Chapter 4 - Keeping vigilant

1886 Words
*Him* Finn Was awoken from his meditative state with his name being called by Lady Elora.  Finn slowly opened his eyes. "Good morning Lady Elora. What can I do for you?"  Lady Elora stood ever graceful at Finns door.  "I came to tell you something about your destined one before you hear about it from someone else."  Finn was instantly on his feet.  Lady Elora was Infront of him in an instant. " I need you to be calm as I speak. Can you do that?"  Finn reluctantly nodded. "Good." She sighed. "I just came from my daughters house. Your destined one is safe, she's just a little shaken up. Seems her past is catching up to her." With those words Finn scrunched his hand into a fist. "And what's that supposed mean?" He said through gritted teeth. Lady Elora put her hand on Finn chest. "Take a deep breath in and out. We'll sit down and I'll explain it." She removed her hand from his chest and then glided to the bed and sat with her left leg crossed over her right. Finn followed and plonked into the bed. Lady Elora made sure he was clam before she continued. "Your little lady, was mates to a wolf before our earth goddess paired her with you. He was a cruel alpha. His nephew dethroned him and then your little lady rejected him and came here to start new."  Finn sat in silence. Lady Elora continued.  "Seems her former wolf mate has followed her here. He wants her back." Finn stood up, he wasn't going to let a wolf take what mother earth had gifted to him. He clenched his fists tighter and as his emotions were in turmoil his magic was beginning to seep from his closed fists. The furniture began floating. Lady Elora stood up just as the bed began to rise. She slapped Finn. The sting of it made him stop and the furniture fell back onto the floor. The room was now a mess. Lady Elora put her hands either side of his face. "Look at me. The pack is doing everything they can to protect her. You need to focus on training my grandbabies. As for your little lady, take small steps. Ok?" Finn took in her words. "Ok."  Lady Elora then let his face go. "One more thing. While the wolves are protecting her, do not interfere in their business. The council upholds the right to peace from all species. So I want you to think before you do anything, do I make myself clear?" Finn nodded. "Good, now my grandbabies will be waiting for their lesson before they can rejoin their class with their teacher, your little lady."  With that she turned around and strode out of Finns room. He counted to ten to calm himself then he re-tied his long hair into a ponytail. He then grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and quickly wrote a note for Fiona. He tucked it into his waistcoat pocket.  As he walked to Calistas house he noticed that there were extra wolves milling about. He picked a wild pansy from the ground before it was trampled. It's delicate purple and yellow petals reminding him of his destined one, so vibrant and full of life.  When he got to Calistas door step he rang the doorbell. Charlotte answered the door. She had her curly hair in pigtails, and a smile that revealed a missing front tooth. "Mr Finn!" She squeeled before she gave his legs a cuddle.  Calista came to meet him at the door, prying her daughter off Finns legs. "Finn, come in. Don't mind the extra bodies. Everyone is on high alert for a rouge." She left or at that, bit Finn knew what she meant. Finn followed her into the lounge. She called the boys down from their room. They came running, pushing and shoving each other as they went.  They stopped in front of Finn. Calista scolded them and they let each other go and apologized to their mum. "Now go with Finn, and then after you've done your training you will be joining your classes for the afternoon. Your sister Persephone will be coming back to visit this afternoon, so I need you guys to be on your best behaviour today. Understand?" All three of the children nodded thier heads. "Yes mum."  Calista shooed them off. "Good, now go."  Finn patted his pocket, his note for Fiona was safely tucked away. He couldn't wait to see her after the children's magic lessons.  Finn took the children to a quiet meadow. "Ok sit down. Remember to begin our lesson we must...."  He sat down in the meditation pose. The children sat down opposite him and all three voiced "meditate to centre our selves..." at the same time. Finn encouraged them. "Very good. Now that we are in position, breath in.....and breath out. Complete silence and concentrate. Find your centre, this is where we harness our magic from."  They did this for ten minutes. Finn cracked one of his eyes open. The boys were fidgety. Charlotte had gone to sleep. Finn chuckled. He opened his eyes.  "Ok children, now that we've done that lets do some excersises.  From his pocket, Finn produced a seed, and a dropper with some water. Finn gave the seed to Bradley. "Now Bradley, I want you to plant this seed in the dirt just in front of you and I want you to grow it into a seedling." Bradley grinned. "Easy peesey." Finn flicked him in the forehead. "Yes that's the easy part but this is a luffa seed. It's a cucumber, so it's not as easy as a flower to germinate."  Finn turned to Brandon. "Brandon, I have a dropper of water. We will peel back your learning today. I want you to concentrate on harnessing the power of water that is already present. I want you to concentrate on the water in this dropper. Feel your magic in your fingertips. Then I want you to draw the water out of the dropper."  Finn smiled at the look of concentration on the little boys face. He turned to Charlotte who was just waking up from her nap. Charlotte, you might still be too little for your magic to show itself yet, so we will learn about controlling your wings. The little girl's face lit up. Because she had a missing front tooth she had a slight lisp as she said. "But mifter Finn, my wingth haven't come out yet." Finn patted her on the head. "Well let's work on that now."  He picked up the little girl and put her in his lap.  "Ok I want you to close your eyes. Keep your shoulders back. Now flex your shoulder blades.  The little girl scrunched up her face and started what looked like she was flapping like a chicken.  The boys laughed at her. Both stopped what they were doing. Bradley called her a dummy. "Like this. He threw his shoulders back and his soft green shimmery wings unfurled from his back before he fluttered them open. He had a smug look on his face.  Finn reprimanded him. "Ok Bradley, that's enough. Get back to your training." Charlotte whimpered from Finns lap. He patted her on the head again. "It's ok little one. Let's try it another way. Close your eyes, again put your shoulders back. This time I want you to imagine in your mind you are flying, that you are in the sky with the birds." She nodded. After a few minutes there was a little glow coming from the little girl. Her face was scrunched up in concentration, then there was a little light explosion and from the lite girl came a set of shimmering silver wings. The little girl opened her eyes in surprise, she was floating of the ground. "Mifter Finn! I did it!"  Charlotte was so proud of herself.  Finn smiled. "Yes, you did. And I think I might know what your power is." He unfurled his wings. They were the same shimmering silver as hers. "You are special, like me. We can harness an essence of every power."  After an hour of magic lessons, Finn packed up the three children and they walked to Fiona's class.  Finn peaked through the small window in the door. Fiona was up the front writing something on the blackboard. She turned around and was startled when she seen him. He knocked on the door, Fiona shushed the class and walked to the door to open it.  "C...can I" Finn cleared his throat. "I'm just dropping off these three to your class, and to give you this..." Finn produced his note and the little wild pansy from his pocket. Fiona gingerly accepted it with a slight smile. "Th... thankyou. Ah hm. Charlotte, Bradley and Brandon, take your seats. We were just doing some story writing. Excuse me Mr Finn, I've got my class to teach." She excused herself and went back to writing on the blackboard.  Finn shut the door and walked back in the direction of the pack house. With his magic he whisked out Lady Eloras itinerary and his favourite white swan feather quill. He folded them under his arm and went to meet Lady Elora. He found her in the Alphas office. They were talking about the rouge wolf situation. They all went silent as soon as Finn crossed the threshold. Lady Elora excused herself and came towards Finn. She put her finger to her lips and shussed him and gestured for him to join the meeting. She whispered to him to just be her scribe and to not interfere. Finn nodded in aknowledgment but was frustrated that he couldn't give his thoughts on how to protect his destined one. After the meeting, Lady Elora gave Finn the afternoon off. He went to the big Oak tree he sat in last time. He took out his bird whistle and called for Ringo.  The green parakeet soon fluttered to a stop and landed on Finns forearm. He chirped, and Finn patted him on the head. While he was alone, Finn pondered on his students progress. Bradley was able to grow a tiny cucumber, Brandon finally plucked the water out of the dropper and had it dancing in the air and little Charlotte was able to manifest her wings. So now that each child was progressing he could give them more harder tasks.  This was a good thing. Finn tossed Ringo into the air And he flew away. Finn then settled in to meditate. When he awoke it was night time. He jumped off the tree branch into his blue cloud plume and whisked off to Calistas house for dinner. The children each showed their mother what they learned from Finn and he spoke when he was asked questions. The dinner finished and everyone went to bed. Finn seen Fiona quietly help clean up and then she went to her room. Finn excused himself and in his blue line cloud he floated to a tree branch outside Fiona's window and he sat quietly watching her as she tucked herself into bed, and there he sat from the rest of the night, watching over her making sure she was safe. 
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