Chapter 11

3582 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN TRAVIS It’s been three weeks since I snuck Viola up to the house on the bay, and even though we find every chance to be together, it was one of those moments I’ll never forget. I hate that we’re keeping it a secret from Drew, but a part of me worries things will change between us once he knows. There’s no saying how he’ll react for sure, but I can’t imagine it’ll be good. However, now that I have a rental car and I’ve returned to work, it’s a little easier to avoid Drew and meet up with Viola on nights he’s home. She still comes over on Wednesdays, and I still find ways to taste her when he’s not looking. My phone dings with an incoming text message as I walk into work, and I smile as I read Viola’s name across the screen. Viola: My financial marketing professor just a

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