Chapter 2 - Traveling to the village

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Carolina was previously living in the city with her father's brother, Mr. Freemond Brown, who was her uncle, as he was a carpenter and he has a wife and two kids. Then Carolina was still at the university, studying nursing, when she met Martin two years ago. Carolina decided to call Cora on the phone to let Cora know that she was already on her way to the village, and the phone call rang and connected. "Hello sister," Carolina spoke first, as soon as the phone call connected with Cora's phone. Cora was in the village and just finished taking her bath and dressing up in her room, as she was preparing to go out to her boyfriend's family house, Francis Wilfred. He was still living with his parents and she want to inform him that she was already leaving to the city, once Carolina arrived in their village,. Francis Wilfred was a dark-skinned guy, and he was 25 years old, but Cora knew that Francis was cheating on her, as he hadn't taken her relationship with him seriously. She couldn't help but love Francis because he was her first love, even when she got admission into the university and previously left their village for her four-year course, she couldn't still fall in love with another guy, as much as she loves Francis. "Hi, sister, where are you now?" Cora asked on the phone because she could hear the sounds of different cars driving along the expressway. "I'm on my way to the village now. Martin finally agreed for you to come and live with us here in the city, so I'm coming," Carolina replied. "Really? I'm so excited to hear that your husband finally agreed. Thank you, sister," Cora said, as she jumped up excitedly in her room and was glad that Martin finally agreed to her moving to the city. "You're welcome, Cora. How about dad and mom?" Carolina finally asked, and Cora replied, "They have gone to the farm." "And you didn't follow them?" Carolina inquired, but Cora pouted her lips before she said, "I wanted too, but I just want to see someone first since I will be going with you to the city tomorrow." "Who is that?" Carolina asked, but Cora hesitated to reply he was her boyfriend. As she rather said, "Just my friend, sis." "A man or a woman?" Carolina questioned, and Cora said, "My friend. I want to tell him that I will be leaving the village soon." "Okay. You can let him know that we are leaving tomorrow, bye," Carolina said. "Alright, sis, I will be expecting you; goodbye," Cora replied, and the phone call finally ended. Carolina relaxed in her car seat as she stared out through the window as Mark drove her car down to her village. ~~~~~ Meanwhile Cora sighed after her phone call with her elder sister ended. She quickly walked to her mirror to examine her looks as she was dressed in a light blue dress. She finally walked out of their family house as she went out to the Francis family home to see him. It was a bright Saturday morning, and most of the elderly people loved to farm in their village as it was the weekend. Cora knew that Francis would be at home, as he didn't love to farm with his parents because he was a hustler and into carpentry work. Arriving at Francis's family home, Cora didn't call Francis on the phone to tell him that she was coming over to his family house. Since the house was only two streets away from hers. She approached the house frontage, and walked up to the entrance door and knocked. Francis younger sister, Amanda Wilfred, pulled the entrance door open, and gasped as she saw Cora. Amanda was a 17-year-old dark-skinned young lady, Cora immediately asked her, "What of Francis?." "Good morning. Hmm, he's inside, but..." Amanda said, but Cora asked her, "But what? Go away from the door." Cora walked into the almost empty living room, as she knew that the Francis family was poor, but she believed Francis seemed promising to become a successful man in future, and so she made her way into the living room and toward Francis's room door to knock and to pull the door open. But on approaching Francis's room door, Cora gasped as she could hear the sound of two bodies colliding. The heat of passion, and the intense moaning and grunting sound emitting from Francis's room door. She screamed out, "No!!" And immediately rushed up to Francis's room door, which she pushed the door open and stepped into the room. She saw Francis pant down and on top of Ivy, as they were making love. "Francis!!!" Cora screamed out, and she rushed up to them, and separated Francis away from Ivy, not minding that Ivy was bare. Cora started hitting on Ivy, as she had fought with Ivy countless times before to stay away from her boyfriend. "You bîtch! Haven't I warned you to stay off, Francis?" Cora was beating on the young lady like her size, and Francis immediately wore his boxer, and pulled Cora away from hitting on Ivy, as he scolded Cora, "Just stop it, Cora. What has come over you?." Francis pulled Cora away from hitting on Ivy, as he was in love with the two young ladies. And Ivy quickly searched for her pants in the room and her brown dress, as she was living in the next house after Francis's family House. Her parents only sent her home to bring the second cutlass that they forgot to take with them to the farm, but she ended up sneaking into Francis's Family House and having a quickie with him again. Cora spoke, "What nonsense are you still doing with her, Francis, and you said that you love only me and not her?." Tears welled up in Cora's eyes and Ivy wore her brown gown quickly, and dashed out of Francis's room to go take the cutlass back to the farm. Francis spoke to Cora. "Just calm down, babe. I really do love you, and not Ivy please believe me," Francis said, as he was sweating, but Cora knew that he was lying to her, as he was in love with Ivy too. Ivy was also fair in complexion like Cora, and 22 years old. Cora knew that the Ivy and Francis relationship started after she had gotten admission to the university, and left their village before. She sadly shook her head as she blink the teardrops away from her eyes. Francis walked up to meet her and he tried to touch her, as he said, "Babe." "Don't touch me!" Cora warned and pushed Francis arms off from hugging her by her waist. She didn't allow him to c*m in Ivy, and Francis was still aroused and wanting Cora too, but Cora didn't come for that as she was still irritated at seeing him deep in Ivy's cave. "Don't think about it, Francis. As that's not why I'm here," Cora said, and Francis retreated, before he asked her, "Then why're you here?." Francis was still in his white shorts, and Cora sniffed before she told him, "I only came here to tell you that I will be leaving for the city tomorrow with my sister. Once she arrives here in the village today." "Hmm," Francis was silent, and he walked away from Cora to search for his towel, and he took it up and finally asked her, "Why travel again? The last time you went to school, you left me alone here in the village. And I have told you that I can take good care of you, as you just need to give me some time to make some money first." "No Francis. I'm sorry, but I have to go to the city," Cora said, as she immediately turned to leave the room. She knew that Francis and Ivy were probably destined to be together, as now she would be leaving them. Francis asked her, "So when will you be returning, babe? Or are you going to base there forever?." Cora paused by his room exit door, and stared backwards at Francis. She met his gaze on her and replied, "I don't know when I will be back, as I'm only going there to look for a job." "Is alright. I wish you a safe journey and good luck," Francis said, and he picked up the clothes that he would wear after he was through bathing. Cora asked him, "Is that all you will say to me?." "What do you want me to say to you babe, when you're already leaving me tomorrow, and you said that once your sister's comes, then you will be leaving me behind?" Francis retorted. "You don't even know when you will be back too," he added, and Cora stared at his handsome face. Cora wondered how she fell in love with him and gave him her pride. "I will be back. I just need to raise money for us, and probably after that, you can move with me to the city too, as there will be a better job offer there for you too," Cora added, but Francis shook his head as he stripped off his boxer before he wrapped his white towel around his waist. Cora gulped as she continued to stare at Francis bare body. "There's no need for all that, as we have discussed this before. Just go and get a job there for yourself, as I'm certain that you will fall in love with another man there too," Francis replied.
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