The Riot:

1905 Words

The Riot: Adriana never felt clean after falling to the floor across the street. The stoop she had been dropped on belonged to an aging healer woman that she’d never met, but who said she was a friend of her mother. Taken off the street, the healer tried to help remove the scum from her body and clothes. “They burned my house down.” “Yes, I know. They’ve threatened me several times with accidents, but I heal them, so they mostly let me be.” “What they are doing isn’t right, the Magistrate should stop them.” “I am sure she is doing what she can. They are very strong men, someone stronger protects them.” “We are women, they should be told to stop.” “Someday, someone will stand up to them.” Adriana decided today would be the day. She searched the room, gathering a few random objects.

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