava’s apartment windows as she sat on the couch, phone in hand, her mind swirling with thoughts. Her connection with Liam had deepened over the past few weeks, though neither had dared to venture beyond their texting bubble. There was a safety in the anonymity, a comfort in not knowing the finer details of each other’s lives. But it was more than that. She sighed, rubbing her thumb across the smooth surface of her phone screen, hesitant to send her latest message. They had been skirting around the idea of meeting for a while now, dancing on the edge of taking that next step, but neither had leaped. The thought of breaking the illusion—of finding out who Liam was beyond the texts—terrified her. What if he wasn’t who she had imagined? What if their connection shattered once they put faces to their words? Her phone buzzed, snapping her out of her thoughts. It was him, right on time. Liam: How was your day? Ava smiled, feeling the now-familiar warmth that came from seeing his messages. Over the past few weeks, they had developed a rhythm—a quiet, almost sacred space where they could talk about anything and everything—well, nearly everything. There were still barriers, invisible lines they had agreed not to cross. Ava: It was okay. A little hectic but manageable. How about you? She hesitated before adding another line. Ava: Liam... Can we talk about something? The following pause felt longer than usual, and Ava stared at the screen, waiting. When his reply finally came, her heart skipped a beat. Liam: Of course. What’s on your mind? Ava took a deep breath. This was it—the moment she had been putting off. She had to address the growing tension between them, the sense that they were getting closer to something neither could quite define. They needed to set some boundaries before they went too far before the lines blurred beyond repair. Ava: I’ve been thinking... I enjoy our conversations. I can talk to you about anything, but. She paused again, trying to find the right words. Ava: But I think it’s vital that we keep some things private. Our connection has been unique because we can talk freely without worrying about personal details. I don’t want to lose that. She hit send before she could second-guess herself. Her stomach twisted in knots as she waited for his reply. What if he disagreed? What if he wanted more than she was ready to give? The uncertainty gnawed at her, and she found herself holding her breath. Across town, Liam sat on his bed, staring at Ava's message. His heart beat a little faster, though he wasn’t sure why. He understood where she was coming from—he, too, had grown attached to the simplicity of their connection. They didn’t have to explain themselves or deal with the complexities of sharing too much. Still, a part of him wanted to know more about her. He had imagined her so many times, trying to picture what she looked like, how she smiled, how her voice would sound. But perhaps Ava was right. Maybe it was better this way, at least for now. He typed a response, his fingers moving slowly across the keyboard as he mulled over his words. Liam: I get it. I feel the same way. I don’t want to ruin what we have. We can keep things as they are—focused on our conversations. No personal details. Just us talking about life. Ava let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. Relief washed over her as she read his message, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Ava: Thank you. I didn’t want to make things awkward between us. Liam: Not awkward at all. I think this is why it works, right? We don’t have to be anyone but ourselves when we talk. No expectations, no strings attached. Just honesty. Ava nodded to herself, feeling the tension in her shoulders at ease. He understood. Of course, he did—he always seemed to know how to respond and make her feel safe. It was one of the reasons she had come to rely on their conversations so much. She remembered their earlier texts that had started with casual banter and gradually evolved into something more profound. They had shared stories about their divorces, heartbreaks, and the loneliness of starting over. She had never imagined a stranger on the other side of a phone screen could become such an integral part of her life, but here they were. And yet, as much as she valued their connection, she wasn’t ready to share more. The thought of opening up about her life beyond their texts made her feel vulnerable in a way she wasn’t prepared for. Ava: So we’re agreed? No personal details? Just... emotions, thoughts, and feelings? Liam: Agreed. No names, no addresses, no pictures. Just us, talking. Ava smiled again, feeling a sense of peace settle over her. She hadn’t realized how much she had been worrying about this until now, and it felt good to have it out in the open. They were on the same page, and she thought she had control over something in her life for the first time. The rest of their conversation flowed easily after that, moving from lighter topics—like their favorite movies and songs—to more reflective ones. They talked about the future, about their hopes and dreams, though neither mentioned their exes or the lives they had left behind. Ava: You know what’s strange? I’ve known you forever, even though we’ve never met. Liam: I know what you mean. It’s like... there’s a connection there, something more profound than just the texts. It’s hard to explain. Ava stared at his message, feeling her chest tighten. She felt the same way but wasn’t sure how to put it into words. There was a connection between them—something that went beyond the surface. But what would happen if they ever met? Would it be the same, or would everything fall apart? She pushed the thought aside, not ready to deal with the answer just yet. For now, it was enough to know that Liam was sharing his thoughts with her on the other side of the screen. They agreed, and everything would be fine if they stuck to it. Wouldn’t it?
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