დ. Riley. დ Everything was happening so fast and I stood by ready to help in any way that I could. Manny had collided with another vehicle and although that driver was fine, Manny and the few in the car with him had some minor injuries. “Riley, could you check on them?” Kate pointed over at Brent, Oscar and two others. I rushed over to them and ran my hand over each one until they were fully healed. “Thank you RiRi,” Brent said, using the silly nickname he had given me. I smiled shyly as the others thanked me and left. Ellora still hadn’t been found. When Manny had called to say they had been in an accident, I had honestly freaked out. No joke. No lie. I felt silly for getting so upset but after everything that had happened, I just lost it. Kate was healing Manny as he had the worst in