Chapter 20

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Walking carefully into her bathroom, Carolina pee and decided to took her bath as her body had calmed, but she was still feeling hot even though she wasn't feeling too sickly again. She walked to her bathtub, the one she shared with Martin, and she thoughts of how Martin had possessively made love to her while bathing together in the bathroom, came flooding into her mind. "He surely is a lovely man, I cannot help but thank God always for blessing him to me," Carolina said as she smiled to herself, and she stripped her clothes to took her bath quickly. As she walked to her bathroom mirror to stared to her beautiful yellow reflection, and her smooth chubby skin, and she blushed. "I can remember how thin I used to looked like before. There's nothing as sweet as marrying a good husband" Carolina chimed and she touched her cheeks, on remembering how Martin used to kissed her from behind at her neck, while thrusting into her warmth as they bathed together. "Martin surely knows how to pamper me, I pray Cora marries a good man too like Martin. So I won't have to be worrying so much about her again. As I know she will be in good custody," Carolina smiled as she wish Cora well always, and she frowned as she remembered the almost transparent night-gown that Cora worn the previous night, while she said, "I will have to speak to Cora about her mode of dressing again, as we are not at home, or in the village where she can dress however way that she wanted, and knowing mom or dad won't complain. She's an adult, and should know it best, to dress decently around Martin." Carolina finally walked back into the bathtub, and she entered into it and switched on the tap to refill it with water. She switched it off to took her bath, as the water has already levelled up to the top of the bathtub, and she added her scented liquid soap and soothing bathing oils, while she scrubbed her skin. Through with her warm bath, she rinse her body and finally stepped out of the bathroom and tying a white long towel around her chest, as she dried her body quickly, and she gasped as she saw the bedroom wall clock time to be after 12pm noon. "Wow! I had slept so long actually, Hm," Carolina sighed and quickly cream her body before she went to her wardrobe and took out a free loose yellow gown that wouldn't hug to tight to her body. And she took out her underwear and kept them safely on the bed to wore it. Satisfied with the lightness of the yellow gown around her body, Carolina finally walked out from her room, and she went downstairs to find Martha, and she saw every corner of her home looked neat, to indicated Martha was through mopping the house. "Good afternoon madam" Martha greeted her, as soon she stepped out of the kitchen and she saw Carolina coming downstairs. Martha had prepared a pot of jollof rice with grilled chicken, as it was already noon and Carolina smiled sweetly to her and replied "How you doing today Martha?" "I'm fine Madam" Martha replied with a brighten smile on her face, and Carolina hummed "Okay." Carolina stared away, as she finally stepped downstairs into the living room. And she turned to went to Cora's room, to saw her sister, since Martin didn't allowed them to continued with their conversation the previous night. As he also placed her on house arrest, and asking her to rest and not head to work, for the safety of their new baby growing in her womb. Martha saw Carolina heading to Cora's guest room corridor, and she immediately remembered that Cora had left the house. And so she spoked out to Carolina, "Madam, Cora has left the house since morning." Carolina paused and she turned backwards to Martha, as she looked surprised, and it took a while for her to digest what Martha just said to her, and she asked "Are you sure about that? You mean Cora has left the house and not in her room?." "Yes Madam. She said she want to see around town and she didn't told me where she was going too exactly, even after I told her to let Mark drove her around." "Hmm.." Carolina frowned. And seeing Carolina frowning face, Martha quickly remembered "Oh! She said I should tell you that she's going out in search of a job." "I know" Carolina replied, and she forced a fake smile to Martha, as she didn't wanted to explained to Martha that she had asked Cora to waited. And for Cora to gave her CV to her, so she could gave it to Martin. "Okay Madam. Should I serve your lunch now?" Martha asked, and Carolina replied "Yes, but not too much. First go upstairs to my room and help me to bring my phone downstairs. As you will see it on the bed drawer and beside the bed." "Okay Madam" Martha quickly replied, and she walked away to the living room stairs and went upstairs to Carolina's room, and she brought Carolina's phone to her, while Carolina walked to the living room couch and sat carefully on it, as Martha left to the kitchen to dished out her meal. Carolina contemplated to called Cora first, and to knew where her younger sister went too, but just as she unlocked her phone screen, she saw her husband photo as her displayed wallpaper, and she blushed and decided to called Martin first. As she knew that she was now sharing her love between her husband and her younger sister.. --------------------- Martin was still in his office, and going through the lastest videos of the last show that ended in his event hall, when his private phone rang out. And he knew that only his family members had access to the phone line, as not even his best friend had access to it. And so he immediately dropped his mouse that he was using to navigate and to scroll through some of the past event videos on the monitor screen, and he immediately took up his phone and stared to the caller ID was his wife. Seeing his lovely wife name displayed on the phone screen, Martin immediately picked up the call, as he spoked "Hello babe" "Good afternoon sweetheart, how's your day and office work going?" Carolina asked, and Martin sighed heavily, as he has just fired his secretary and was still angry of Miss Becky trying to seduce him. "I'm fine sweet heart, how are you feeling now?" Martin asked her, with his deep husky voice. And Carolina replied, "I'm good, just waking up from sleep now, and I wanted to call Cora first, as I heard that she left the house and went out in search of a job." Martin noticed the hint of sadness in his wife's voice and he replied, "It's alright babe, she will be back and you don't have to worry about Cora, as she's an adult, and not a baby anymore." Martin tried to advised his wife and he heard her heavy sigh, before she replied, "I know, just that she could have atleast waited for you to help her to find a job first." "Hmm, Is okay babe" Martin said, as he felt his heart ached as his fist clenched and he chimed "Is okay. I won't be happy here knowing that you're beginning to worrying again. Fine go on and give Cora a call to atleast know where she went too." "Okay babe, do have a nice day, bye, and I love you and miss you too" Carolina said. "Yeah, love you too and bye" Martin replied, as he blew her kisses on the phone call, while he heard Carolina blushed and subtly laughter as she blew him kisses too, before the phone call finally disconnected. Martin dropped his private phone back into his pocket, while he resumed with his office work as his mind had calmed from the previous annoyance of his personal secretary whom wanted to seduced him, and he smiled to himself as he love Carolina very much and wish Cora would stop troubling him and his wife. ----------------------- Shortly after the phone call with her husband ended. Carolina immediately placed a call across to Cora, but the phone rang multiple times, and yet Cora wasn't picking up her call, and it made Carolina extremely worried, as she hoped if nothing bad has happened to her only younger sister. Meanwhile, Cora was at Agent Simon office as it was now her turn to saw Agent Simon, and so she kept her phone in silence as she placed it into her black handbag and she walked into Agent Simon executive office, that was rightly behind Grace office to saw him. Grace office was built just in front of Agent Simon office as his personal secretary. And so Cora walked into Grace office first, just after passing the counter, and she entered Agent Simon office..
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