Chapter 16

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Carolina was still sleeping on the bed, and she didn't even heard the sound of her younger sister knocking on the door, as Martin has left to work, and he closed the door shut and left her to rest.. The medicine that she drank had also made her slept too deep, to be awaken by the slightest noise, and she was oblivious of what was going on around her. Cora stood waiting at the door for Carolina to arrived at the door from within, and pulled it opened, but despite how long she stood waiting and knocking, Carolina didn't showed up.. Cora sighed and knocked again, and she was feeling tempted to turned the door knob opened and peeked in, but she didn't wanted to gave her elder sister a wrong impression about herself, as to why she came upstairs, and so she turned to leave. Indeed she was jealous of Carolina, and she subtly wanted to took a sneak peek in their bedroom, as she wanted to saw the bed Martin made love to her elder sister, and to fed her eyes and curious mind, on where the moaning had taken place. Standing a few more minutes, and not seeing Carolina arriving, Cora frowned and set to leave the corridor. And just then, Martha arrived the corridor too, as she came to mopped it, as she was through tiding the ground floor. Cora stared at Martha whom stood at the corridor entrance door and also staring at her. And she hissed so loud at Martha interference, before she walked away and exited the corridor. Martha stood wondering what she did wrong to Cora, and what Cora actually came upstairs to do. And she shook her head and resumed sweeping the corridor to tidy it first, with the rest of the rooms, as Coralina and Martin room was the last room that she normally attended too, except for the day Carolina left early to work, and was on morning duty in the private hospital she was a nurse. Cora went downstairs and she cussed "That silly maid won't stop monitoring me. Mm, probably ignoring her is the best, let me go and take my bath first." Cora swayed her hips sideways, as she catwalk downstairs to the living room, before she made her way to the guest room corridor, and she approached her room door and pushed it opened, before she walked in. Cora walked to her wardrobe and examined most of the seductive hot clothes that she had came with from the village. And at first, it wasn't her true intentions of seducing Martin, as that wasn't the major reason as to why she left the village. But she couldn't just took her eyes off Martin, as he was so stricking handsome and matured, much more than all the young men that she had ever dated. Martin was godly, matured and smoking dark skin, and Cora thought whenever she tried to concentrated, she just couldn't helped it but admire him. She sighed out her frustration and decided to took her bath first, so she could head out in search of a job by herself, since Carolina nor Martin couldn't paid attention to her CV.. "Let me just bath quickly, once I am through, I will go out and look for a job by myself. Who knows I might get a good catching job?," Cora smiled to herself, as she stripped her nightgown inside of her room, and stepped out from her undies as she walked bare to the bathroom to bath.. It was her habit to stared to her bare reflection on the mirror, and to knew if she was still hot looking or she had turned ugly overnight. And so Cora stood in front of her bathroom mirror, and winked at her seductive reflection as she admired her full boobs and slim curvy hips. "I still looked cute" Cora winked at her beautiful yellow reflection, as she subtly turned around to stared to her slender back, and down to her two round buttocks and she smiled. Before she finally walked towards the sparkling white bathtub to filled it with luke warm water, and she sank into it to took her bath. She felt all her raging nerves, for how Martin had been ignoring her relaxed, and she picked up her sponge to scrub her yellow body. As she added more scented soap into her bathing water, and to pamper her beautiful yellow skin. Through with her bath, she pulled the drained and finally turned on the shower tap to rinse her body, and she finally stepped out, and walked to took the nearest towel hanging in her bathroom to dried up herself. Once she was out in her room, she dressed up quickly in a blue shirt and black pencil skirt, and she applied little makeup on her face, As she didn't love heavy makeup and knowing it hid her natural true beauty. Well she never fails to makeup, unlike Carolina that was least of concerned about her looks. Cora's brows knotted as she thought, "Is that why Martin didn't wanted to stared to me, because I am always on make up?. Well, that's his business, I will get him. Little by little, I will surely pill off his banana and eat him." Cora smirked and she was now satisfied with her simple looks on the mirror, and she reached to combed her long hair and to oil it, as she combed it and packed it into a bun. Through, she decided to went out to the kitchen to prepared her tea by herself, as with the way she had not seen Carolina stepped out yet, she remembered Carolina went to the hospital the previous night. And she knew Carolina would not be out soon and probably still sleeping. Cora walked out to the living room first, before made her way to the kitchen. And Martha was still upstairs and cleaning all the rooms, and when she was done, she knocked carefully on Carolina and Martin room door to clean it too, but none responded to her. Martha knew that only her lovely madam was inside the room. And she carefully opened the door and entered, as she cleaned up the room carefully not to woke Carolina up, as she saw Carolina sleeping peacefully on the bed like a baby, and also covered with the duvet.. Before she came to work for Carolina and Martin in their home, and as their full time maid. She was afraid, as she has heard of how some boss would switched from sleeping their wife, and to be sleeping with the maid, but Martin has never stared to her with lust, nor admired her in any unusual way that would made her felt uncomfortable with her job. And she was grateful, as she had now worked longer with them and going to a year, as she wished her madam would got pregnant and gave birth to a little baby boy or girl. So she could had someone little in the house to be playing with. Martha smiled as she hurried up with her works in the room. And once she was through, she carefully opened the door and left, as she saw how Carolina was covered up like a baby. She knew Carolina went to the hospital the previous night, so she didn't wanted to asked Carolina if she was in need of anything. Until Carolina had woke up and sent for her. Martha stepped out from her madam's room, and she made her way downstairs, but then, she saw Cora walking out from the kitchen, and also carrying a tray of teacup and with a loaf of bread on it. As the teacup was removing hot smoke, and Martha smiled faintly to Cora as she rather stepped downstairs. Cora stared away from Martha, as she walked majestically to the dinning table, and even as she remembered what happened the previous night, with Martin feeding Carolina to her viewed, and with Carolina licking and sucking on Martin's fingers. She sighed and grimaced, as she finally sat down on the dinning table, as she positioned her hot tea in front of her and took her bread to started eating it. Martha saw Cora was dressed to leave the house, and she wondered if Cora knew her way around the city, as it was her first time of seeing Cora ever since she had been working for Carolina and Martin. And almost going to a year. She friendly walked up to the dinning table to meet Cora, and to asked Cora if she was going out, but Cora glared at her, and Martha gulped and asked, "Are you going out today, ma.. I mean Cora?." "Oh! Why do you want to know? Mm" Cora frowned her face at Martha, and Martha replied "Nothing, I am just asking to know if you've been around town before. As one might easily get lost, if you don't know your way back here, especially with the houses in this estate looking alike."
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