Chapter 25 She Kills With...A Knife Or ...Beauty?

2185 Words

The morning after Simone woke up earlier than her routine and right away, after doing her morning chores with some sore muscles, she headed into the Walk-in-closet to change into her workout shorts and top. Once done, she tied her hair in a long ponytail and looked at her reflection for quite some time as if trying to read the plans rummaging in her own mind. That ghost of a smile was quite a permanent member of her lips and there was no one who could erase it. Apart from one man! But she knew, she wasn’t ever giving him the opportunity to play with her mind or even that playful organ called heart because it was supposedly not for any auctions. At least, not for any man to turn it around, and smack it as he wished. With that resolve set in her mind when she made her way to the pool area

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