Chapter 9

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Tobia POV Carly took me to a room where she would give me a few lessons on how to be the good and caring, Dom, I want to be. Although I was nervous about being the recipient of what I had to go through to learn and understand, I was excited too, I wanted to learn. I believed if I could master this, I could get a hold of my growing anger issues, because I am told being a good dominant is being in control of your anger and emotions and reading how my submissive will respond. I see this as a win-win style of life. I get hold of my anger and learn to read a person’s reactions. Is this not a good thing? Though I am already good at reading, well, most people, this will be a whole new way of looking at people, and I am hoping it will give me a new type of confidence. I know I try to look confident and most of the time succeed, unknown to others, my arrogance is really hiding my true feelings. The more I seem to care for someone, the angrier I get. I have been hurt in the past, and am afraid to let loose and care too much again. Carly secured me to the cross with my back on the cold wooden cross. This was not what I expected. For some reason, I thought I would have had my chest on the cross. But Carly showed me both ways. First she used different kinds of whips, The sound of the whip was that she cracked it in the air. As she talked about each whip, it made me flinch at the thought of the pain she described and then look forward to feeling that kind of pain, and the type of markings that whip would put on my body. Through the whole process, she kept making sure I knew my safe word and to use it if I needed it, no need to take pain just to prove something, as only I would be hurt in the long run. She even hit me on my groin area, which shocked me at first, but Carly was good and explained everything as she went. The pain at first was just that, pain, but then the pain seemed to change at some point. I cannot tell you when it changed, just that each hit had become something more arousing and I started to want more. She did not let me get too aroused, but waited between hits for me to calm back down, and while she waited, Carly talked about other methods and places on the body one could use that particular whip. When I was released from that position and turned to have my chest on the cross, she started to use a paddle, and I started to understand the different instruments and the different pain it gave. I was getting more and more excited with each hit. Instead of feeling just the pain and a slight arousal, like I had before, this time I was feeling each hit and it made my d**k get harder and harder, to the stage where I thought I would explode. Maybe it was because I could not see it coming, and her soft alluring voice drew me in, or maybe it was because she rubbed her hand over my butt cheek after each paddle strike, cooling the warming cheek, or maybe a combination of all of that, but I was so very turned on. ‘Do not c*m, until I give you permission.’ Carly growled at me, as she could see how far I had gone. Not once did she touch me sensually, no kisses, or whispers of any kind of encouragement, this was all about learning the pain, and what it could do, and boy was I in for the ride of my life, as I tried not to c*m and waited for permission to explode. Waiting for permission was difficult, and a new lesson on control, and I never realised before, how much your words could control someone. When Carly gave me permission to let go, my o****m was intense and the release explosive, and, oh wow, that was surprising, considering I did not have my d**k in a woman or have her mouth on me, or my hand fisting my d**k, it was all through pain and verbal control and my need to do this to a woman, and have her feel what I just went through grew more, I wanted to find that woman who watched me f**k, something told me should would love this too. After Carly untied me, I was as weak as a newborn pup. Carly got a warm bowl of soapy water and cloth and gently cleaned me up, explaining that aftercare of your submissive was just as important as whipping or whatever scene, you had just put that submissive through, and her o****m was her reward for behaving like a good submissive like you had wanted, and we talked about what happened and how I felt about it. She explained that if you so desire it and if the submissive wanted it, you could finish the act with s*x. At that time, it could be a reward for both of you, but over time, s*x will mean more to you being the dominant and your self-control, when it is given less often and as a reward. Although that does not stop you from having s*x any other time, just keeping the actions of Dom and Sub separate from normal daily life, each time you resist the urge to take her or him at the end of a scene it will make the act more intense for you and the Sub and the Sub will never know when you will give her that reward or just the release she needs. Carly took me to see some private rooms. These rooms had two-way mirrors on them, so you could watch what was happening inside and the occupant knew someone may be watching, and that gives you a different kind of kinky powerful feeling, though not everyone is into watching or being watched. Each room had a dominant doing something different to the submissive inside, and Carly answered all my questions as we viewed each one at a time and I tried to picture if it was something I would like to try at some time or not. I need to be confident with each growth step as the Dominant and how well my Submissive reacts and is prepared to take the next step up in our learning adventure. ‘A good Dom. He or she knows his or her limitations, and experimenting is the only way to find them. Take your time, don’t rush through to reach the end goal, it is all about the journey, not the goal. You will get more out of this lifestyle. If you learn control, and how to read your submissive, and if she or he, refuses to use the safe word, it is up to you to recognise that the submissive has reached her limit and it is her vanity or not wanting to give in, that is making her refuse to use the word. You are the one who has to recognise this and stop or change what you are doing so you do not break your sub, make the change seem as if it was all part of your journey and not that you recognised. She has reached her limit, you are here to make her feel good, and if you cannot make the change and end up breaking her, you are breaking you too. I have seen many Dom’s go too far and that is their journey, but it is not your journey. I can tell you are not that sort of person who enjoys taking it too far, and be prepared to stop the whole scene if the Submissive says the safe word to anything you want to try, talk to the Submissive, find out why she said the word, maybe he or she was not yet ready, or maybe it is not something he or she is comfortable with and never will be, you have to respect that and not force it, or you will lost that submissives trust and trust is a big issue with the relationship between the Dominant and the Submissive, ’ Carly was clear and I understood what she was trying to tell me. ‘Thank you, Carly, I have learnt a lot today.’ I said as I took a glass of water from a passing waitress, and could still feel the burn on my butt cheeks from her lesson, and it was sort of a good pain, and a reminder of what I have learnt today, soon my wolf healing will take away all that pain and redness, but it was a very good moment while it lasted. ‘Do you wish to try out on one of our more experienced Submissives?’ Carly offered kindly. ‘No, but thank you, I have a girl in mind, I just need to go find her.’ And with that, my night was done and I could not wait to find my girl. If I feel I need to come back, I know I am always welcome to come and try something new out, but for now, I want to learn on someone who is new to this too, and we can learn together, and see how that journey goes.
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