The Luna's death

1183 Words
Months into staying at the pack house, I got to understand three things. The pack members preferred not to be mean to me because of Luna Kate, the only reason I was still at the back house was because of Luna Kate, and lastly, Alpha Jaxon still very much detested me. Unlike before, he ignored me anytime he saw me, but that austere look that was filled with so much scorn was always on his face. Alpha Jaxon was a stringent man, but the only person who he was different with was Luna Kate. He was an entirely different person around her. He barely smiled at anyone, but with her, he did. It made me wish I had a mate. Maybe then, would this dismal life of mine be over. Then I would finally be happy. My baby bump was very much visible, but it appeared as though none of the pack members cared. They never spared me a glance each time they saw me struggling with work. It was almost as though I didn't exist to them. In some aspects, it was for the best. At least they didn't pick on me like they did when I first got into the pack house. On a certain Tuesday evening, Luna Kate got back from work feverish. She worked as a lawyer among the humans right there in Oklahoma. That day she didn't look good a bit and Madame Rebecca assigned me to her. Her high-pitched voice pierced my ear whilst I was washing the dishes. “Hurry up and get the Luna a ginger tea!" She snapped at me and I flinched hard even though I got yelled at every single day It was as though she felt I was two in one. There were a lot of idle maids lurking around, but she chose to send me. I couldn't disapprove because I knew I was the guest there. The only elation I had was, my savings were getting bigger due to the part-time job I had as a waiter. I was glad Alpha Jaxon didn't deny me that. Perhaps he realized that if I worked, I would be able to save up and get the f**k out of his pack. I finished washing the dishes and I made the tea, just the way she liked it_ steaming hot. After making it, I took it to her. I knocked on the door and when I heard a faint “come in" I walked in. She was perched on her bed, looking awfully unease. Her forehead had a bit of sweat which she periodically wiped off with a towel. With the way she looked, it felt like she was combatting an excruciating pain. “Bring it over here," she mumbled and I did as she told me even though I was certain she didn't need the tea. She was sweating so much even though it was cold. She took the cup and I saw that as a cue to leave, but she stopped me. “Wait" she struggled to let out. I halted and turned to look at her. “Yes, Luna Kate," I asked with ears ready for what she was about to ask. “Have a seat" she offered and my body screamed for Joy. it was exactly what I needed. My back ailed from standing too much and I just wanted rest. I sat beside her as I watched her take the tea I brought for her. “Have you seen Jaxon?" she asked immediately after the teacup left her lips. “No I haven't," I replied. Her eyes landed on my baby bump. “You aren't doing any tedious work Amaya, are you?" She asked and I shook my head. Well apart from bending down all day to keep the pack house clean, what could be more tedious than that? Note sarcasm. "I'm taking it easy as you asked me to” I lied "And your work?” she asked again. "Just like my first” I replied. Being a waitress was not a new thing to me "What about... “ She tried to ask, but it felt as though she choked on something. I took the tea from her and set it on a table as she coughed. I wasn't worried at first, but when it prevailed, I began to worry. "Are you okay?” I asked worriedly and also confused about what to do. After struggling, she nodded her head. Her eyes turned red and watery due to how hard she had coughed and I was fearful but decided not to put any meaning to it. "Should I take the tea out?” I asked because I didn't think she would want to take something which almost choked her to death. “ Yes, I don't think my body wants that right now" I was already up on my feet and I grabbed the tea. I made my way to the door, but I wasn't able to open it when I heard her coughing again. I panicked instantly as I turned to look at her. I was still standing by the door confused about what to do when she started coughing out blood. The tea fell from my hand and shattered as my orbs widened. I rushed to her, trying to lift them from the floor where she crouched groaning in pain, at the same coughing. “Somebody help!!" I screamed at the top of my voice. I was perplexed, at the same time scared. I was holding her and her blood had smeared on my clothes. I panicked because I feared she wasn't going to make it “Please, anyone!" I screamed louder than the first time Moments later, the door opened and a maid named Stella walked in. One of the maids who made my life a living hell by occasionally rubbing my misfortune on my face. Her eyes traveled from me to the almost lifeless Kate in my hands, then they landed on the shattered teacup on the floor. Her eyes widened. “What have you done Amaya?" she asked and it took me a while to comprehend what she meant by that and when I did, my eyes equally widened. “No, it's not what you think" I tried to say, but she had already ran out. “God no!!" I screamed, looking at Luna Kate. She wasn't moving much. Faint whimpers escaped from her lips as she stared blankly at a particular spot. “Hang on, please" I begged as I cried, but that didn't stop anything. After struggling for some time, she stopped struggling and suddenly froze. "No no no!” I cried out, but that didn't make her move. I shoved and shook her with all my might, but nothing happened. She was already dead_something I found hard to believe as I shook her with all my might. I thought, Perhaps if I shook hard enough and called her name as loud as I could, she would wake up. She never did And it was from that day, my life changed drastically
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