
2020 Words
* Ava's heart was as cold as a block of ice as she pulled into the hospital parking lot, her mind filled with a tumultuous mix of emotions. The news of Aiden's injuries during the first football game of the season had reached her ears, and it ignited a burning hatred within her. Both Aiden and his mate, Bella, were the objects of her deep-seated animosity, for it was Aiden who had killed her mate, Axel, and Bella had been his accomplice in all this despite being her friend. She wasn’t stupid; she knew that Axel was a bad person. Sure, they had their good moments every once in a while, but they also had their bad ones. The highs were always so high, but the lows were always very low. Axel was a brutal and vicious man when he was upset with her, and he always chose to take out his anger on her. Of course she hated him for this, and there were several times when she would wish that he would just fall off the face of the earth and die a very painful death. But she still loved her mate. It was a twisted and psychotic sort of love, the kind which always felt like it was suffocating you. It was a toxic relationship, and more often than not they were always at each other’s throats. But during those rare moments where he would let her lay down on his chest and she would listen to his heartbeat, or when he made love to her and told her how she was the most perfect woman on the entire planet, Ava never felt more loved and appreciated. She could still feel the warmth of his touch, the tenderness of his kiss, and the unbridled affection which she felt every single day she was allowed to be with him. But Ava and Aiden had deprived her of that privilege. Parking the car, she took a moment to compose herself, her grip tightening on the steering wheel. She couldn't let her true feelings show, not when Bella was already by Aiden's side. Determined, Ava forced a mask of neutrality upon her face, hiding every trace of her animosity. Her hand found solace on her growing belly as she rubbed it gently, drawing strength from the life within. Soon, her child would be born into this world, the last remaining piece of her life with Axel. She would love him like she loved his father, and she would make sure he grew up to know the kind of man his father had been, and the people who had doomed his life to that of an orphan’s. Stepping out of the car, Ava steeled herself for the encounter that awaited her. She knew she had to play her part convincingly, even though every fiber of her being rebelled against the notion. As she made her way towards the entrance of the hospital, a dark fire burned within her, fueling her hidden motives. The hospital corridors teemed with activity, medical personnel rushing to and fro. Ava navigated the bustling hallways, her steps deliberate and filled with determination. She couldn't afford to falter now, not when her plan was set in motion. Arriving at the door of Aiden's room, Ava took a moment to compose herself before pushing it open. As she stepped inside, her eyes fell upon the sight that made her blood boil. Bella, with her lustrous hair and captivating eyes, was already there, her presence like a dagger through Ava's heart. The two of them were kissing each other, and the sight only fuelled her rage even more. The two of them looked so happy, while she was miserable and alone. “You two make me sick,” she said, forcing a smile to her face as she announced her presence, though her eyes glimmered with hidden malice. Bella turned her gaze towards Ava, a smile on her face as she waved her in. Ava had to force herself not to punch her in the face, and she tried so hard to maintain the facade of a smile on her face. A tension hung in the air between the two women, with Bella completely unaware of the other's disdain. Ava approached the bedside, her movements deliberate, and took a seat opposite Bella. Aiden, weakened but cognizant, offered a weak smile. "Ava, you're here too," he said, his voice strained. "Thank you." “I heard what happened and I had to come and check on you,” she said. “Must have been a nasty injury to take you out like that.” “I’m fine,” Aiden promised. “It’s not as bad as it seems.” Ava nodded, her grip on her hidden emotions tightening. She forced her hand to reach out, hesitantly placing it over Aiden's, her touch a mask for the vitriol she concealed. She glanced at Bella, her expression cold and calculated, before redirecting her attention to Aiden. “How’s the baby?” Bella asked, to which Ava replied stiffly, “He’s fine.” She could feel the burning intensity of her hatred directed at both Aiden and Bella. Her hand instinctively moved to her belly, seeking solace and strength from the life within, a constant reminder of her ulterior motives. Ava's gaze shifted between Aiden and Bella, her eyes reflecting her hidden agenda. In that moment, she silently vowed to exploit their vulnerabilities, their love for each other, until they were broken and defeated. She would make them suffer for the pain they had caused her and Axel, even if it meant weaving a web of deception, all while concealing the depths of her seething animosity. Aiden's gaze shifted from Bella to Ava, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Ava," he began, his voice tinged with genuine concern, "what have you been up to these past few weeks? We haven't seen each other much." Ava's heart skipped a beat at his question, momentarily caught off guard. She quickly composed herself, her expression softening as she met his gaze. "I've been keeping busy," she replied evasively, her voice tinged with a carefully constructed nonchalance. "Working on some personal projects." Bella glanced at Ava, her eyes narrowing slightly as she picked up on the guarded nature of her response. There was a subtle tension in the room, a silent battle of unspoken emotions. Aiden's concern deepened as he noticed Ava's belly. "How are you and the baby doing?" he asked, his voice gentle. Ava's hand instinctively moved to her belly, a protective gesture. She offered a small smile, a mixture of genuine warmth and calculated distance. "We're doing well," she replied, her voice filled with a delicate mixture of affection and secrecy. "The baby is growing, and I'm taking good care of both of us." Aiden's eyes softened, his gaze lingering on Ava's belly. "That's good to hear," he said softly, a flicker of longing in his voice. "I want nothing more than for the baby to be safe and healthy." Ava's heart tightened at his words, a mixture of conflicting emotions stirring within her. She was torn between the desires of her plot and the remnants of the affection she still felt for both Aiden and Bella. It was a delicate balancing act she had to maintain. After all, they had been the ones who saved her from a dark past with Luke. Still, her hatred remained intact, although softened a little bit by Aiden’s kind words. Bella hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before speaking again. "Ava, I've been thinking... It would be best if you moved back to LA," she suggested, her voice hopeful. "Being closer would make it easier for Aiden and I to support you during this time." Ava's eyes narrowed, her control slipping for a brief moment. "No," she replied firmly, a glint of defiance in her voice. "I have my own life now, my own plans. Moving back to LA is not something I'm willing to do." Bella’s expression fell, disappointment etching lines upon her face. "But Ava, you should be closer to the pack," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "For the sake of your child, and maybe even for yourself. You can't keep living separated from the rest of us. It’s not right." Ava's heart wavered, a flicker of remorse tugging at her. She locked eyes with Bella, her voice filled with determination and a touch of coldness. "My child will have my support and love, Bella. I do not ask for anyone’s help in raising him, nor do I wish to force him to live with people who will always blame him for his father’s crimes," she said, her words laced with a hint of finality. Aiden watched the exchange, a mixture of sympathy and suspicion in his eyes. He recognized the tension between Bella and Ava, sensing the unspoken animosity that swirled beneath the surface. Ava rose from her seat, her posture unyielding. "I'll always prioritize the well-being of my child, but moving back to LA is not an option," she reiterated, her voice resolute. "I have my own path to follow." As she walked towards the door, Ava cast a final glance at Aiden and Bella, her gaze holding a complex blend of emotions—hatred, determination, and a trace of lingering regret. She took a deep breath, steadying herself for the turbulent road ahead, as she stepped out of the room, leaving behind a sense of unresolved tension that would continue to shape. As she stepped out of the room, a rush of cool air greeted her, momentarily relieving the intensity of the emotions swirling within her. But her respite was short-lived as she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned to find Bella standing there, concern etched across her face. "What do you want now?" Ava asked curtly, her voice tinged with a frosty edge. Bella's brow furrowed, her eyes reflecting her confusion. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay," she replied, her voice laced with genuine concern. "You seem upset and I don’t understand why." Ava's eyes narrowed, her guardedness intensifying. She took a step back, creating a physical distance between them. "I appreciate your concern, but I don't need your sympathy," she retorted, her voice icy and laced with hidden venom. Bella recoiled slightly, hurt flickering across her features. She had been trying to extend a friendly gesture, unaware of the deep-seated animosity brewing within Ava. "I'm just trying to be there for you," she said softly, her voice tinged with disappointment. Ava's gaze hardened, her heart consumed by the weight of her hatred. "You wouldn't understand, Bella," she snapped, her words filled with a bitter edge. "You have everything you could ever want, so I don’t expect you to understand what I’m going through." Bella took a step back, shock and confusion flashing in her eyes. The revelation of Ava's resentment struck her like a physical blow. "I... I didn't realize," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I had no idea you felt this way." Ava's expression remained impassive, her emotions tightly locked away. "Well, now you know," she replied, her voice devoid of any remorse. "Just stay out of my way, Bella. I don’t need you hovering around me all the time like a shadow, do you understand?” With that final statement, Ava turned away, leaving Bella standing there, bewildered and hurt. The weight of Ava's hatred hung in the air, creating an irreparable rift between them. Bella's attempts at extending friendship had unknowingly deepened the chasm that separated them. As Ava walked away, her heart heavy with a toxic mixture of vengeance and pain, she knew that her plot against Aiden and Bella would continue, fueled by the burning fire of her hatred. The path she had chosen was a treacherous one, where alliances could shift and trust was a luxury she couldn't afford. And so, she walked on, driven by her dark intentions, leaving behind a shattered friendship and a trail of unresolved emotions in her wake. *
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