Chapter 4: New boy in Town

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MIGUEL: I had a great life in Catalona, España, when my papa received an invitation to visit his friend in Las Filipinas. It is a colony of España in the eastern part of the world. My family and I traveled for about three months in the vast, wide ocean with nothing but an endless view of water. My twin sister, Isabella, and I would make fun of the ship’s crew just to entertain ourselves while our younger sisters were staying below decks with Ma, making knitted shirts and sweaters to pass the time. We are not accustomed to long boat rides, other than the occasional one week sailing trip. THREE MONTHS AFTER ׀ON THE DOCKS OF ONE OF THE ISLANDS IN FILIPINAS "Señor and Señorita, come this way please. The kalesa has been prepared for your travel to the hacienda." A young man guided us towards our ride. I was looking for a carriage when I saw the ride our guide was pertaining to. It was far beyond a decent carriage. The kalesa is like an open wooden carriage with a roof. It has a horse situated in front and huge wheels on each side. "Papa, why do we need to be here again?" Isabella whined about our travel, although three months had already passed since we set for the sea. She still wants to go back to our place, even if it means another three months. She just really don’t like it here. "Niña, please understand your papa. He just wishes to see his friend and be able to explore this tropical island." Mama gave us a pleading face to make the point. Papa, on the other hand, seems unfazed by Isabella’s questions. "Hey, Bel! Don’t be like that. Who knows? You might find your soulmate here." I was grinning when I said this. I know us wolves have mates and we usually find them when we turn sixteen. We turned sixteen last January, that was five months ago and we haven’t found our mates yet. HACIENDA JIMENEZ The kalesa stopped by the town for us to have our lunch. We went straight to the Hacienda right after that. The road going to the Hacienda from the town was quite a view. There were a lot of coconut trees lining on the right side of the road, while on the left, you can see a vast area of rice paddies. The hacienda is near the beach as well. We made a few stops on the way as the scenery is so beautiful. Who could resist a white-sand beach? The rest of the hacienda was surrounded by tall, bamboo trees, secluding it from the prying eyes. The pack house was quite far from the gate, maybe a twenty-minute walk. We arrived at the pack house just after lunch, and we were greeted by the packs Alpha and Beta. "Welcome to Hacienda Jimenez! My name is Vicente and this is Rosalinda, my wife. We are the Alpha and Luna of this pack. Please make yourselves comfortable in our home." The alpha was a big man around 6'5”. His body is as fit as a cow. Although his facial expressions were soft enough for us not to fear him while he was talking. "Thank you for accommodating us, Alpha. We are truly grateful for you hospitality," Papa said, then turned to us. "This is my family. My name is Roberto and this is Francesca, my wife. Our eldest is Miguel and his twin, Isabelle. Our younger daughters, Sonia and Clarissa." Papa sounded so proud when he introduced us to the alpha. It was as if he was telling him that we are his treasures. "Alright then, we will leave you to Hector, as I know you have a lot to catch up. We will be going then. Hector, please see our guests to their rooms after you give them a tour of the pack house." Alpha Vincente’s voice changed to commanding when he looked at Hector. Gone was the softness in his expression that was there a second ago. "Yes, Alpha," was all Hector could say. Then, the luna and alpha left us in the porch and went out of the pack house. "Long time no see, mi Amigo! How was your travels?" Hector grabbed Papa into a hug. "Si, mi amigo! I’m wondering why it took me this long to visit you here. Such a nice place you got." Papa's face was full of admiration for his friend and the pack. "Shall we start with the tour? I know you are tired from the trip going here." Hector showed us around. From the ground floor sala, to the game room. He took us to the kitchen and dining room as well. The rooms were huge, and were surrounded by windows that opens up in every direction. "Let's head upstairs so you can see your rooms." We headed to my siblings’ rooms. Each of them has a decent-sized bed. Then, Hector pointed out my room. I went inside and saw a four-post king-size bed in the middle. A white cloth was draping from the ceiling to each corner of the bed. Then on each side was a small desk with a gas lamp on top. On the right side of the room was a window that shows the growing crops down the hills. There was a three-seater sofa, opposite to the bed, and on the other side, was a floor to ceiling cabinet. I could see the fine details and carvings on the cabinets as I carry my bag inside the room. The bed has the same delicate design too. Such craftsmanship just shows how rich this pack is. After putting my bags on the cabinet, I laid down the bed. It was soft and I instantly felt sleepy. It was such a long time since I last laid on a steady bed. The bed I rested on for three straight months was always swaying due to the waves. I didn't know when I exactly fell asleep, but my mind had drifted off to dream land quite fast. It was already dusk when I opened my eyes. It was then that I heard a knock on the door. For wolves, even the slightest whisper is enough for us to hear. Just imagine how rattling it is to hear someone knocking on the door. I remembered earlier, the alpha said that dinner is served at six in the afternoon, and an omega will remind us about it thirty-minutes before the time. I guess this is my cue to change and be ready for dinner. In our pack back home, members are free to eat their meals whenever they want. I guess it's different for every pack.
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