Chapter 10

3469 Words

CHAPTER TEN TRAVIS Drew comes home, changes into his uniform, and is out the door in all of ten minutes. The dude is like f*****g Batman. One minute, he’s in regular clothes, and the next, he has a gun strapped to his side, ready to fight crime. Just like clockwork, Viola texts me. Viola: You know what I could go for right about now? Travis: A piece of King cake? Viola: Ha! Some coffee. Want to join me? Travis: Did you really have to ask? I’m smiling, which seems to happen a lot when I’m thinking about, talking to, or around her. Viola: I’ll be there in 5. On time, Viola pulls into the driveway but doesn’t get out. Instead, she honks. I can’t help but laugh at the pathetic horn on the Prius. It’s like a cartoon car with a cute little meep-meep sound. “You need a Mustang or somet

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