Chapter Eight - Lunch and Coffee with the rockstar.

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Alena’s P.O.V We had arrived in Vegas after four and a half hours. I was glad because Ryker had been annoying the hell out of me nearly the entire journey. He kept stealing my camera, taking photos of me…off himself, pulling stupid faces. My plan to get the photos I needed never worked because he was distracting me. “How was your first tour bus journey with Ryker?” Natalie laughed when I got off the bus. “Hell! Is he always this annoying?” I laughed, “At least 80% of the time…yes. You should probably get used to it.” She laughed. Ryker appeared by my side, laughing as I complained. “Yes, yes you should.” He laughed, “You two seem to be getting on better,” she said looking between us. We looked at each other, Ryker nodding and I shrugged, laughing. She was right, we were getting on better. I do not know what changed and only today. Maybe we have both realised that we are going to be spending a lot of time together. There was no point in not getting along, that would not do anyone, any good. After everyone was there, we headed into the hotel to get checked in. “Alena, we got you, your own room saves you having to share with the guys.” Natalie laughed, “But it is right next to Ryker’s room and my room is down the hall.” She added. I was thankful for her doing that. It was enough to be sharing a tour bus with them. Having my own room at hotels will give me some time to myself in between. Everyone got checked in, getting their card keys. “Table booked for dinner at seven for everyone.” Natalie said, We all said goodbye, heading to our own rooms. I needed a shower. My eyes went wide when I walked in. The place was beautiful, never stayed anywhere like it. I am guessing I should probably get used to this uh? I sat my bag down, looking out at the view. It was an amazing view of Vegas. I have never been here. I am hoping while we are here, I can get a chance to see the place when I am not working. I had a look around my room, snapping a couple of photos on my own personal camera. I want my own memories too. Once I was done, I headed to the shower room to get a shower. The thing was huge! I could not wait to try it, the power of it was going to be incredible. I switched it on, stripping down and climbing in. It was like heaven. I must have stayed in there for a good hour before getting out. I slipped on my shorts and tank top. Maybe I can get some sun in the patio attached to my room. I grabbed my shades, pulling my hair up and went to head outside. Before I had a chance there was a knock at my room door. I thought maybe it was Natalie needing to tell me something. I headed to answer it, surprised when I see Ryker standing there. “Hey, can I help you with something?” I asked. “Was wondering if you wanted to go grab a coffee. I can show you some of Vegas?” he asked. Does he want to spend time with me when we are not working? I was not expecting that. “Yeah, sure. Coffee sounds good.” I smiled, “Let me get my bag and we can head out.” I added. He waited out in the hallway as I grabbed my bag and headed to join him. He put his shades and hat on before we headed out. I am guessing he does not want to be seen. I do not know how he does it, everyone knowing who he is. That must be some pressure. “Your room alright?” He asked as we headed out. “Yes, it is amazing. The view is amazing!” I gushed excitedly. “I am glad you like it.” He said, “The notion will wear off after so many hotels, they will all just become the same.” He added. “It must get lonely being on the road all the time,” I said. “I am used to it.” He said, “I find the company in other ways.” He added. I knew he meant s*x when he said that. “Yeah, least you are getting some.” I smiled. I could never do those sorts of things, but everyone is different. I will never understand what he feels cause I will never live the life he does. “We can walk along the strip. It is better in the night time but not too bad during the day too. We can grab a coffee first.” He smiled. “Sounds good,” I smiled. I had one of my cameras in my bag to take photos. I may as well take every chance that I can get. A comfortable silence fell between us until we found somewhere to grab a coffee and biscotti too. Yum, biscotti. Love me some biscotti. “Mmm, this is so good…” I moaned. “Hmm,” he said looking at him licking his lips. I was hoping that lick of his lips was cause he was enjoying it too and not for anything else. I was not sure with the way he was looking at me. Maybe it was the way I moaned? I hope not, I never meant it any other way. “Are you looking forward to the first show tomorrow?” I asked, moving on. “I am. I love being on stage. Performing for my fans.” He smiled, “Though I sometimes wish I could play different music.” He added. He writes all his own songs, doesn’t he? Why would he want to perform different music? “Don’t you write all your own music?” I asked a little confused. “I do but there are songs I write that I perform and other songs, I write that I wish I could perform but my team say they ones are not what my fans want.” He said. “Why can’t you perform the ones that you want too?” I asked. “They are apparently too deep and depressing.” He shrugged. It made me wonder what his real story actually was if that is the sort of songs he writes. “They should still let you perform.” I said. “Sadly, that isn’t how it works.” He replied shrugging… I felt bad for him. I could tell he really wanted to perform what he wanted. “Maybe one day,” I said trying to give him a little hope. “Probably not but thanks.” He said. I gave him a small smile. He fell silent after that. I had a feeling he never wanted to talk about it anymore. I do not blame him. We do not exactly know each other that well. I would not expect him to him open up to me. “Are you hungry? There is a great Thai place not too far if you fancy it?” He said. “I could eat, yes.” I smiled. “Me too, come on.” He smiled, his hand on the small of my back. I shivered a little, thankfully he never noticed and if he did, he never brought it up. I had not eaten since breakfast, well except the biscotti anyway. I was ready for proper food. He led us inside. “Your usual seat Mr King?” the house of front staff smiled. “Yes please, Jane.” He smiled. She led us through to a small private room. I am guessing he comes here a lot when he is here. We thanked her, Jane giving us menus and heading off. “I come here every time I am in town. They know me and make sure I have a private room so I can get my lunch in peace.” He said. “That is nice of them.” I smiled. Maybe spending time with him while not working will not be too bad. I would say thus far it has been going good.  
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