Chapter 26 You're who you are...

1323 Words

A little while later after an alone breakfast in his room, Ashton stood in front of the dresser checking on his wounds. He winced from time to time as he tried to apply an ointment given to him by Shane. Funny! The Security guy appeared to be friendly than ever but that didn’t lessen the worry with his involvement with Simone. For all he knew, it could be a trap spread by Simone to get the proves from him but every time, he looked at Shane and Shanzy, he felt bad for the two people. They didn’t deserve to be humiliated. But he was in no position to help anyone. Heck! He needed help himself. “Damn! This is worse than I thought,” he muttered in despair and turned around to find Simone standing at the door, still dressed in the horrible workout shorts she wore earlier in the morning. He pri

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