Chapter 3 - Fionas new nightmare

1005 Words
*Her* Fiona couldn't take it anymore. The beautiful man was giving her way too much attention and the way every fibre in her body was drawn to him, it was magnetic and it was starting to make her feel uncomfortable, yeah she a felt similar things with Brutus too. It's like the universe likes to screw her. First it was the moon goddess and now....she just didn't understand why. Before Brutus kidnapped her, she was a normal human, in a normal job, with a normal life. She was completely oblivious to the supernatural world. Then she was thrown into it.  As she was lost in thought she didn't know how long she had been walking for.  She shivered as a cool breeze blew passed, she hugged herself.  She stopped walking and looked up, squinting and found she had walked all the way to the training grounds. It was eerily quiet.  She tucked some strands of hair that had come loose from her ponytail, behind her ear.  Big breath in, big breath out. "What am I doing here?" She whispered to herself. An owl hooted from behind her, and she jumped. She felt guilty for running out on Persephones family but after everything she went through with Brutus, she was not ready to let anyone into her life again. "What even is this guys intention? God, moon goddess or whoever is listening, give me a sign. Sigh..." She missed the gentle whisper that was in the wind..."follow your heart my child...." She decided that she needed a talk with Calista. Maybe it was time to go back to the human world and forget about the supernatural.  She strode back to Calistas house, it was getting late and she had school tomorrow. Thankfully she will be too Jay for the fairy man to bother her.  Once she got to the porch of Calistas house, Calista gently opened the door and looked at her.  "Are you ok hun?"  "Maybe. Do you have time to talk?"  Calista stepped aside to let Fiona inside. "Sure. The kids are now in bed and Finn has gone to the pack house."  Fiona breathed a sigh of relief. She had been doing that alot lately.  Both women sat in the living room. Nicholas brought them both a cup of camomile tea, kissed Calista on the head and went off to his office.  Calista took a sip of her tea before taking a concerned look at Fiona.  "So what did you want to talk about?"  Fiona gripped her mug hard. "Fairies."  Calista gulped. "I see."  Fiona continued. "I...I.. knew magic existed, but to me... fairies were only a figment of the imagination, figures that were in books I've read to the children...."  Calista put her mug down and took hold of Fiona's hand. "It's completely ok to be confused, but us fae folk are nothing to be afraid of. We are only nimble beings who can manipulate to elements. We only use our magic for the greater good."  Fiona took in a deep gulp of the Camomile tea. It's calming effects were starting to work on her.  "So...what about the fairy man? Why does he always want to have my attention?"  Calista laughed. "Oh that....well..." She picked up her mug again and breathed in the Camomile smell.  "Like werewolves, we have a soulmate, chosen for us by mother earth. She picks souls that need a little guidance and pairs them up, so that they can learn from each other and grow. We call them our destined ones. Nicholas was mine. I guess she paired me with him to help him with his curse. Long story." She smiled at Fiona.  "So the fairy man.." Calista stopped her. "Finn. His name is Finn, and you are his destined one. Yes."  Fiona nearly dropped her mug. "What? But I can't be...the moon goddess already paired me can another goddess....pick me...." Calista sighed. "Persephone told me you rejected, your mate I guess mother ea byrth thought you need healing so she paired you with Finn."  Fiona was still confused. Calista tried to reassure her. "I can call Skylar for you tomorrow. She's now our pack psychologist. She's an empath, I believe her son is also in your class."  Fiona was surprised. "Which one?" Calista was glad to be off topic. "Michael. He's this packs future Beta you know." Fiona was trying to rack her brain as to which child Michael is. Then it dawned on her. "The quiet little boy with the fuzzy hair?" Calista laughed. "Yep. That's him. He's quiet because he has some of his mother's empathetic powers, and it can be a little overwhelming for him sometimes. But he is also part werewolf so when he is older he'll have his wolf to help him know..."  Calista rolled her wrist.  Fiona was shocked but Calista quickly covered it. "Please don't treat him any different because he has that extra ability. He's a good kid. His mother is my best friend and she'll kill me for telling you. " Fiona finished her tea, and then put the mug down.  "It's getting late, I should get to bed. I don't want to be tired for school tomorrow." Calista patted Fiona on the shoulder. "Of course. Just so you know, you should try to get to know Finn. He might be good for you." She winked at Fiona before she gathered the mugs and went to the kitchen.  Fiona slowly trudged up the stairs to Persephones room with her head down.  She opened the door and a stale smell hit her nostrils. When she looked up she was startled, there was a black dress laying there on her bed. Sitting next to it was a neatly folded note.  With a trembling hand she reached out to the note. She closed her eyes and then opened them again. Praying that it was a sick joke.  The note read; My lovely mate, I'm coming for you. X X B She put her hand over her mouth screamed......
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