The Show

1822 Words
LUNA’S POV “Isla, we have to go. I don’t know if you know this, but the goddess I am on stage doesn’t happen in 10 minutes!” I whine to my friend, who is not willing to get off Ezra’s lap. The boys all complain as I pack up my things. As much as I would love to stay here with Atlas and Arlo, even these Gods of men aren’t worth me botching my music career. This is supposed to be my biggest show to date and I’m super excited for it. I think I’m also going to do only original songs tonight. I gotta get there somehow, right? “Well boys, I don’t expect to see you all tonight but if you want to stop by, Artifice at 10pm. Ciao.” I turn to leave and Arlo’s voice catches me by surprise. “Ci vediamo stanotte. (See you tonight).” “You speak Italian?” I quickly turn and question. “Sì amore mio. Sono pieno di sorprese. (Yes, my love. I am full of surprises.)” He replies. “Alla prossima! (Until next time)” I wave and turn around. I’m certainly not fluent in Italian, but that little gesture just melted my heart. My Grandmother and mom used to speak Italian all the time before I lost my parents. I understand more than I can speak, but wow. This guy has really grown on me in such a short amount of time. I shake my head, grab my sarong and grab Isla’s hand. “Let's go girl!” She pouts and gets up and as soon as we are out of earshot she unleashes her complaint. “You’re really going to leave those sleazeballs with those guys? I can tell you and Arlo are connecting. Girl, I’ve NEVER seen you connect with anyone and you’re going to walk away?!” “No guy is worth my music career. I think I’m going to do all my original songs tonight and I want to be prepared.” “Well, I’m just saying, I think leaving those two back there is going to result in a broken heart.” “No one has a hold of my heart enough to break it. Besides, if Hazel and Amelia come telling us about how they slept with those guys a mere 3 hours after meeting them, do WE really want anything to do with them?” “Yea, I guess you’re right. Oh! Hold my drink real quick!” She quickly hands me the drink that I didn’t even realize that she had still and goes over to a man in a suit and starts chatting him up. I know exactly what she is doing. She comes back with a phone number in her hand holding it up for me to see. Just as we get out of eyesight of the man, she pulls a wallet out of nowhere. “Whew, didn’t know how I was going to get an outfit tonight since the Greek Gods we were chatting with didn’t pull through.” “Do I even want to know where that was hidden?” She slaps my arm and tosses me the keys to her beat up Suzuki Swift. “You know, we could probably budget that," I point at the wallet in her hand, "a little bit better and upgrade your car?” She looks at me angrily. “Will you shut up! You know she can hear you! I’ll never get rid of my baby.” I laugh at my friend and look down at her longest committed relationship. I laugh again. “Get in, loser! We’re going shopping!” She quotes a movie she loves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After walking around the mall for what feels like hours, hitting her favorite stores and avoiding cameras, I finally am able to drag Isla back home. I throw my stuff down and jump in the shower real quick, needing to get all this chlorine out of my hair and restyle it. I get out, wrap myself in a towel and do my hair and makeup for tonight. As I step out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, I see an outfit sitting on my bed that I was eyeing at one of the stores. “Oh Issssllaaaaa,” I sing out. “Wanna tell me what this FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR outfit is doing on my bed?” She pops into my room, “You said it'd be perfect for a stage outfit and I agreed, so I got it for you! Well,” She pulls out a card and reads it, “Mr. Ryan Coleman bought it for you!” She wraps her arms around my neck and plants a big kiss on my cheek. “SURPRISE!” I laugh as I peel her off me. “Well, thank you, I’ll wear it tonight. Now, do we need to have a talk about your displays of affection when my face is already done?” She laughs and shakes her head no, I walk back into the bathroom and groan, “I’m going to have to blend this all out again Isla!” I whine. “That’s the price you pay to be showered with gifts aplenty.” She simply walks out of my room and finishes getting ready. I grab the outfit, which honestly is probably a little more suggestive than I’d normally wear, and put it on. I had a feeling that this would accentuate exactly what I wanted to accentuate. It looks really good. I grab out my studded five inch black heels and throw them on. I walk out into the shared living space and give a “ta-da” while spreading my arms out wide for Isla to inspect my get up. “Oh! I love it! Now let’s go! We have an hour until your show starts AND hopefully your boyfriend will be there early!” I scoff, “Boyfriend?” “Oh come on, I know you are into Arlo!” I simply let out a “nu-uh”. “Yes I do, you know why?” I roll my eyes, “I know because I’ve NEVER seen you act like today and the ONLY thing I’ve never seen you do is be interested in someone. So I KNOW that was because you like like him and not the way you like Luke and Henry. The way you acted today was nothing like I’ve ever seen you act in front of any guy or girl!” She’s unlocked the car and thrown me the keys, she hates driving this car she loves so much. “So let's go get your man!” We enter in through the back of Artifice and my set is already up for me in the main room. For the first time in a long time, I’m nervous. I look out behind the curtain about 5 minutes until my show starts and see Isla with Hazel and Amelia. I continue to look hopefully for the guys and then kick myself for getting my hopes up. What the f*ck Luna? Why even look for them? I stand a little taller and remind myself that this is the fullest my show has ever been. I’m finding success and my following is growing. I walk onto the stage tall and confident as my loyal fans start hollering. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once I finish my set, I quickly change into something a little more appropriate and something that will attract less grabby hands and make my way into the club to find Isla. This is definitely the biggest crowd to date and it makes me giddy with excitement. It takes me at least 30 minutes to find Isla as people keep stopping me to talk about the show and tell me they enjoyed it. I finally find Isla and run up and hug her. “How was it!? Was the sound good?! Was the crowd vibing?! Should I change anything?” Before Isla can answer a familiar voice sounds behind me, “Do not change anything at all, it was seriously perfect. You are so talented, Luna.” I spin to see Arlo and give him a hug without thinking. I quickly pull back and tuck my hair behind my ear. “Um, sorry, thank you for the compliment though.” I will say, Arlo looks f*cking amazing. He’s in some really quality slacks, he has a black button up shirt that has the top 3 buttons undone, the sleeves are rolled up to the forearms exposing just a bit of the tattoos I saw on him today, and he has some nice quality leather shoes on. Definitely too much for this scene, but he looks good nonetheless. My attention is snapped from Arlo when Atlas walks up behind him and eyes me up and down, “Awww, where’d the outfit go?” He questions, “I was enjoying that!” He says, trying to sound sultry. “Well ‘that’ was for me, not you, and me wants to be comfortable and make sure grabby hands don’t find me right now.” I snap at him. Ugh, of course he’s a dude who thinks ladies spend time with makeup and fashion just for him. I turn to Arlo, “Please tell me you dance!” He nods his head and I drag him up to the stage where a friend is now DJing, “HEY! BRITTANY! CRANK IT UP!” She does as I say and I drape my arms around Arlo, getting lost in the music. We dance for just two songs when he seems to be getting uncomfortable. “Hey, let's get back to the guys, I feel bad for ditching them,” he speaks directly in my ear so I can hear him over the music. I pout and he gives me begging eyes so I lean into his ear and all but yell so he can hear me, “Only if you buy me a drink,” I pause, “Actually, make that three!” He nods and we head back to our group of friends. He leaves me at the table with Atlas and Ezra, who has both Hazel and Amelia clinging onto him, and Isla. “Why are you back so soon? You love dancing!” Isla shouts to me. As if taking that as his cue, Atlas offers his hand, “Wanna dance some more?” Still turned off by his comment earlier, I look at his hand and back up to his face, “Oh, um, thanks, we just came back because Arlo wanted to get some drinks. I better wait for them.” I swear I see actual hurt flash across his face as he pulls his hand back. We sit in awkward silence as we wait for Arlo to get back with the drinks.
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